Chapter 131: Su Changqing is here. Has this guy become stronger again?!

Amid the exclamations and discussions of the crowd, the heaven and earth shook.

At this moment, whistling sounds came from all directions!

Immediately, it attracted the attention of everyone present!

In the eyes of everyone... a large number of black shadows appeared in the sky in all directions, densely packed, approaching the location of the Tower of All Heavens!

Everyone saw this scene, and their expressions were all condensed!

"Other forces of Jiuxuantian are coming!"

They all became serious, and they knew that this time the Zhutian Tower was full of dangers!

At the same time, they, as the Tianjiao of Jiuxuantian, would also face other Tianjiao from the worlds!

In short, this time entering the Zhutian Tower would be their first time to fight with the Tianjiao from the worlds!

Accompanied by a cold and wailing sound, under the gusts of cold wind, a large number of figures descended into the void beside the other"Jiu Ba Ling"!

And their appearance seemed to make the temperature of the surrounding heaven and earth drop!

Especially on these people, in their eyes, you can see the shadow of the soul that does not belong to them roaring!

Seeing these people, most of the people present couldn't help but shiver, with fear in their eyes!

"Tiansha restricted area!"

"They...are here too!!"

There were discussions all around!

And in the Tiansha restricted area, the young man at the head had a grayish-white color flickering in his pupils!

It was the evil son of the Tiansha restricted area, Yu Li, who was originally ranked third on the Tianjiao list and is now ranked fourth on the Tianjiao list!

"There are so many people.……"

He looked at the densely packed forces around him, with a smile on his face.

However, he did not stay too long on other people, as if he was looking for something.

After a moment, he shook his head,

Yu Li retracted his gaze, and murmured:"It seems that Daoyi Shengzong has not arrived yet, Su Changqing……"

When he said this, his expression became solemn. He originally thought that he would be able to find Su Changqing and fight him after entering the world. When he received the news that Su Changqing would come to Zhongzhou, he couldn't wait.

But unexpectedly, Su Changqing directly became the number one on the Tianjiao list that time!

Even after he became the number one, the original number one Zixiao Daozi did not make a move on Su Changqing, which made Yu Li feel puzzled and did not act rashly!

When he heard that Su Changqing could kill the Immortal Platform with one sword and face the attack of the Supreme directly, he was almost dumbfounded!

Fortunately, he was not too impulsive to find Su Changqing at that time!

But after the previous retreat,

Yu Li now wants to see how big the gap is between himself and Su Changqing in the Tower of the Heavens!

Then at this moment,


The various forces of the Nine Mysterious Heavens are coming in an endless stream!

Suddenly, the roar of the heaven and earth became more intense, and several amazing auras swept in from all directions!

In the endless Dao rhyme, the brilliance appeared, and the Zixiao Dao Palace, led by Wang Ye, arrived in full force!

On the other side, even more amazing movements came,


Amid the cries and the strong wind, huge black birds appeared one after another!

On the back of a black bird in front,

Xia Wenze, Xia Qingxuan, and Xia Yilin were all on it!

In an instant, they arrived at another void and stayed.

With their arrival, they immediately attracted many eyes!

But before everyone could exclaim too much,


A louder roar resounded through the sky!

Along with it came the overwhelming demonic energy!

It even turned half of the sky red!

Seeing this scene, everyone present looked over! (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Only to see... the originally calm void suddenly trembled violently, and the roar became stronger!

The next moment, an extremely large warship sailed out of the void!

The Demon Sect has arrived! []

The astonishing demonic energy made most people change their expressions, and their eyes revealed fear!

After all, the Demon Sect is very famous in Jiuxuantian, and every disciple has been trained from the pile of dead bodies, with blood on their hands!

Especially the previously famous witch, which made many cultivators tremble with fear!

Seeing the arrival of these top forces, the scene was boiling!

"Zixiao Taoist Palace, Tiansha Forbidden Zone, Beiming Holy Land, Demon Sect... Oh my God, Jiuxuantian is really lively now, so many top forces have gathered here, and even some behemoths who have long been indifferent to worldly affairs have come!"

"The Dayu Divine Dynasty has also arrived, and the Twelve Dao Palaces have also arrived. Zhongzhou hasn't been this lively for a long time.……"

"The coming of the Tower of All Heavens has made the entire Jiuxuantian active. I just don’t know how the geniuses of our Jiuxuantian compare with the geniuses of the heavens and myriad worlds?"

"Almost all the human race members of the top ten of the Tianjiao list have arrived. I'm afraid that the Donghuang Ancient Dragon Clan went back directly after hearing the rules? Then... the only ones missing are Daoyi Shengzong and Su Changqing!"

"Will Su Changqing make another breakthrough during this period? This terrifying monster, number one on the Tianjiao list, will not have many rivals if he enters the Tower of All Heavens. I really look forward to his performance in the Tower of All Heavens.……"

There were waves of discussions from all directions!

Even the prodigies on the Prodigy Ranking, or the prodigies from the major forces who had not yet shown their true strength, were waiting for Su Changqing's arrival! Even though they had never seen him, they had heard of Su Changqing's name a lot!

Killing the Immortal Platform with one sword, facing the Supreme with one blow!

Such things, they had only heard of Su Changqing!


Half an hour later, amidst the many discussions... the roar of stepping into the void came from afar, and not only that, the clouds in the sky were also moved!

The amazing auras were also noticed by the people present!

Almost in an instant, everyone's eyes looked in the same direction!

It was also under the gaze of these people... the densely packed figures on the horizon gradually drew closer, and Daoyi Shengzong arrived!

And the eyes of Xia Qingxuan, Su Youwei, Dayu Renhuang Su Qingyun, Murong Dieyi, Xia Wenzhe and others present were all focused on Su Changqing, who was riding a unicorn beast in the front!

"Daoyi Shengzong is here!!"

"Su Changqing……"

"Brother Changqing!!!"

They all perked up immediately, and soon, shock appeared in their eyes!

Because they could feel that the aura of Su Changqing was stronger!

With the arrival of Daoyi Shengzong, countless forces trembled in their hearts, especially those who claimed to be geniuses, who couldn't help but jump in fear when they saw Su Changqing!

"That's Su Changqing! ?"

"I... Why do I feel such a dangerous aura coming from him! ?"

"The current number one on the Tianjiao list, the man who killed the immortals with one sword, Su Changqing... he's here!!"

Even if there was no Daoyi Saint Lord following them, they all subconsciously made way when they saw Su Changqing and others approaching! Even the Tianjiao from all over the place showed fear after knowing that the leader was Su Changqing!

But most people had respect in their eyes!

After all, a being like Su Changqing, in addition to being called a demon, his own strength is also really strong, without any water!

Such a strong person, in addition to wanting to be such a person, they also have awe in their hearts!


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