Chapter 136: The people who deceived the heavens, their lies are getting bigger and bigger!

At this moment, on the first floor of the Heavens Tower, the Tianjiao from the heavens have all found their respective opponents!

And this first floor is not where they want to stay. After defeating the opponent, or solving the opponent, they will be teleported away and go to the second floor!

At the moment,

Su Changqing was targeted by a Tianjiao from the world of the fourth level of the Saint.

The young man had a sneer on his face and looked at Su Changqing as if he were a dead person!

""Spiritual Contract...Seal!"

He clasped his hands together, even though he was full of confidence, he did not underestimate Su Changqing in front of him!

After all, he was able to enter the Tower of the Heavens, so he certainly had the strength!

So now, he wanted to win with one strike!

A large number of talismans appeared beside the young man, exuding an astonishing aura!

Feeling the endless sealing power coming from the surroundings,

Su Changqing's eyes lit up, and"Eight Seven Three" then asked curiously:"You... are from the Talisman World?"

"Hmm! ?"

The young man was stunned. How did the other party know where he came from?


Su Changqing smiled and continued,"It seems that"

"I didn't expect to meet a disciple of the Holy Land of the Fujie on the first floor."

As he spoke, he gradually exuded the cultivation of the seventh level of the saint!

Just by raising his hand slightly, the sealing force collapsed instantly!

The next second,

Su Changqing's eyes became deep, and he suddenly approached the young man who had been stunned for a long time, and slapped him with one palm!


He did not kill the man, but held back his strength!

Otherwise, this palm strike would have been enough to destroy the man's soul!

The young man's face suddenly changed, blood spit out from his mouth, and his body was blown away like a kite with a broken string!

"Saint... Saint of the seventh level!!!"

His internal organs were all shaking violently, and his chest was burning with pain!

The other party, the other party's cultivation was actually a Saint of the seventh level!

If I had known earlier, I would never have looked for this guy!

Even more, where did this mysterious young man come from? How did he know that the world he was in was the Fu World?!

Could it be that... he was a hidden genius from the same world as himself?

Not daring to think too much, the young man immediately planned to admit defeat and said,"Are you also from the Fu World? My name is Wen Hong, I... I recognize……"

But before he could finish,

Su Changqing looked at him and shook his head.

"Since you are a disciple of the Holy Land, I will not kill you.……"

He spoke slowly, his eyes revealing endless vicissitudes.

Not killing the other party, he is just planning a big game!

Since the diary can be fabricated to make the diary holders believe in themselves!

Then... if they are not the holders of the diary copy, why can't they be fooled?

This time, there will be countless geniuses from all over the world in the Tower of All Heavens. Fooling some of them may be a good layout for the future!

The reason for not killing the other party is that there is no challenge.

Secondly, in the original work, the Holy Land of Heaven helped Jiuxuantian to survive a catastrophe in the War of the Heavens. Such an existence is not his first choice.

If he can use it for his own benefit in the future, it will naturally be a rare good thing.

Just thinking of this, a complete plan surfaced in Su Changqing's mind.

"It's really exciting.……"

He secretly felt lucky that he had read the entire text despite the tingling in his scalp!

Otherwise, he might not be able to perform well in the Zhutian Tower this time.

However, after hearing what Su Changqing said, Wen Hong gradually opened his eyes!


"You, who are you?"

He couldn't believe that the other party didn't want to kill him. It seemed that he had a connection with the holy land where he was.


Isn't this the first time that the heavens have fought against each other in the form of the Heavens Tower?

When Wen Hong was stunned, (to read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Changqing's figure had been shrouded by a white beam of light. His eyes became deeper and deeper, and he said lightly:"Jiuxuantian, Su Changqing." As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared. Obviously

, he had been teleported to the second floor!

Looking at the place where Su Changqing was before, Su Changqing's voice echoed in his ears.……

"Jiuxuantian? Su Changqing?"[]

Wen Hong's face was full of shock, and his scalp suddenly felt numb!

He had never heard of the name of this world!

Not to mention the other party's name.

But the monster who called himself Su Changqing, the vicissitudes revealed in his eyes, made people feel shocked!

Could it be...

Could it be that the other party was a terrifying and powerful person who reincarnated hundreds or even thousands of years ago! ?

Otherwise, how could he let him go so easily?

It seems that after returning, I have to ask the elders in the holy land!

Taking a deep breath,

Wen Hong staggered to his feet, and at the same time he understood the dangers in the Tower of All Heavens. It is not that you can stay here just because you have the name of a genius.0

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Su, for not killing me!"

After clasping his fists, he took a look at the scene and chose to crush the jade token.

Even if Su Changqing didn't kill him, it was hopeless to stay here and climb the tower!

It would be better to go back and look up various ancient books about the Holy Land of Shangcang.

That Su Changqing... how did he know the Holy Land he was in?


As Su Changqing easily defeated his opponent and gained the opportunity to go to the second floor, at the same time, they saw that Su Changqing did not kill the young man before... some people who were close to him were all surprised.

"Jiuxuantian? Su Changqing?"

"This guy's strength is actually at the seventh level of Saint? Why was he randomly placed in the first level? Isn't this just letting him play the pig and eat the tiger! ?"

"Fortunately, fortunately I didn't choose him as my opponent before……"

"He is not in the same world as the previous person, how did he know the other person's details?"

These geniuses from all walks of life were all confused.

Amid the exclamations,

Xia Qingxuan, Ling Qianxue, and Murong Dieyi also easily defeated their opponents.

"Senior Brother...does he know that person?"

"How many things did Su Changqing not reveal in his diary?!"

"This guy...what on earth is he going to do? Could it be that in the future, the forces that guy belongs to will be helpful to Jiuxuantian?"

The three people had different thoughts, and there was a strong doubt in their beautiful eyes.

Before entering the Zhutian Tower, they all knew that Su Changqing's most important thing this time was to settle accounts!

Since he didn't kill that person...

In an instant, the three diary holders took a deep breath, with strong curiosity in their eyes!

However, they could only wait for Su Changqing to say it in the diary, and then they would have the opportunity to understand the future more deeply!

After a while, three beams of light fell on Murong Dieyi, Ling Qianxue, and Xia Qingxuan at the same time.

They looked at each other with hostility in their eyes!

Without speaking, the three of them snorted coldly. After sweeping the opponent, they got the opportunity to go to the second floor!


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