Chapter 18: The war of destruction a hundred years later was all caused by the male protagonist!

At this moment, on the Holy Son Peak of Daoyi Holy Sect,

Su Changqing was thinking about what to reveal next.

"Logically speaking, at this point in time, the hero in the book is preparing to join Daoyi Shengzong, right?"

He muttered, and then his eyes brightened.

Got it!

According to the direction of the original plot, there will be a world-shaking and tragic war a hundred years later!

The reason for this is that the brainless author made it up for the hero to show off!

If this is revealed in advance, wouldn't the heroines believe in themselves more?

Thinking of this...

Su Changqing did not hesitate at all and began to supplement the diary again.

【If I remember correctly, a hundred years later, an unprecedented and shocking war will break out in Jiuxuantian - the War of Destruction!】

【In that battle, Daoyi Holy Sect, Dayu Dynasty, Youhai Demon Sect and many other holy places will be implicated... and a huge melee will break out!】

【Originally it was just an ordinary imperial weapon that appeared in the world, but unexpectedly, it became the fuse of the war of destruction!】

【It was this battle that implicated too many forces, and almost the entire Jiuxuantian was shattered!

At this time,

Ling Qianxue, who had returned to the Holy Maiden Peak, had been paying attention to the updates of the diary copy.

"A war of destruction? Even the Nine Profound Heavens were almost shattered? ? ?"

She was absent-mindedly thinking about how to get along with Su Changqing in the future, but when she saw the diary being updated again, her expression was moved!

A hundred years later... there will be such a horrible war!?

What is the reason?

In an instant,

Ling Qianxue's expression became solemn and her breathing became rapid.

"Could it be that... the dark turmoil will descend upon Jiuxuantian because of this war a hundred years later! ?"

She took a breath, her body trembling slightly.

In that case, isn't it too fast!?

Could it have lasted for ten thousand years?

Just because of an imperial weapon?

At the same time, she was also shocked that the imperial weapon could only be described as ordinary in Su Changqing's description!

But after thinking about it, reborn after ten thousand years, what is happening now is ordinary to my senior brother.

With the shock in her heart,

Ling Qianxue felt uneasy and stared at the content of the diary that was still being updated very seriously!

【I really didn't expect that this would happen just because of the appearance of an imperial weapon.……】

【On that day, the imperial weapon appeared in the world, causing strange phenomena in heaven and earth for three days and three nights, which shook Jiuxuantian to its core!】

【All the major holy places and divine dynasties set out one after another and rushed to Dongzhou, but they didn't know... this trip would plunge the entire Jiuxuantian into an unprecedented disaster, causing Jiuxuantian to almost break apart, and even leaving an irreparable crack!】

【And this laid the groundwork for the dark turmoil that would come in the future! 】

Sure enough!!!


Ling Qianxue saw this, her breathing became rapid and her chest rose and fell!

"How could this happen?"

She was moved, and wanted to know what happened next!

What kind of horrific war could lead to such serious consequences?

【In this battle, Daoyi Holy Sect suffered heavy losses, resulting in half of the disciples dying in the battle of collapse. The outer sect elders, inner sect elders and even the grand elder all died. Even the Holy Lord was injured in that battle. His future demise was ultimately due to the injuries left in this battle!】

【The Dayu Dynasty was even more tragically destroyed because of this. If it weren't for the Human Emperor burning his soul and offering the imperial weapon to save the dynasty at all costs, I'm afraid that by that time, this most powerful dynasty in the Nine Profound Heavens would have long ceased to exist.……】

【The War of Destruction... swept across the entire Jiuxuantian. Too many innocent people were implicated. The sky that day was blood-red, stained by the blood of countless people. Countless wronged souls were unable to be reborn, and their cries were everywhere!】

【That battle was so fierce that it lasted for nearly half a month, until the entire Jiuxuan Heaven was in turmoil, in pieces, and on the verge of collapse!】

【The one with the deepest memory, and also the most tragic one... is the Youhai Demon Sect, and also... the holy place where Dieyi is!】

【In that battle, all the disciples and elders of the Demon Sect were killed, no one was spared!】

【The demon lords and their men tried their best, risked their lives, and sacrificed their own demonic blood to summon the ancient demon god to come, but they were powerless to save the situation, and in the end, they could only vanish into thin air!】

【At this point, only Dieyi was left in the entire Demon Sect.……】

【After this battle, Jiuxuantian was on the verge of collapse, and all the major forces were struggling to survive. Even after thousands of years of truce, it was still impossible to make up for the loss.……】

【I didn’t understand the reason at first, but now... I understand!】

【The fuse that led to this war, and also one of the important factors, was, if I remember correctly, a man named Lin Fan?】

【At this moment, he should be preparing to join Daoyi Holy Sect?】

【At the end of the war, the Nine Profound Heavens suffered heavy losses, the laws were affected, and the imperial weapon was also obtained by him.】

【It was precisely because of his identity that the relationship between Daoyi Holy Sect and Demon Sect became irreversible, and the relationship between Dieyi and I... came to an end.……】

【Should I...intercept him?】

【Forget it, it's really too tiring, Lin Fan? The impact he caused in the end was not small for Jiuxuantian, but compared with the future, it was nothing!】

【Anyway, I have been reborn and know everything about the future……】

【In this life, I... just want to have a good rest and stop having regrets!】


Demon Sect,

Murong Dieyi looked at the future revealed in the diary, shock appeared in her beautiful eyes!

"A hundred years later... the war of destruction! ?"

She was breathing rapidly, unable to imagine what kind of horrific war it would be!

At the same time, she was even more excited!

Because so far, she finally got a glimpse of some things that would happen in the future!

But just when Murong Dieyi wanted to see the result of this war...……

"That battle laid the groundwork for the coming of the dark turmoil? ? ?"

Her body trembled, and her face changed in shock!

How could it turn out like this!?

Even if it was an ancient imperial weapon that countless people coveted, it shouldn't be that serious, right?!

But... when Murong Dieyi looked down, she realized the seriousness of the matter!

"Daoyi Holy Sect suffered heavy losses, with half of its strength lost in the battle of collapse! ?"

"The Dayu Dynasty was almost destroyed because of this, and the Emperor of Man sacrificed the imperial weapon to barely save it? ? ?"

Her breathing became more and more rapid, and her heart was in an unprecedented storm!

The sky was stained with blood, countless wronged souls...

Even the entire Jiuxuantian was shattered, leaving an irreparable crack!? Oh my God!!!

At this moment,

Murong Dieyi's expression was moved, and she looked at the diary copy in front of her with great solemnity!


Her scalp was numb and her mouth was dry.

When she saw the content of the Demon Sect's battle of collapse, her face changed drastically!!!

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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