Chapter 128: Before the opening of the Tower of All Heavens, the strange silence of the Nine Profound Realm!

The Zixiao Dao Palace, located in the deepest pool, is also a taboo in the entire Dao Palace!

Wang Ye is breathing on the platform in the center of the pool, and there is endless Dao rhyme emanating from his body!

"Tower of Heavens……"

He closed his eyes tightly, but was mumbling.

Around his body, the void was buzzing.

Like the sound of Sanskrit, full of mystery!

The water in the entire pool seemed to become more agile and clearer at this moment!

Just as Wang Ye opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be flashing with obscure Taoist scriptures.


He let out a long breath, and the aura on his body gradually appeared. Suddenly, the whole pool became no longer calm!

At this moment, a figure walked out of the void!

It was another Wang Ye!

Then... the other three directions, east, south, west, north, walked out in turn. The second Wang Ye, the third, and the fourth!

Unlike the real Wang Ye, their eyes were blank!

But, with Wang Ye's mouth���The other four Wang Ye began to walk towards the real Wang Ye.

After the first one overlapped with the original body, Wang

Ye's aura was obviously stronger than before. As the second, third, and fourth!



A deafening sound was heard!

The entire pool was splashed with endless waves!

At this moment,

Wang Ye's cultivation was constantly soaring. In just a moment, he broke through the sixth level of the saint and reached the seventh level of the saint!

"I didn't expect that this life would go by so fast.……"

The aura on his body is still rising, becoming more powerful!

Reincarnation Dao Body!

Only the Daoists of Zixiao Dao Palace are qualified to practice it!

And Wang Ye has cultivated four Dao Bodies and experienced four reincarnations!

Now he has taken back all the Dao Bodies, just for... the upcoming Zhutian Tower!!!


At the same time, in the Beiming Holy Land,

Saint Lord Xia Wen Ze and a group of disciples and elders of the Beiming Holy Land were waiting outside a secret realm that exuded an amazing aura!

Everyone's eyes were filled with anticipation!

"The Nightmare Secret Realm is open again. This is the Saint's last chance.……"

"I hope the saint can succeed!"

"Why was the Saint Girl so anxious? Was it necessary to take this risk in order to enter the Tower of the Heavens?"


There were waves of discussions among the crowd. Xia Wenze looked unhappy when he heard these voices , but he was helpless.

""Qingxuan, are you... doing this for Su Changqing?"

Others didn't understand, but he guessed something in his heart.

His daughter was more stable than her peers and would not do anything she was not sure of.

But... regarding Su Changqing, she seemed to have become a different person.

Originally, she was planning to enter the secret realm three months later, but now... it was three months earlier!

If she failed, it would mean that she could no longer enter the secret realm!

In the secret realm,

Xia Qingxuan was breaking the formation and walking towards the depths of the secret realm!

"This time, I must succeed!"

Her eyes were full of determination. She entered the secret realm this time in order to obtain the immortal weapon used by the saints of all generations!

Only by obtaining it can she truly be the saint of the Beiming Holy Land!

With the appearance of the Tower of All Heavens,

Xia Qingxuan knew that she could not hold back Su Changqing in the Tower of All Heavens, so she chose to enter the secret realm in advance!

"time is limited……"

Her eyes became more determined, and her steps were equally determined!

Even though the secret realm was filled with various formations and dangers, she did not want to retreat!

Because in a few days, the Tower of the Heavens would be completely opened!

In addition to obtaining the Saint Maiden's Immortal Weapon, she also entered the secret realm to undergo life-and-death training and improve herself!


The Demon Sect, under the dark sea.

In a cage filled with dangerous atmosphere, almost covering a large area of the sea!

This is where the Demon Sect imprisoned the most vicious and evil people from all over the world! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At the same time, it is also the most cruel and dangerous trial place of the Demon Sect!

Because in this cage, there are a lot of dangerous people, and their cultivation is not bad!

Among them, there are quite a few strong people in the Immortal Realm!


The cage is divided into two layers, inner and outer!

The inner layer holds several immortal masters, any one of them is extremely dangerous!

The outer layer is at least in the God King realm, and there are many in the Saint realm!

However, at this time……

"Boom! Boom!"

Bursts of intense, dull noises continued to be heard!

The entire cage was shaking, and the sea was surging! Murong Dieyi was wearing a red dress, and the purple light in her eyes was extremely terrifying!

"What? Is that all you can do?"

She was filled with demonic energy, and was constantly attacking the God King prisoners from all around!

And all around her, there were hundreds of corpses!

Among these dead people, there were many Saints!

Now, hearing Murong Dieyi's words, the ferocious prisoners went berserk!

"you wanna die!!!"

"Kill her!!!"

They were already imprisoned in this dark and cold cage that never sees the light of day. Their minds had long been worn out and they were extremely violent!

Now they were provoked by Murong Dieyi and completely lost their minds!

Dozens of prisoners in the God King realm were all red-eyed, and every time they attacked, they were extremely powerful!

However, even in the face of these vicious and evil people,

Murong Dieyi did not panic at all, but instead had a strong fighting spirit in his eyes!

".This place is so exciting.……"

She licked her red lips, and her witch nature was revealed!

The red dress blocked the sea water, but it moved without wind!

Suddenly, the purple light in Murong Dieyi's eyes became more and more amazing, and the devilish energy on her body reached a terrifying level!


She just uttered a word lightly, and the endless demonic energy seemed to be given life!

In an instant, the terrifying murderous aura shook the entire sea area!

And this is also the strongest power she has fully demonstrated since she broke through the Saint Realm and refined the Demon Yuan Fruit!

Wisps of demonic energy spread out at a ghostly speed and sank into the bodies of the prisoners who wanted to attack around!

I saw... the prisoners stopped suddenly, and then trembled violently!

And there was fear in their eyes!

In just a few breaths (damn it), dozens of God Kings became corpses, among which... there were also several Saint Realm!


Murong Dieyi did not stop the slaughter and went deeper into the cage!

No one survived along the way!

As the figure gradually went away, endless wailing and screaming echoed throughout the bottom of the sea!


Except for Su Changqing, all the Tianjiao of the entire Jiuxuantian are preparing for the opening of the Tianjiao Tower!

Especially those on the Tianjiao List, they are either in seclusion or sprinting towards a higher realm!

And the reason why they do this is that they all have a common goal!

That is to enter the Tianjiao Tower and face the Tianjiao from the heavens!

At the moment, Jiuxuantian... can no longer remain calm!

At the same time, countless people are waiting for the opening of the Tianjiao Tower!


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