Chapter 179:

Dayu Divine Dynasty, Beiming Holy Land.

At this time, because the two were close to each other, Beiming Holy Lord Xia Wenzhe and Human Emperor Su Qingyun couldn't help but gasp when they saw Su Changqing's amazing performance!

"This kid...when will his limit be reached?!"

"It's incredible! When this kid grows up, I'm afraid even Fellow Daoist Kong will feel ashamed of himself.……"

They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes!

From the beginning to now, Su Changqing has never met an opponent in the true sense!

And those who have become his opponents... are either dead in the Tower of All Heavens or have been eliminated long ago!

Now that he has entered the fifteenth floor,

Su Changqing has not stopped, and is still amazingly sweeping one genius after another!

It seems that those geniuses from other worlds are just ordinary people!

It also made countless people see what dimensionality reduction strikes are!

No one can last three moves in Su Changqing's hands!

At least so far!

It was at this time that everyone could see that the number of people on the fifteenth floor was obviously much less!

In the shock of the people in the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Beiming Holy Land... a ray of light flashed!

Xia Qingxuan's figure was teleported out!


She breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the screen on the sky, which belonged to Su Changqing!

On the thirteenth floor, she failed to continue to defeat her opponent and was eliminated!

But she was already quite satisfied with this result!

Now that she came out,

Xia Qingxuan ignored the others and stared at the screen closely, and then noticed the existence of the Heavens Ranking!

"Fifth! ?"

When she saw Su Changqing's name, she couldn't help but take a breath!

This guy... ranked fifth!!!

Oh my God!

There are so many geniuses in the entire Zhutian Tower, but among these people...

Su Changqing stood out and even directly reached the fifth place! Xia Qingxuan was more and more shocked by this news.

Even though the reward had been issued, she didn't care!

"How can this guy be so strong!?"

She looked at Su Changqing who was sweeping all opponents, and her scalp tingled! She knew Su Changqing was strong, but she didn't expect him to be so strong!

If he continues like this, he will have a chance to win first place!?

After seeing Xia Qingxuan being eliminated, Xia Yilin wanted to say a few words of comfort, but she didn't know what to say.

"Su Changqing……"

He was also paying attention to Su Changqing, who was still showing his invincible strength on the fifteenth floor. His mind was blank!

For some reason, he remembered what Su Changqing said when he first met him!

In the future... fighting side by side... could it be that what Su Changqing said was true?

Was it true that the other party knew him?

But how did he do this? ? ?

Xia Wenze also noticed that his daughter Xia Qingxuan's expression was not normal, and frowned!

"what happened?"

"What secrets does Su Changqing have?"

He was extremely confused, but it was not easy to ask now!

In fact, when Su Changqing helped his daughter obtain the innate supreme spirit, he already had doubts.

Because this holy son of Daoyi Sect made him feel that he knew everything...

It seemed that he had to find an opportunity to ask his daughter!

Not only Xia Wenze,

Su Qingyun also felt dazed and his mouth was dry!

"Is it all true? What Su Changqing said is true!?"

He took a deep breath, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became!

He had been paying attention to Su Changqing since he entered the Tower of All Heavens!

And when the young man with double pupils appeared, it seemed that Su Changqing and the other party had known each other for a long time!

When the young man saw Su Changqing, he seemed to remember something? (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After sorting out the whole thing,

Su Qingyun found it more and more unbelievable. Could it be that the boy was not talking nonsense, and everything was true!?

"Fight side by side... When exactly is it!?"

After he muttered, he became even more confused!

Su Changqing's current performance and his actions in the Tower of All Heavens were puzzling! [] Whether it was Gu Linger whom he met before, or Ji Feng who he almost killed, or the young man with double pupils who followed Su Changqing to the fifteenth floor...

Su Changqing seemed to know them all!

Could this kid be able to predict what would happen in the future!?

At this moment,

"Something is not good."

Xia Wen Ze beside him said softly.

Hearing this,

Su Qingyun frowned, and after looking around, his brows frowned even tighter!

"Su Changqing's performance in the Tower of All Heavens is too good, which seems to be not a good thing.……"

He muttered, and saw that many powerful people from many forces had gloomy faces, looking at Su Changqing with bad eyes!

But after thinking about it, he understood.

With Su Changqing's current performance, he is undoubtedly a threat to many forces in Jiuxuantian!

Of course, all this is still based on the premise of growing up!

If something unexpected happens to Su Changqing during this period...

Just when thinking of this,

Su Qingyun and Xia Wenze looked at each other, and then looked at Daoyi Saint Lord

"Get ready"

"After all, we are allies of Daoyi Shengzong!"

The two communicated by voice transmission, and their eyes gradually narrowed!


Under the attention of the heavens and the worlds, those who can stay in the tower in this battle are the real leaders among the heavens!

At this time, after a hearty melee, Su Changqing once again got the opportunity to enter the next level!

"The Sixteenth Floor... is coming to an end……"

He muttered in his heart, and did not rush to attack!

Because in the original book, after reaching the sixteenth floor, the plot of the Tower of All Heavens will come to an end!

A moment later,

Shi Yi also came up!

But soon,

Su Changqing saw a familiar figure

"It's him……"

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Wang Ye from Zixiao Dao Palace had also arrived at the sixteenth floor. This was different from the original book.

When he saw the other party's warlike eyes, he understood and smiled slightly.

Could it be because of him?

But this guy looked quite embarrassed at the moment.

It was at this moment that the geniuses who had not been eliminated continued to appear on the sixteenth floor.

However, the number of people has decreased too much!

The space of the entire sixteenth floor was obviously not as large as before, and everyone present could be clearly seen!


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