Chapter 164:

At the same time, outside the Tower of All Heavens.

Countless cultivators of Jiuxuantian, even if they were not in Zhongzhou, were all paying attention to the scene above the sky, belonging to Su Changqing!

In their eyes,

Su Changqing was a completely terrifying monster!

With his current age and cultivation, he could actually walk through the Tower of All Heavens as if it were flat ground.

Every level could be swept easily!

At the moment... everyone's face was solemn, and there was a strong expectation in their eyes!

Especially in Zhongzhou, the various forces outside the Tower of All Heavens

"That woman…Xingxiu Tiangong, Gu Linger, number eight on the All Heavens Ranking!!!"

They immediately guessed the woman’s identity through the images of the people on the All Heavens Ranking!

When they heard someone exclaim, everyone else couldn’t help but be shocked!

"The eighth on the Heavens Ranking? Su Changqing...Su Changqing was actually facing someone in the top ten!?"

"Oh my god, this time... will Su Changqing's sweep end here? And will he stop at the eleventh floor of the Tower of All Heavens?!"

"Who can tell for sure now? Next, there will be an inevitable battle between Su Changqing and Gu Linger. I wonder...can Su Changqing win?"

"Su Changqing has not yet shown his true strength. Maybe... he really has a chance to fight him? Even if the opponent is the eighth.……"

No matter who they are, they are all very nervous!

Because so far, among the Tianjiao in the Zhutian Tower, Su Changqing is the most outstanding!

Even Wang Ye, who was the first on the Tianjiao list, is slightly inferior!

In Daoyi Saint Sect,

Daoyi Saint Master's expression became solemn!

"The one that Changqing is facing... will be the eighth on the All Heavens Ranking? This woman... is very unusual. Her eyes seem to contain endless stars. Perhaps the world she came from is far above the Nine Profound Heavens!"

He spoke slowly, staring closely at Gu Linger who appeared in Su Changqing's picture.

As soon as these words came out, all the elders and disciples took a deep breath, their eyes filled with worry.

"How could this happen? How could the eighth place on the All Heavens Ranking still be on the eleventh floor? The last time I met that Gu Linger, I wondered what my chances of winning were.……"

"Since Gu Linger was ranked eighth from the beginning, her strength is naturally not weak. Even if the Son of God can kill the Immortal Platform with the cultivation of a saint, perhaps the other party can do the same. What should be done?"

"I think we should trust the Holy Son. At least when he met the other party, he was still as calm as ever. He must be sure of it!"

Everyone was talking about it, but the worry in their eyes did not decrease at all.

Ling Qianxue was listening to it, and she was also quite nervous.


She was a little anxious, but she had no choice.

Because now, she had been eliminated.

Although the reward was good, compared to being able to stay in the Tower of All Heavens, if she had a choice, she would still choose the latter.

It was just that her own ability was insufficient, and her cultivation was not that monstrous, so the opportunity to continue climbing the tower was given to Murong Dieyi!

But suddenly……

"Senior Brother's diary has been updated!!"

Ling Qianxue's delicate body trembled, and she hurriedly checked the copy of the diary.

As soon as she saw the first two lines, her beautiful eyes widened, full of disbelief!

Senior Brother... knows that woman named Gu Linger?!

Even... even where the other party is, what is her identity, why she entered the Tower of All Heavens, etc., are all clearly stated!

Not only that, from the lines of the diary, it seems that it can be seen that Senior Brother has a feeling of reuniting in friendship after a long separation!

In Senior Brother's previous life, the two of them were good friends?

Sure enough...

The people that Senior Brother knows are not limited to Jiuxuantian!

There are also monsters from outside the heavens, and there are even quite a few!!

But after thinking about it,

Ling Qianxue felt inexplicably happy again, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief

"It's fine if there's no such relationship.……"

She stared at the current image of Su Changqing and thought to herself.

Since they are just friends, there is nothing to worry about.

However... the woman named Gu Ling'er is not the Gu Ling'er that Senior Brother and I knew in our previous life. She is a goddess from the Xingxiu Palace who is new to Senior Brother and he is meeting her for the first time! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Will Senior Brother be in danger?


When the entire Jiuxuantian was worried about Su Changqing's encounter with Gu Linger, who was ranked eighth on the All Heavens Ranking, inside the All Heavens Tower, on the ninth floor[]

Xia Qingxuan is constantly dealing with her opponent, looking for his flaws.

"The higher you go, the harder it gets. The opponents here are no longer comparable to the previous ones.……"

She secretly said in her heart that she should take this battle with her opponent very seriously!

Because if she is not careful, she may suffer a serious injury and be eliminated!

She has not reached her limit yet, so... she can't give up so quickly!

Not far away,

Shi Yi also saw Xia Qingxuan's figure, and he didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"It seems that the only way to understand the reason is to follow the footsteps of that existence and find him.……"

He said in his heart, without thinking too much, and randomly picked an opponent of the eighth level of the Saint Realm!

Even though his current cultivation was a few small realms lower than the opponent, he did not hesitate at all.

In an instant, they fought together!

After a while...

Xia Qingxuan gradually took the initiative and gained the upper hand!

"Bang Bang Bang……"

Every time she attacked, her opponent cried out in pain, and could only dodge and defend!

It was at this moment that the power of the Supreme Innate Spirit was revealed!

Just a breath of air made the opponent confused!

Relying on the opponent's distraction,

Xia Qingxuan took advantage of the victory and directly hit him hard with a palm!

When she was about to continue to attack, the opponent hurriedly crushed the token, gave up the qualification, and was teleported away!

Seeing this scene,

Xia Qingxuan took a deep breath and looked not far away, and had already solved the opponent's double pupil!

"Such a strong guy……"

She was shocked. She had never thought that Su Changqing's future friend would be so powerful!

If she fought him, she would probably lose!

But suddenly, the diary copy was updated!

Xia Qingxuan quickly put away her thoughts and immediately checked the contents of the diary synchronized with the copy!

"Gu Linger? Xingxiu Tiangong… Goddess! ?"

After taking a glance, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Su Changqing… has reached the eleventh floor?

He even met his friend from the previous life!? Someone who can reach the eleventh floor must be very strong!

Although Changqing knows the other party, the other party may not know Su Changqing like herself, Ling Qianxue, the witch, and Su Youwei.

Once the two fight, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this,

Xia Qingxuan took a deep breath, with worry in her heart

"Su Changqing's target of liquidation has not been found yet. Now... how should he deal with the friend from his previous life?"

After she murmured, she also wanted to reach the eleventh floor as soon as possible!

After all, the rules did not say that she could not help. If she could help, it would be worth it even if she was eliminated!


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