Chapter 134: A person with double pupils, or a saint, where did he come from?

With the appearance of the young man, the world and the mountains were all roaring violently!

It was as if this young man was a taboo to the Tianxuan Realm!

Due to the appearance of the Tower of All Heavens, countless people focused their attention on the Tower of All Heavens, and focused on the multiple pictures that were beginning to appear!

However... although there were ten pictures on the sky, one of them was pitch black!

This made many people confused!

It was at this time that the young man looked around blankly, and then looked up and saw the Tower of All Heavens covering the sky thousands of miles away, as well as the pictures on the sky!

"This... The Tower of All Heavens?"

A large amount of information began to flow into his mind, and his brows were furrowed!

For some reason, he always felt that there was a pulling force in the dark, and he had an urge to go to the Tower of All Heavens.

As more and more information flowed into his mind, the confusion in the young man's eyes was gradually dissipating, and the two pupils in his eyes were flickering slightly!


"Shi Yi……"

His memories became more and more, and he realized that this world was a world in the vast universe 767!

At the same time, he also remembered his own name!

Not only that, he also remembered that he had another name... the one with double pupils!

This time, the Tower of the Universe descended, and all the Tianxuan Realm's Tianjiao could enter and face the Tianjiao of the Universe!

As the memory fragments became more and more...

Shi Yi's double pupils flickered rapidly, and the confusion on his face gradually disappeared!

"Tower of Heavens……"

He stared at the ancient and vicissitudes of the Heavens Tower with mysterious patterns all over it, and made a decision!

At this moment, his confusion disappeared!

Instead, he had a calm and cold look!

Not only that...

After Shi Yi fully understood the information of this Tianxuan Realm and his own information, he exuded an amazing saintly aura, which made the heaven and earth tremble!

"I... want to join the Tower of All Heavens!!"

He spoke slowly, and his pupils were covered with runes at this moment, which made him look mysterious and seemed to contain a terrifying divine power!

Without any hesitation,

Shi Yi's cultivation exploded, and he suddenly disappeared from the spot, piercing through the void and heading straight for the Tower of All Heavens!

Just as he was leaving, there was a huge crowd around the Tower of All Heavens!

Countless forces in the Tianxuan Realm gathered here, (baaa) staring at the Tower of All Heavens and the multiple images on the sky!

"What's going on? Everyone else's images are showing up, but this one is missing.……"

They were even more confused about the dark screen!

"What is that?"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise was heard!

Immediately, everyone followed the direction of the speaker's gaze!

They saw... a young man in white clothes, long hair fluttering, and a handsome face with a firm gaze, approaching the entrance of the Tower of All Heavens quickly!

Seeing this scene, especially in the young man's eyes, two pupils could be seen faintly!

In an instant, most people widened their eyes, and all of them took a breath of cold air!!!

"Who is that!?"

"That young man had the aura of at least a fifth-level saint. He... he didn't belong to any faction? In other words, he was a casual cultivator???"

"How could a casual cultivator reach such a level? This person has a great opportunity!"

"No, look at his eyes, why are there two pupils? ? ?"

Waves of exclamations were heard, and more and more people noticed the two pupils in the young man's eyes!

In an instant, even the supreme strongmen present couldn't help but look surprised and shaken in their hearts!

"Double pupils! ?"

"Tianxuan Realm, when did such a person appear?"

"Could it be... the reincarnation of the Ancient Supreme! ?"

Their focus was different from others, and they were discussing it with serious expressions! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But... under the gazes of countless people,

Shi Yi paid no attention to the people outside, his only target was the Zhutian Tower!


His figure did not stop, but stepped forward, and the roar resounded through the sky! []

He set off a series of sonic booms, and disappeared at the entrance of the Tower of All Heavens in the blink of an eye!

At this time, the sky, which was originally only dark, soon showed the figure of Shi Yi!

Seeing this scene, everyone who saw it was dumbfounded!

"This...seems like this is a scene that the Zhutian Tower specially left for him! ?"

"Who is this person?!"

"Oh my god, because in our Tianxuan Realm, there is still a peerless genius who has never appeared in the world! ?"

Countless people were boiling with excitement, and the major forces were even more excited!

This time in the Zhutian Tower, the major geniuses from the Tianxuan Realm who entered it would face the geniuses from other worlds!

The appearance of the young man just now made them completely boiling at this moment!


At the same time, in the Myriad Realm, the Tower of the Heavens has also been opened!

Countless forces gathered, and the geniuses of the major forces also rushed to the entrance!

Everyone has an amazing aura!

Most of them are in the Saint Realm!

At this time, among the many forces, the Ji family, a top family that has existed in the Myriad Realm for a million years, is also one of the behemoths.

Now, a young man in a purple gown with a feminine face looks at the Tower of the Heavens with eyes full of desire!

"This time, the Zhutian Tower will be a great opportunity for me to hunt down the other world's geniuses!"

He laughed coldly, and his voice was creepy!

Even the people in the family couldn't help but shudder at his laughter!

Without any hesitation,

Ji Feng looked arrogant, slowly, soared into the air, stepped on the void step by step, and walked towards the entrance!

"The hunt has begun, my fellow geniuses!……"

There was more smile on his face, and his words were full of strong confidence!

Everyone took a deep breath when they saw this scene!

Of course, they knew something about Ji Feng of the Ji family.

Now he is the second on the Tianjiao list of the Wanxiang Realm, even if he is not the first, most people are afraid of him!

This person is ruthless and bloodthirsty, and his bloodlust is far beyond the current head of the Ji family!

Once he grows up, he will definitely be a terrifying existence that people fear!

After seeing this scene, after seeing Ji Feng enter the Zhutian Tower, the sky curtain gave him a picture...

Everyone in the Ji family smiled, and their eyes revealed expectations!

"This time, young master will surely impress all the proud ones and make himself famous throughout the world!"

"With the young master's strength, there are not many people in the world who can threaten him. I wonder if the young master can reach the top of the Tower of All Heavens?"

Everyone was talking about it, looking forward to more!

The elders of the Ji family listened to the discussion on the spot, with smiles on their faces, and they were even more proud in their hearts!


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