Chapter 120: Fabricating the Double Pupils, the Holy Lord's Investigation of the Small Immortal Platform, Speculations!

After a moment,

Su Changqing took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly.


He curled his lips and gave up the idea of buying Huang.

Huang was very strong, so strong that he could rule the world for eternity, so strong that countless people were moved by him!

But there was also a disadvantage, a very obvious disadvantage... expensive!

That's right, ridiculously expensive!

With the current influence, it's not even enough to buy a fraction of Huang! Su Changqing naturally thought of this , so he could only give up.

"Who else?……"

He immediately looked for other characters in the mall.

After looking for a while,

Hua Yunhui can be purchased!

People with double pupils can be purchased!

There are also some others...


Su Changqing wanted to take a look, but when he saw the people with double pupils, his eyes lit up!

"It's you!!!"

He chose to buy the one with double pupils without any hesitation!

Oh my god!

The one with double pupils is invincible, why do you need to borrow someone else's bones...

This sentence inexplicably echoed in his mind!

And the influence required to buy the one with double pupils...

This person can almost be said to be the enemy of Emperor Huang Tian, but the influence required is only 20,000!

What a bargain!!

If Su Changqing didn't have enough influence, he would have wanted to buy Hua Yunhui as well!

It was after buying the one with double pupils that the system's voice sounded


【Congratulations to the host for purchasing the person with double pupils - Shi Yi!】

【The host can create it in any world. Before the Tower of All Heavens opens, it will appear completely in the world designated by the host, at a random location.】

【Note: The characters purchased by the host will have some connection with the host. Once encountered, the host can choose any method to make the other party believe that every purchased character, or the character unlocked by collecting fragments, can become the host's right-hand man in the future!】

【Host, please choose the materialized world! 】

Hearing the system's voice,

Su Changqing was overjoyed and immediately recalled the other worlds outside Jiuxuantian in the original text.

"Tianxuan Realm!"

After thinking about it, he immediately gave an answer


【At the host's request, those with double pupils will be arranged to the Tianxuan Realm! 】

After hearing that the system had completed the arrangement,

Su Changqing smiled deeply and felt even happier in his heart!

"This way, I can make up stories about characters in my diary.……"

He muttered, looking forward to it.

The reason why I didn't mention the characters so frequently before was that they were not available for the time being!

But now it's different.

The person with double pupils has been purchased by me and arranged in the Tianxuan Realm outside Jiuxuan Heaven!

After the opening of the Tower of All Heavens, the person with double pupils will naturally enter it. Even if the little loli who holds the diary copies does not participate, the other three will definitely not miss the opportunity to enter the Tower of All Heavens.

Once they see the content revealed in the diary, and meet the person with double pupils in the Tower of All Heavens, or hear about the person with double pupils...

This is undoubtedly the best way to develop in the future by climbing the tower, except for making up events!

When thinking of this,

Su Changqing smiled more, and at the same time he was looking forward to the day when he could buy Huang out!

"By that time, it must be a real chaotic world, right?"

He muttered, but didn't think too much about it.

Because Huang is really expensive!

At least at present, it is a long way to go to gather enough influence to buy it!


Half an hour later,

Su Changqing tried hard to recall the original text about the Tower of All Heavens, and also had a complete plan for the subsequent fabrication.


He couldn't wait to make up a story in his diary, but before he could do anything, a bright divine light appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, he put away his thoughts.

Soon, a holy order appeared in front of him.

Seeing this,

Su Changqing remembered that before he came back, the Holy Lord wanted to see him.

""Here I come."

He muttered, and without delay, he got up and left the room, flying to the main peak.

Soon, after reaching the main peak, Su Changqing walked directly into the palace where the Holy Lord lived.

"Old man, why are you in such a hurry to find me back?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After he walked around several pavilions, he came to a lake and saw the Holy Lord Daoyi sitting in the pavilion. He asked straight to the point. The Holy Lord Daoyi looked like an ordinary person at the moment. Seeing Su Changqing sitting in front of him, he pointed to the spiritual tea on the stone table.

Seeing this,

Su Changqing was not polite and picked up the teacup and drank it all.

He didn't care what it was. Anyway, the Supreme drank it, so it would be beneficial for him to drink it.

0 Asking for flowers

Seeing this scene, the Holy Lord Daoyi shook his head helplessly, and then looked at the strange vision in the sky and the looming black giant tower.

"Xiaoxiantai is very mysterious."

He seemed to be muttering to himself, ignoring Su Changqing beside him, and continued:"Since Xiaoxiantai announced the Tianjiao list, I have been invited to secretly investigate with the other supremes in Jiuxuantian."

"Originally, we just wanted to find this small fairyland, but we were unsuccessful."

"Until the Supreme List appeared, we discussed and decided to destroy Xiaoxiantai!"

"Through the investigation during this period, it can be confirmed that Xiaoxiantai is not in Jiuxuantian, so there is only one possibility, that it is outside Jiuxuantian!"

"Now that the Tower of All Heavens is about to open, we have also confirmed that outside the Jiuxuantian, there are thousands of worlds, and there are existences that make Jiuxuantian fearful and can destroy Jiuxuantian. Xiaoxiantai is one of them!"

At this time, the Holy Lord Daoyi was speaking, and his calm expression, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, also became solemn.

Xiaoxiantai is very scary!

There is no doubt about this!

Listening to these words, although Su Changqing nodded, his heart was extremely calm.

After all, he knew this thing very well.

In the original work,

Xiaoxiantai is the most terrifying and mysterious existence, connecting the heavens and all worlds. The powerful people in any world have not been able to find the trace of Xiaoxiantai.

How can it not be terrifying?

It was at this time that the Holy Lord Daoyi retracted his gaze and fell on Su Changqing again.

"Although I don't know which terrifying power or force Xiaoxiantai belongs to, one thing is certain, it has no ill will towards Jiuxuantian."

""Changqing, do you know why I'm looking for you?"

After analyzing it, he stared at Su Changqing. Su Changqing naturally knew this and nodded. Seeing this , Saint Daoyi continued:"Yes, I... hope you can participate in this Tower of the Heavens!


"This is a good opportunity for you to hone your skills!"

"At the same time, you can also meet various geniuses from all over the world, so you can see their strength in advance!"

"After all... the coming of troubled times meant that Jiuxuantian was doomed to no longer be able to maintain the rare peace it had experienced in hundreds of thousands of years!"


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