Chapter 122: Continue to make up those supporting roles, the Tower of Heavens is his home court!

In the pavilion,

Daoyi Saint Lord looked at Su Changqing's back as he left, smiled and shook his head

"This kid……"

After he muttered, he was also thinking about what Su Changqing said about the alliance.

Looking at the vision in the sky again, his expression became solemn.

The current Jiuxuantian may not know what will happen in the future, and how big the crisis will be.

However, when Xiaoxiantai announced the Tianjiao list,

Daoyi Saint Lord had already noticed something wrong, and with the announcement of the Zhutian Tower, it was completely confirmed!

"Chaos from the Heavens……"

His eyes were extremely deep, and his heart was even heavier.

If his conjecture and deduction were correct, perhaps that day would not be too far away!

However, for Daoyi Shengzong, for Changqing and Qianxue, he had to do something!

In the end, it would not only be a great struggle of Jiuxuantian, but also a struggle of all the major forces in the heavens and planes!

Everything must be arranged before that day comes!

After making the decision,

Daoyi Shengzhu looked at the direction where Su Changqing left, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"The current Chang Qing... is a little strange……"

He murmured, with a worried look on his face.

In the end, he didn't think much about it. His figure began to overlap with the void and finally disappeared!


At this time, after returning to Shengzi Peak,

Su Changqing looked back at the direction of the main peak and smiled.

"Next Steps……"

He took a deep breath, knowing that it was urgent to make up a diary.

Because there was not much time left before the Tower of All Heavens was completely opened!

Before that, he had to make up a good story and include the person with double pupils in it to make everything come true!

After all, what he wanted to do was not to climb the tower, but to fool the four diary copy holders!

After returning to the room,

Su Changqing took a deep breath and continued to make up the seventh diary that he had not finished.

【The Holy Lord asked me to come back and wanted me to participate in this Tower of the Heavens……】

【In my previous life, my ambitions were higher than the sky, and I thought that there was no need to participate in the Tower of All Heavens, and the geniuses from the heavens were not worthy of attention!】

【This also led to the heavy losses of the geniuses from all sides of the Nine Profound Heavens in that battle of the Tower of All Heavens.……】

【Just because Lin Fan participated in the Tower of All Heavens and entered it!】

【In this life, perhaps because of my rebirth, Lin Fan may no longer be able to enter the Tower of the Heavens!】

【But in his previous life, he not only participated in the Tower of All Heavens, but also met Ji Feng, who was from the top family in the All-Things Realm and was known as the number one genius. Because they had similar interests, the two of them began to join forces on the third floor of the Tower of All Heavens to deal with the other geniuses, killing people and grabbing treasures!】

【Among them, most are the geniuses of Jiuxuantian!】

【Facing the genius of Jiuxuantian, Lin Fan not only showed no mercy, but chose to silence him in order to prevent the truth from being exposed!】

【The number of Jiuxuantian geniuses who were able to return at that time was less than half of those who left!】

【Later, it was learned that nearly half of these geniuses who remained in the Tower of All Heavens forever died at the hands of Lin Fan and Ji Feng!】

【During this period, Lin Fan and Ji Feng met Junior Sister Qianxue on the fifth floor. In order not to expose their dirty tricks, they attacked Ji Feng from behind and killed him when he was about to make a move, so as to achieve the role of a hero saving a beauty and deceive Junior Sister Qianxue! After making up a story, he began to think about how to make it more reasonable.

But in any case, the four diary holders would not doubt their diaries at the moment. Even if they did, these doubts would be dispelled in the Tower of All Heavens.

After all, he still had this confidence!


At the same time, at the Holy Maiden Peak,

Ling Qianxue was still happy about the Glazed Holy Spirit Flower that Su Changqing had given her before. After taking it, her skin became more radiant and her face even looked younger.

""Brother, you are so good to me, how can I repay you?"

She kept thinking of Su Changqing, and she murmured in a low voice.

She had complicated feelings towards Su Changqing.

Because she had done too many stupid things before, she would fight with her brother for anything.

But she never thought that after her brother's memory was restored, she would find out that he had always cared about her. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Especially during this period of time, everything that her brother did proved it all!

Even the Glazed Holy Spirit Flower that he got on the way back, her brother didn't give it to other women, but gave it to herself!

Just when Ling Qianxue was still hesitating whether to tell him that she had a copy of the diary, the copy of the diary was updated!

Seeing the update,

Ling Qianxue had to put away her thoughts and started to check it out.

"Senior Brother, will you participate in the Zhutian Tower?"

When she saw the first line of content, her eyes revealed joy.

In this way, she can be with Senior Brother!

It seems that Senior Brother really intends not to remain silent anymore, but to truly settle accounts with the traitors of the previous life and make up for the regrets of the previous life!

But looking down,

Ling Qianxue frowned, her expression suddenly cold:"It's that Lin Fan again! ?"

Her eyes were filled with murderous intent. She had sent people to inquire about Lin Fan before, but he disappeared after being hunted down in Zhongzhou.

Now that Senior Brother mentioned him again in his diary, it seems that this guy is really guilty of a heinous crime!

Continuing to read down, this is also confirmed!

That damn guy Lin Fan, instead of thinking about how to deal with the other Tianjiao of Zhutian, joined forces with an outsider to massacre the Tianjiao of Jiuxuantian!?

In an instant,

Ling Qianxue's eyes were filled with more murderous intent, and the icy aura on her body was even more radiant, freezing the space!


When she saw the end of the diary, 550 couldn't help but take a deep breath.���Tone!

In order not to be exposed, Lin Fan chose to sneak attack and killed Ji Feng who teamed up with him! ?

Not only that, he was also deceived by him? ? ?

Thinking of this,

Ling Qianxue's eyes revealed endless disgust, and frost formed around her body!

"Damn it!!!"

She could no longer remain calm, her killing intent was overwhelming!

If Lin Fan revealed any trace, she would definitely kill him completely regardless of everything!!


On the other side, in the northern border of Jiuxuantian, the largest sea area, above the Youhai Sea.

The Demon Sect is located here!

The current situation in the Demon Sect is also not peaceful.

The most discussed topic among many disciples is the Zhutian Tower.

At this time,

Murong Dieyi has been back for a few days, but he still misses Su Changqing!

"Will Su Changqing participate in the Tower of All Heavens this time?"

She was thinking about this matter all the time.

Because just when she came back, she found the Demon Lord and took the initiative to ask to go to the Tower of All Heavens!

Just when she was thinking about whether she could see Su Changqing, her own diary copy was updated!


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