Chapter 162:

At this moment,

Su Changqing was a little dazed, and couldn't help but try hard to recall this name in his mind

"Gu Linger……"

He murmured, and turned around to see a girl with a stunning appearance walking towards him.

Seeing the fighting spirit in the other's eyes, he suddenly understood what the other was going to do.

At the same time, many memories about Gu Linger came to his mind.

In the original text, this Gu Linger came from the Wuliang Great World, one of the ten great worlds!

Not only that,

Jiuxuantian is one of the countless small worlds in the Wuliang World!

And the other party's identity is the goddess of Xingxiu Tiangong, one of the largest and top sects in the Wuliang World!

The plot in the original text is that the Tianshi of Xingxiu Tiangong calculated that there is an opportunity for Gu Linger in the Tower of All Heavens!

The so-called opportunity is actually Lin Fan.

After all, the other party is the protagonist, with a destiny and great luck!

But... the Tianshi of Xingxiu Tiangong can't accurately calculate what the opportunity is, and Gu Linger naturally doesn't know it now.

Because of the Tower of All Heavens, Lin Fan is not qualified to come in at all!

Even if he comes in, it's not just one more dead soul!

If that's the case, can't I do whatever I want?

After all, the other party is now the new owner of the diary copy. What the opportunity is, isn't it up to me?

Just thinking about this,

Su Changqing couldn't help but feel quite excited, but Gu Linger in the original text was stubborn, and I'm afraid he would have to fight with her.

"Give it a try……"

A smile appeared on his lips, and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

If he could completely fool the goddess, then at least his future would be guaranteed!

If he could develop further, it would be the best.


At the same time,

Gu Linger, who was approaching Su Changqing, was curious and couldn't help but take it seriously.

"This guy never showed his true strength from beginning to end. I guess his strength is not inferior to mine.……"

She thought to herself that she had observed Su Changqing's every move before.

When she met him again on the eleventh floor, she could no longer restrain her curiosity.

Because from the beginning to the end, none of those so-called geniuses could be called her opponents.

But soon,

Gu Linger's body trembled, with shock in her eyes!

"What was that just now!?"

She took a deep breath. She only felt a flash before her eyes, and something sank into her forehead!

Could it be that guy did it?

It shouldn't be!

But soon……

【A copy of Gu Linger's diary! 】

A golden, book-like thing appeared in front of her, with several glittering characters on it!

Seeing this,

Gu Linger stopped and stared blankly at the diary that appeared in front of her, which was marked as her own copy.

"A copy of the diary? Mine?"

She blinked. Even though she was a goddess and had seen a lot of things, this was her first time seeing such a situation.

What was a copy of the diary?

Where did it come from?

Looking around,

Gu Linger frowned, with more doubts in her eyes!

"Could it be him?!"

Her eyes fell on Su Changqing and she took a deep breath.

Judging from the current situation, maybe it is true!

If not, could this be her chance as the Heavenly Master said?

With a heart full of doubts,

Gu Linger temporarily put aside the idea of fighting with Su Changqing and wanted to figure out what was going on with the diary copy in front of her.

"The only recorder... Su Changqing?"

When she turned to the first page, she saw this line of words.

Is it really that guy?

She raised her head suddenly and looked at Su Changqing who was still some distance away.

How could her own diary copy be related to this Su Changqing? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Since I had heard Su Changqing's name below before, I still remembered it at the moment and knew that it was the young man not far away!

As she continued to flip through the pages,

Gu Linger's eyes revealed a look of surprise, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

"Rebirth? Dark turmoil? All living things in the heavens are suffering, and there is a source of darkness at the end of the sea? In the end... the resistance of the heavens failed?"

She looked at the contents of the diary, and the more she read, the more frightened she felt.[]

The so-called Dark Supreme, who caused the Dark Chaos, devastated all living things in the heavens, and countless powerful people fell. In the end...

Su Changqing resisted to the end, but still failed to stop the Dark Chaos. Did he fail? Even if she only read the contents of the diary,

Gu Linger could almost imagine what a horrible and frightening chaotic world it was!

The heavens... will usher in the Dark Chaos! ?

Is the so-called Dark Chaos really that terrifying?

Can't the ten great worlds stop it?

Just thinking of this,

Gu Linger couldn't help but be shocked, and continued to read on with curiosity in her heart

"After rebirth, does he still recognize the things and people he experienced last time?"

As she read on, she was more and more shocked.

Although Chang Qing's diary mentioned the Nine Mysterious Heavens the most, and there would be a so-called Collapse War, and then the War of the Heavens, which would be a war between all the worlds!?

Gu Linger didn't know how to accept this information for a while.

"Wait... Jiuxuantian! ?"

After she took a deep breath, her heart was full of disbelief!

Su Changqing, is not from the big world?

But from a small world called Jiuxuantian!?

Even if she has never heard of it, it is almost certain now!

Because among the ten big worlds, none of them is called Jiuxuantian!

Even if Su Changqing is not from a small world, he is 940 from a medium-sized world!

How can such a monster appear in such a place!?

Could it be... that guy is really reborn?

And in the previous life, he was not a person from Jiuxuantian?

Endless doubts emerged in Gu Linger's mind, and it seemed strange no matter how she thought about it.

"The war among the heavens will come in just two hundred years?"

"And after this, the heavens and myriad worlds will face dark turmoil again?!"

She really couldn't imagine it. Are all these things going to happen in the future?

And will everything Su Changqing said in his diary happen?

If so, then the Infinite Realm, as one of the great worlds, will be the first to suffer and face a huge catastrophe!?

Even just thinking about it is enough to move people!

But soon,

Gu Linger shook her head, still unwilling to believe it!

"Could it be that this diary copy was deliberately arranged by Su Changqing?"

"Want to confuse me with this?"

"But why... this is the first time we met, and he knows my name! ?"

The more she looked at Su Changqing, the weirder it seemed, and she couldn't even explain why.


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