Chapter 173:

At this moment, when Su Changqing killed the Invisible Sword, the one who felt the shadow of death most strongly was Ji Feng!

" is it possible!!!"

"He, he is not a saint!!!"

He looked at Su Changqing opposite him with great horror, his expression was cold, sword shadows flashed in his eyes, and he revealed endless murderous aura. His soul was roaring madly!

If he was a saint, how could he lose!?

Besides, could a saint show such a terrifying sword move!?

Absolutely impossible!!!

But at this moment,

Su Changqing's sword had already slashed down!

The raging sword energy seemed to destroy everything, all gathered and fell towards Ji Feng!

Even though it seemed invisible,

Ji Feng could feel that a terrifying sword that could cut the sky was approaching!


He hadn't even come up with a plan to deal with it, but he was already injured by the sword energy!

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his aura instantly weakened!

He could feel the death looming, and it was getting closer and closer...

Ji Feng's body was shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes revealed fear!!


He roared with almost all his strength!

From beginning to end, he had never thought of losing!

Until this moment, he realized that the opponent seemed to have held back before!

And now, it was the real killing move!

As long as this sword fell completely, if he couldn't stop it, he would definitely be annihilated!

He had no doubt about this!

But if he left like this, he was unwilling...

In the horrified eyes of everyone on the thirteenth floor,

Ji Feng knew that if he didn't make a decision, he would be buried here. His body trembled violently, and a feeling of suffocation came!


Finally, he was ravaged by the terrifying sword energy, his whole body was covered with wounds, his face was pale, and he urged all the strength in his body to crush the token on his waist with great reluctance!

Even so, before the protection of the Tower of All Heavens came...

Su Changqing's sword fell completely!


Ji Feng let out a shrill scream, and saw a sword light penetrate his whole body from the center of his eyebrows!

And the next second, his body collapsed!

Along with it, a piece of jade that was emitting flowing light all over the body also shattered!

It was precisely because of this that

Ji Feng's soul was preserved!

Otherwise, this sword would have destroyed his body and soul!

And in the hesitation, he almost ended up falling...

When Ji Feng was enveloped by the light of protection, his soul had already become sluggish, and then he was teleported away!

Seeing this scene, no matter who was present, even if there was no lack of saints in the ninth heaven, they looked at Su Changqing with strong fear in their eyes!

"A sword, just a sword……"

"If that guy just now hadn't been protected by that piece of jade, I'm afraid he would have been dead long ago!!!"

"What a terrifying sword!!"


Their faces turned pale and their hearts and gallbladders were about to burst!

Even though they had not experienced the sword in person, they still felt like they had walked through the gates of hell!

No one dared to say that they could take it!

Because in their opinion, that sword... even the Xiantai realm above the saints could not take it!

Looking at Su Changqing, whose eyes were still red and murderous, everyone swallowed hard and did not dare to act rashly!

This person... was too terrifying!!!

His degree of terror was probably no more than that of Xiantai!

It was at this moment……

"Click, click……"

Where Su Changqing had landed his sword before, a startling gully suddenly spread!

The entire thirteenth floor seemed to be split in two!

The raging sword energy was still raging, making everyone feel short of breath, and they dared not breathe!


Su Changqing had no intention of continuing to kill, and did not let the way of killing occupy his mind!

"Unfortunately, it was almost……"

He murmured, looking at the place where Ji Feng was teleported away, and shook his head.

In fact, he had guessed it long ago!

As the young master of the Ji family, and the second on the Tianjiao list...

Such a Tianjiao cannot be without a life-saving item! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The broken jade stone saved the other party's life!

If not,

Ji Feng would have died!

Now it can only be said that it is a pity, but there is no way!

It is extremely rare to be able to destroy the other party's body before the protection of the Tower of All Heavens comes! []

And seeing Su Changqing who seemed to be dissatisfied, the Tianjiao from various worlds in the thirteenth floor had already been dumbfounded!

"Freak, what a freak!!!"

They still didn't dare to speak, but the shock in their hearts was beyond words!

Even if the sword just now was not facing them... they could still feel that their whole body was shrouded by the shadow of death!

Even some scattered sword energy was enough to hurt them!

Abnormal, too abnormal!!!

In the eyes of everyone,

Su Changqing was enveloped by the light of guidance, and then teleported away to the fourteenth floor!


After a while, the people present were unable to come back to their senses for a long time!

It was at this time that

Shi Yi's figure was teleported to


As soon as he arrived, he shuddered.

The pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank.

Seeing the dead silence around him and the pale faces of one person after another,

Shi Yi was confused and puzzled. He soon noticed the smooth gully on the ground that divided the entire space into two!


He took a breath of cold air and felt the sword energy that made his heart tremble and had not yet completely dissipated!

At the same time, he also felt the familiar breath!

What secrets did the young man he saw before have?

Or did he know something that he didn't know?



Shi Yi's pupils shrank again, and a pain that even his soul couldn't bear came from his head!

Then, a series of unclear image fragments flashed through his mind!

After a moment,

Shi Yi's face turned pale, and he gasped for breath.

"Just now, what was that! ?"

He looked confused and his head was still aching!

But now, the scene he saw before did not appear again!


Shi Yi's eyes became solemn, as if... those were his own memories!?

"Is there anything I haven't remembered yet?!"

He murmured, his expression briefly confused!

After recovering from his shock, Su Changqing's figure appeared in his mind again!

That person must know something!

If he wants to understand or regain his memory, he must find him!!

After taking a deep breath,

Shi Yi's eyes became firm, and he suddenly stared at a young man who was still in a daze!

"I must catch up with that person..."

He made up his mind and rushed out suddenly, attacking violently!

The horrifying sound resounded through the thirteenth floor again!


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