Chapter 148:

With the death of several Ji family prodigies, many people on the fourth floor looked at Xia Qingxuan and others!

Three Saint Realm women, all from the same place?

Moreover, facing five Saint Realm who were no weaker than them, they were able to crush them!

Such an existence also made most people look at them with new eyes!


Looking at the five corpses around, Murong Dieyi glanced at Xia Qingxuan, and then looked at Ling Qianxue

"Why did you take action?"

"Can't I make a move?"

Ling Qianxue glared at him and didn't want to say more.

If it weren't for her senior brother revealing in his diary that these were the people to be liquidated, she wouldn't bother to join forces with this witch.

Hearing this,

Murong Dieyi frowned, took a deep look at Ling Qianxue, and looked for the target again.


She flashed, and the legend was like a gust of wind.

Not long after, she was already fighting with a young man who was a saint.

It took some time, but it was no big deal.

After all, she was able to help Su Changqing to eliminate those who would pose a threat in the future, and she felt very happy.

Seeing this,

Xia Qingxuan looked at Murong Dieyi who was fighting with his opponent, and then looked at Ling Qianxue.

"We must catch up with Su Changqing as soon as possible……"

Even though she had doubts, she didn't want to think too much about it at the moment, and just hoped that she wouldn't fall behind Su Changqing too much.


Ling Qianxue looked at Murong Dieyi and Xia Qingxuan, who had now found their opponents, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Forget it, I can't stop at the fourth floor!"

She shook her head, put away her thoughts, and quickly competed for the qualification to go to the fifth floor!

It was at this time that the girl from the Infinite World, who was the goddess of the Star Palace, had a brilliant look in her eyes.

"The guy before, are from the same world as these women?"

"Which world can produce so many extraordinary geniuses? The power they belong to must be strong, right?"

She murmured, not paying too much attention to the opponent she was fighting with.

But just like that, the girl's opponent soon broke into a sweat, and finally crushed the token and was teleported away!

There is still one person missing to meet the conditions for entering the fifth floor.

The girl kept looking at the people around her, her eyes full of curiosity.

"The Heavenly Master said that my chance will be in this Tower of All Heavens. What will this chance be?..?"

She pondered for a while and shook her head.

Since it was said by the Heavenly Master, it must be true.

If there is no discovery on the fourth floor, then go to the fifth floor!

If there is still no discovery, then go up to the next floor that can be discovered!


At the same time, in the third floor.

Faced with one difficult-to-break formation after another, many people finally chose to give up.

Because even if they were not facing the geniuses of other worlds, they would encounter life-and-death crises in certain formations, such as killing formations and illusion formations!

However, at this time, almost everyone's eyes were looking in the same direction!

And under the gaze of these people...

Shi Yi had encountered a killing formation since he arrived at the third floor.

But... now the killing formation is emitting waves of roars and vibrating violently!

"Click, click……"

Visible to the naked eye, the entire formation was covered with dense cracks!

Until the end,


A crisp sound rang out, and the formation exploded!

At this moment,

Shi Yi's figure appeared in front of the eyes of the geniuses!

"That breath...seems to be farther away from me……"

He didn't pay attention to the eyes around him, but looked up.

For some reason, it was as if there was a pull from somewhere!

At the same time, the familiar breath made him feel kind.

What was the reason? (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At present,

Shi Yi felt confused, but he knew that if he wanted to know the answer, he had to speed up the tower climbing!

"Fifth floor……"

He murmured, and countless runes seemed to flash in his eyes!

Then, the light of guidance descended! []

In just a moment,

Shi Yi's figure disappeared in the third floor!

Seeing him being teleported away, many people around swallowed hard, and their scalps tingled!

"That guy just now... actually had two pupils in his eyes???"

"Then, could it be that he was born with double pupils?"

"What a scary guy! When I looked into his eyes, my hair stood on end and my soul was screaming. Which world did he come from?"

"It seems that the Tower of the Heavens is not as easy as imagined.……"

"There are monsters in every world. Apart from the young man with double pupils just now, Su Changqing from Jiuxuantian who I met on the first floor feels like the most dangerous one!"


Even though they were the top geniuses in their respective worlds, they had to admit that there were always people better than them!

The arrogance of these geniuses before entering the Tower of All Heavens had subsided a lot unconsciously at this moment!

But among all the discussions, the most shocked was the genius of Jiuxuantian!

"Su Changqing, that guy...I think he has reached the fifth floor now? It's impossible to catch up with him.……"

"Forget about Su Changqing, we’d be lucky enough to reach the fourth floor and get the reward!"

"Alas... there are really too many evil spirits. In the final analysis, we thought the Tower of All Heavens was too simple.……"

Many of them were from ancient holy places or the geniuses of the Divine Dynasty.

But now, they had to admit that reality was cruel!



Shi Yi was teleported to the fourth floor.

After learning the rule that he could qualify for the fifth floor by defeating or killing ten people, he looked around with cold eyes.

".This breath……"

He could sense that there were multiple auras that seemed to be close to that familiar aura.

These people, who he had never met, were from the same world?

However... just as he was wondering, some of the Tianjiao who wanted to attack when they saw Shi Yi coming suddenly gave up the idea before they could make a move!

Many people had shock in their eyes!

"Double pupils! ?"

"This guy……"


They were all startled, and at the same time they were glad that they didn't rush to take action!

Because in the eyes of the other party, they saw not only two pupils, but also the supreme power!

In the sound of inhaling... someone (Nono) was about to attack from behind!

A young man sneered, he only needed to kill one more person to enter the fifth floor!


When he thought he was going to succeed, he saw Shi Yi turning around slowly, and also saw the eyes of the so-called prey.

There were two pupils in it!

Not only that, but there were also endless runes flashing. Just a glance at each other made his soul tremble and scream!

The person in front of him... he was definitely not his opponent!

The young man felt that he was enveloped by a great sense of crisis. He wanted to crush the token, but his body could not move!

Shi Yi's eyes flashed with a strange light. When the runes flashed, he raised his hand and slapped the young man's brow.


The sound of the skull shattering was heard, and at the same time, this palm also annihilated the young man's soul!


The old author's new book is released, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed!

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