Chapter 144:

Outside the Tower of All Heavens,

"Su Changqing... is really going to become famous in the universe. Judging from his current stress-free state, I'm afraid he can even strive for a higher ranking on the list of the universe!"

"I really don’t know when he will be able to meet an opponent of equal strength?"

"It shouldn't take long, right? After all, with Su Changqing's strength, he will soon be noticed by the other Tianjiao on the Tiantian Ranking. Maybe someone will attack him. But I don't know, compared with those Tianjiao from the Tiantian Ranking, what level is his strength?"

"This Daoyi Holy Son is too terrifying. To Jiuxuantian... he is a rare sight in millions of years!"

"In the entire Jiuxuantian, only Su Changqing is on the All Heavens Ranking, and he deserves to be the first on the Tianjiao Ranking. I can't wait to see him show his skills in the All Heavens Tower.……"

In addition to the excitement and shouts of the Daoyi Holy Sect, there were also exclamations that could not be stopped!

No one could imagine that Su

Changqing had become even more terrifying since he entered the Zhutian Ranking.

The ones who felt it most clearly were the Dayu Divine Dynasty, the Beiming Holy Land, and many Zhongzhou forces!

Because before that, Su Changqing led a group of disciples from the Daoyi Holy Sect to Zhongzhou and intervened in the war.

At that time, he was not as terrifying as he is now!

In the Dayu Divine Dynasty, 787 amid the exclamations of the crowd, Su Youwei opened her eyes wide and looked at the scene belonging to Su Changqing.

"Brother Changqing, you are really amazing!!"

In addition to admiration, she felt excited!

If she could stay with Brother Changqing in the future, she would not have to worry about no one protecting her!

However, her father said that if she didn't want to hold Brother Changqing back, she must practice hard and become stronger!

But it was at this time……

""Look!!!" someone exclaimed! All of a sudden

, all the forces came back to their senses from the shock, and quickly looked at the genius in the picture of Jiuxuantian.

In the picture, they saw another evildoer!

It was a young man, a young man with two pupils in his eyes!

After seeing Shi Yi's performance on the second level, all the major forces in Jiuxuantian were shocked!

"Double pupils!? This... this boy's strength should not be underestimated!!"

"How can there be such a person? What's wrong with his eyes???"

"What a scary guy! Those five people, let alone whether they have a chance to crush the token, they don’t even have a chance to react!!"

"His eyes... so scary!!"

"Even if he's not looking at me, (bafc) when I look into his eyes, my soul is throbbing……"

"Oh my god, as expected, as expected, the Tianjiao outside Jiuxuantian are all very powerful, but such a terrifying guy is not on the Tianjiao list yet?!"

"No... He should be able to go up, and he will be able to go up soon!"

Countless exclamations came from the mouths of the people of Jiuxuantian one by one. The more they looked, the more frightened they felt!

The young man with double pupils shocked and surprised many of the younger generation of Jiuxuantian, even many powerful people.

Because they could see that the pupils of this young man's eyes seemed to have endless runes!

Among them, it seemed to contain terrifying divine power!

Amidst the many exclamations,

Daoyi Shengzong,

Daoyi Shengzhu also noticed Shi Yi's existence, and his deep eyes were also filled with surprise.

"Double pupil……"

He frowned slightly. There was something extraordinary about that young man!

Even if he was just looking at it from the perspective of a bystander, he could clearly see that the young man's strength had not yet been fully demonstrated!

After taking a deep breath,

Daoyi Saint shook his head and looked at the picture belonging to Su Changqing.

"In this Tower of All Heavens, there are many top geniuses from all heavens, and also many dangers!"

"Boy, how long you can hold on in the Tower of All Heavens depends on you."

He murmured softly, with expectation in his eyes. He had asked Su Changqing to participate in the All Heavens List before, hoping to rekindle his fighting spirit before the chaotic world he had guessed would come!

Otherwise, he would not be able to protect this little guy who he treated as his own child in the future.

Without thinking too much,

Daoyi Saint Lord also saw that Su Changqing was teleported to the fourth floor.

"Is this another battle between the Tianjiao of the universe?"

He muttered, his eyes full of expectation!

It can be said that

Su Changqing is currently the leader of the Tianjiao of Jiuxuantian!

At present, he is the only one who has reached the fourth level!


Zhutian Tower, fourth floor.

After Su Changqing was teleported here, he first looked around. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"There are still many people……"

Even though he thought he was moving very fast, he still saw dozens of geniuses from other worlds.

It is not ruled out that these people were originally on the third floor.

But he did not think too much about it.

Su Changqing also saw that many people who had not yet taken action also noticed him.[]

"Another battle to go through……"

Although he was not happy about it, the rules of the Zhutian Tower could not be changed.

He also understood that after reaching the fourth floor, even if he was eliminated, he could still get rewards.

To qualify for the fifth floor, the difficulty or the opponent would only be harder and stronger than before!

But for some reason... after integrating the way of killing, he sometimes inexplicably wanted to experience a hearty battle!

Is it a sequelae?

Shaking his head,

Su Changqing did not dwell on it too much, knowing that it was only temporary.


"Welcome to the fourth floor!"

"Here, what you have to face is also the condition you need to achieve to reach the fifth floor...Defeat ten people!"

"There are no rules to restrict you, little guys, in the Tower of All Heavens... just give it your all!"

An ancient and vicissitudes of life voice echoed!

Upon hearing the voice, the geniuses from all the forces on the fourth floor immediately focused their attention and looked around vigilantly!

In just a moment,


A roar suddenly sounded!

Someone has already made a move!

Seeing this, before Su Changqing could find his target, someone had already set his sights on him!

A whistling sound came from behind him, mixed with a startling chill.


Su Changqing turned around abruptly and pointed a finger directly behind him!

""Nirvana Finger!"

His cultivation suddenly condensed at his fingertips, his eyes flickered with endless killing intent, and he could also see a strong excitement!

As soon as he pointed,


The face of a Saint Sixth Heaven Sword Cultivator who was planning to launch a sneak attack changed drastically. The sword in his hand broke directly after it touched the opponent's fingers!

Without any signs, he could feel a violent and terrifying force with a destructive aura surging into his arm and spreading towards his body!

Especially after seeing Su Changqing's red eyes and the evil smile on his lips,……


The young man seemed to see an endless sea of blood and corpses, and his mind suddenly went blank!

A chill rushed straight to his head. After he came to his senses, he immediately stepped back, and even crushed the token at lightning speed!

In the blink of an eye, he was teleported away!

Seeing this,

Su Changqing seemed a little stunned, and finally felt bored!

"Really boring……"

He took a deep breath, without restraining his aura, and took the initiative to look for his target!

Soon, his eyes locked on a young man who was at the seventh level of the Saint Realm!


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