Chapter 168:

The scene was in an uproar!

Countless people were looking at Su Changqing in shock and horror, their scalps bursting!

"Why is this Su Changqing so weird? What is his true strength?!"

"That was the goddess of the Xingxiu Heavenly Palace. How on earth could a seventh-level saint from a small world do that??!"

"How could such a monster appear in a small world? Who cultivated it? Could it be that... there was help from the Immortal King!?"

"Oh my god, this battle... Gu Linger can be said to have been completely defeated. From the beginning to the end, she was unable to allow Su Changqing to show any flaws. Now she was defeated by Su Changqing.……"

"There are probably not many monsters like Su Changqing in the big world, right? I really don’t know... what will happen if he meets those taller guys! ?"

They cried out in surprise, their eyes full of disbelief!

And in their hearts, they were already shocked beyond words!

The terrifying existence of Su Changqing made many arrogant cultivators change their views almost at the same time! Even if the other party came from a small world, his strength... was beyond their reach!

At this moment, above the sky, the list of the heavens shook violently!

This time,

Su Changqing's ranking changed again!

As for the eighth place, Gu Linger's name has been erased!

Her place was replaced by Su Changqing's name!

At this moment,


Continuous inhalation sounds came from all directions!

Before everyone recovered from the shock, they fell into a new round of shock again!


"Su Changqing, this terrifying monster, could he still have the strength to challenge the top three! ?"

"This is really possible. After all, from beginning to end, this guy has not shown his true strength. Even when facing Gu Linger, he seems to be very aware of Gu Linger's every move and responds calmly, so that in the end Gu Linger's breath is disordered, and then he defeated him. This guy is really scary.……"

"Originally, I thought that although the geniuses from the small world entered the Tower of All Heavens, they could not directly face the geniuses from the medium or large worlds. But now it seems that I was wrong. Su Changqing really slapped me in the face and gave me a new understanding of the geniuses from the small world.'.!"

"I really don't know how long he can continue after this? For some reason, I really want to see where Su Changqing's limit is.……"

Even more deafening exclamations were heard!

No one looked down on Su Changqing anymore, and everyone took him seriously!

Even some quasi-emperors could not believe that Su Changqing came from a small world!

At the same time, they felt compassion in their hearts!

If such a kid could be accepted as a disciple, his future achievements would be even higher!

Because in their opinion... the current Su Changqing was undoubtedly a supreme being!

If he was placed in the big world and could get good resources, then... it would not be impossible for him to become an Immortal King!


In Xingxiu Palace, no matter whether it is the elders or disciples, the expressions on their faces right now are all in disbelief!

"The goddess was defeated just like that???"

"Su Changqing... still didn't show his true strength, but he defeated the girl and got the qualification to go to the next level! ?"

"How could this be? A monster like Su Changqing actually came from a small world?!"

"This... this result……"

They took a deep breath, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

Before this, they didn't think that the goddess Gu Ling'er would fail so soon!

At least, she would encounter the opportunity that the Heavenly Master said!

But no matter what, no one could have imagined that the goddess would be defeated by a guy who was a seventh-level saint!

And that guy named Su Changqing had not yet shown his true strength!

During this period, everyone was extremely puzzled about one thing!

"Su Changqing, could it be that he knows the goddess?"

In addition to being shocked, they were also puzzled by this matter!

Because from Su Changqing's performance, they could see that he was deliberately holding back and did not kill her!

The most terrifying thing was that (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Changqing knew all the skills and moves of the goddess like the back of his hand, and was very familiar with them!

This is why... the main reason why the goddess would eventually lose to Su Changqing!

It was in the midst of everyone's shock that a bright beam of light appeared! []

Soon, the light disappeared.

Gu Linger appeared in front of everyone, attracting a crowd of onlookers.

"I lost……"

She looked confused, and she was mumbling.

She lost to Su Changqing! She even failed to show his true strength!

Such a result was a big blow to her!

After seeing Gu Linger being eliminated and teleported back, everyone in Xingxiu Tiangong didn't know how to speak!


Gu Linger just stood there blankly for a while, looking at the Tianshi of Tiangong!

"Heavenly Master, what exactly is my chance?"

"This... Goddess, it's hard to say, maybe you can't get that opportunity, or maybe... you have already got it!"

The Heavenly Master spoke slowly, and his heart was quite shocked!

As for Su Changqing, no matter how he looked at him, the other party was like a cloud of fog, making it impossible to peek at him!

Hearing the answer,

Gu Linger's delicate body trembled slightly, and she looked up at the sky, the picture of Su Changqing

".Maybe I can’t get it, maybe... I have already got it?"

She thought about what the Heavenly Master said, and her heart was once again in turmoil!

Could it be... that the contents of Su Changqing’s diary are true!?

The opportunity she so-called is him?!

How could this be!?

If what Su Changqing said is true, then... where is her opportunity?

She has no idea what it is specifically!

Especially when thinking about Su Changqing’s identity as a reborn person,

Gu Linger’s heart was even more shocked, and she couldn’t help but murmured:"Heavenly Master, among all the heavens, is there anyone who has been reborn from the future to the present?"

"After rebirth, can all memories be retained?"

"Have you ever heard of such a person in the world?"

After she finished speaking, her beautiful eyes were still fixed on Su Changqing in the picture!

This guy is too mysterious!

Although she didn't know whether the other party didn't know that she had a copy of the diary, what he revealed in the diary seemed to be correct!

Whether it was himself or the Xingxiu Palace, or the purpose of his entering the Tower of the Heavens, the name of the Heavenly Master... Su Changqing knew all of this!!! Hearing this, many elders and disciples were puzzled. The Heavenly Master was even more stunned. Although he didn't know why the goddess asked such a question, he still shook his head and said,"I have never heard of such a person."


"In the several big worlds, apart from those who can travel through time and space, no one has ever heard of anyone being able to be reborn from the future with memories of the future.……"

"Is that so?……"

After Gu Linger got the answer, she looked at Su Changqing with more doubts in her eyes!

There is no such thing in the big world, how did this guy do it? What is his... inner... identity!! ?


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