Chapter 142:

After the announcement of the Ranking of the Heavens, the heavens and the worlds were all shocked and watched!

Because countless people know that being on the Ranking of the Heavens means leaving a name in the countless world planes of the heavens!

Not only that, the forces to which they belonged appeared in the eyes of countless people!

Among the heavens, the Infinite World!

One of the ten great worlds.

At the same time, it is also the great world where Jiuxuantian is located!

In the current Infinite Realm, there are also countless top forces watching the Ranking of the Heavens that has appeared now!

Even as the upper realm of the endless small world, the Infinite Realm also has the Tower of the Heavens descending!

There are strong people in all the major forces!

Even if they are not the strongest people, any one of these people can bring endless disasters to Xuantian!

At this time,

Xingxiu Tiangong, one of the ancient forces that has been entrenched in the Infinite Realm for tens of millions of years, is also one of the overlords of the Infinite Realm since ancient times.

After being shocked by the Ranking of the Heavens, everyone in the Tiangong looked at Su Changqing's picture a few more times.

For them, it is really precious for a person in a small world to be recognized by the Tower of All Heavens!

But, that's all. At the moment, the people in the Xingxiu Palace are all looking at the same picture!

In the picture, there is a young woman who is about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a green long skirt, long hair to the waist, stunningly beautiful, and graceful.

I saw...

The girl is also on the third floor, and now she is calmly breaking an illusion.

After seeing the girl, everyone looked calm, as if they were not worried about any accidents happening to the girl, as if they had great confidence.

During this period, a supreme elder of the Xingxiu Palace looked respectfully at a figure in Taoist robes in front of him.

"Senior Tianshi, you said that there is an opportunity that the goddess needs in this Zhutian Tower. I wonder if this opportunity... can you reveal a little bit now?"

Even though he is the Supreme, he is extremely respectful to the person in front of him.

Hearing this, the other people in the Heavenly Palace also cast their eyes with respect.

The girl in the picture is the goddess of Xingxiu Heavenly Palace!

As for the person in front of everyone, she is the one in the Heavenly Palace, except for the Palace Master, who can be called the existence of one person, above ten thousand people, and knows the destiny!

Even the Supreme Elder cannot compare with him.

Hearing this, the Tianshi mentioned by the elder turned around, wearing a golden mask, and his eyes under the mask were extremely deep, as if containing countless secrets!

"I can only figure out that in the Tower of the Heavens, there is an opportunity related to the goddess's destiny. With this opportunity, the goddess will be reborn and achieve extraordinary achievements. As for what it is specifically... I don't know!"

"Every time I wanted to divine, without exception, a pair of invisible hands would push my consciousness back."

His eyes flickered slightly and he shook his head.

Such an existence was actually the voice of a young man.

After getting the answer, all the elders and disciples of Xingxiu Tiangong were shocked.

"What? There is actually someone who can stop the Heavenly Master from casting a spell?"

"Whose treasure is this Zhutian Tower? Why is it so terrifying?"

"What will be the opportunity for the goddess? Could it be those rewards?"

They were shocked and discussed again.

Obviously, even the top forces in the big world did not know what the small fairy platform was!

They only knew... after a long time, the small fairy platform would wake up again!

Even now, it was only the second time it appeared!

But it was obvious that this time, it was not simple!

Not only did something that even the Heavenly Master could not spy on appear, but also a genius in the small world could appear on the Heavenly Ranking!

That is... the young man from Jiuxuantian, named Su Changqing!


At this time, in the Zhutian Tower,

Su Changqing didn't know that he had been noticed by many forces. Facing another self in the killing array, his eyes became brighter!

"This is... the Way of Killing!"

After repelling it again, he was delighted!

What he experienced now was naturally not in the original text! (To read the novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

And the guy opposite him who turned into his appearance, through the test during this period of time, he could be sure that this seemed to be transformed by the Way of Killing among the countless ways!

Using the great way to set up the formation!

The Tower of the Heavens, what a big deal!

It was also in the fight with another Su Changqing that

Su Changqing gradually comprehended and understood the Way of Killing. How could he not be happy?[]

"Next Steps……"

He was just about to deal with the other party and break the formation.

But before he could finish his words, he saw the other party grinning.

Seeing this,

Su Changqing frowned slightly. Could it be that this guy has a trick up his sleeve?

Before this, the other party was able to use all his moves and skills without any flaws!

It was almost crazy!

But during this period, he gradually guessed and comprehended, until he was completely sure that the other party was the incarnation of the Great Dao!

But now, he has comprehended the way of killing, so it must be no problem to deal with him.

But suddenly...

Su Changqing on the opposite side smiled even more, and his red eyes stared at Su Changqing.

"You are very smart"

"If a person does not have the awareness of being killed, then he has no right to kill.……"

He spoke slowly, and then his figure gradually became illusory.

Until finally, it turned into a streak of blood light.

Seeing this scene,

Su Changqing was stunned for a moment. What happened?


He hasn't made a move yet...

But it was precisely because of his brief distraction that the streak of blood light instantly sank into his forehead at a speed that Su Changqing couldn't react to even if he noticed it!


He only felt a pain that almost made his head explode, and he took a breath of cold air!

What's going on! 520?

That guy...

Just when Su Changqing was about to curse, he suddenly trembled all over!

"The great struggle of the world is in chaos, and the mountains of corpses and seas of blood are terrifying.……"

A vicissitudes of life sounded in his mind, and at the same time, scenes of corpses piled up like mountains and blood flowing like seas flashed by! He took a deep breath, and his eyes couldn't help but turn red, and the murderous aura on his body rose up!

It was just a moment, and it seemed that there was another soul in his body, and when the voice fell, it completely dissipated!

At this moment, Su Changqing's breathing was heavy, and the murderous aura on his body gradually subsided.

"Is that so?……"

His red eyes gradually returned to normal, and he murmured.

The way of killing...

At this moment, for some reason, he suddenly had the idea of killing people.

However... for some reason, this idea was directly suppressed.

Now, the formation has been broken!

When he came to his senses,

Su Changqing noticed that many eyes were looking at him.

"It seems that the trip to the Zhutian Tower will have a good harvest.……"

He ignored it, but he was looking forward to it.

With the arrival of the guiding light, he was qualified to go to the fourth floor! Looking around, he saw Murong Dieyi, Xia Qingxuan and Ling Qianxue who had already arrived at the third floor.

After smiling, he was teleported away!.

: Hồng Mông Chí Cao

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