Chapter 166:

At this moment,

Gu Linger was in a state of turmoil. It was hard for her to imagine what Su Changqing had been through and how much he had learned.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple.……"

She was more suspicious and did not look at the diary copy again.

Su Changqing really seemed to be unaware that he had a copy of the diary!

Whether it was during the process or now, he was just talking about himself!

In this way,

Gu Linger was shocked far more than before. If there was not a single falsehood in what Su Changqing said, that would be impossible, right?

"Then take my move again!"

She simply threw a lot of questions behind her and stared at Su Changqing in front of her!

Without any hesitation, she attacked again!

After all, these things happened too bizarrely!

As for what Su Changqing said in the diary, she didn't want to worry about it anymore!

As long as this battle is over, then...

Su Changqing will tell her in detail what the opportunity that the Heavenly Master said is!

This is her ultimate goal!

Seeing Gu Linger attack again,

Su Changqing frowned slightly, and felt a little helpless in his heart!

"It seems that it is still difficult to make the other party fully believe……"

He muttered, but he didn't intend to give up.

After all, as long as the other party's concept changes a little bit, he will be considered successful!

Because I have read the original text,

Su Changqing seemed extremely calm when facing Gu Linger's attack. He dodged, avoided, attacked, collided... all kinds of moves, all of which were faced by him calmly!

It was at this time that

Gu Linger's heart was stirred up by a bigger wave, and there was shock in her beautiful eyes!

"what happened!?"

"As for my moves... he knows them well, and he also knows how to resolve them???"

She really couldn't imagine that Su Changqing could be like this!

Could it be that what this guy said in the diary is true?

But... the so-called war of the heavens, the dark turmoil will come in the future?

At that time, the heavens will usher in destruction?

Such news even made her unable to believe it until now!

But according to Su Changqing's performance so far, his understanding and cognition of himself can be said to be much better than any Tianjiao in the Infinite Realm!

Except for a few people in the Xingxiu Tiangong, it can be said that...

Su Changqing really knows himself very well!

The so-called diary copy, Su Changqing, the only recorder... why did it fall on me!?

Could it be that this guy is really as she guessed before, and it will be the opportunity that the Heavenly Master said!?

In this way, things are even more confusing!

But it doesn't stop there.

After Gu Linger put away her thoughts, she continued to launch an unprecedented offensive against Su Changqing!

"I don’t believe it… You know everything!!"

Every time she made a move, the whole space was rumbling and shaking!

The fluctuations of her aura made most people around her tremble with fear!

However, facing Gu Linger’s endless offensive,

Su Changqing did not seem to be flustered. On the contrary, she was leisurely and contented!

"This is urgent……"

He looked at Gu Linger, whose offensive was becoming more and more fierce, and said to himself.

Fortunately, he could still handle it for now.

No matter what happened later, he had to win and eliminate her!

Otherwise, he would not have a good chance to perform in the Tower of All Heavens.

This battle was bound to result in one of them being eliminated!


Amid the attention of all parties,

Su Changqing easily resolved the terrorist attacks from beginning to end.

On the contrary,

Gu Linger was full of disbelief, and her aura was a little disordered.


She has stopped now, and the shock in her heart is beyond words!

From the beginning to the end, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) no matter how she attacked or what kind of skills she used, Su Changqing knew everything!

There was no dragging of the feet during the whole process! Even after showing the strongest attack,

Su Changqing could clearly tell the name of the move and easily resolve it!

This guy……[]

What on earth is going on?!

Gu Linger was increasingly shaken!

Especially Su Changqing's strength, which made her feel unprecedented solemnity and oppression!

However, seeing Gu Linger panting, Su Changqing knew that the opportunity had come and continued to make up a diary.

【To Gu Linger now, I am just a stranger!】

【It’s just that I promised you a battle in my last life, and I have done it in this life!】

【I need to win this battle!】

【I can't stop here, because... there are still people I need to settle accounts with!】

【Maybe Gu Linger didn't know either? The opportunity that Bai Xiaotang mentioned belonged to her, but... it was me!】

【I have great luck and destiny, but unfortunately, this is all I know. As for what Gu Linger's chance is, I don't know.……】

【Perhaps, only by meeting Bai Xiaotang can I get the answer?】

【But I can't tell Gu Ling'er about this. Even if I tell her, she won't believe it.】

【If we have a chance next time, let's talk.……】

After he made up the story, his eyes became deep, and he exuded an even stronger aura than before!

If he hadn't known the skills that Gu Linger possessed, perhaps this battle wouldn't have been so easy!

But it's time to end it now!

Because next, it's time to find the guy who needs to be dealt with in the Zhutian Tower!

Wanxiang Realm, Ji Family Ji Feng!

But at this time... just after Su Changqing made up the diary,

Gu Linger's diary copy was also updated synchronously


After she read the contents of the diary, she was struck by lightning!

In Su Changqing's diary, it was said that the opportunity that the Heavenly Master mentioned was him?!

My own opportunity... was him!?

What on earth is going on?!

How could this be??

Not only that, the aura emanating from Su Changqing was far stronger than before!

This was obviously because he had not yet used his full strength!?

And the person mentioned in the diary who was to be liquidated on 5.7... What on earth was this guy going to do!?

It was at this moment that

Gu Linger could see a hint of apology in Su Changqing's eyes.


Before she could react, a sense of crisis rose in her heart!

The next second,

Su Changqing's figure suddenly approached!

Seeing this,

Gu Linger instinctively attacked, but it was still the same as before...

Su Changqing seemed to have reached an unspeakable understanding of himself, dodging easily, and carrying the breath of destruction, he really attacked!!!


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