Chapter 114: The Emperor is numb, are we really comrades in the future? The Tower of All Heavens is coming soon!

As Su Changqing's aura of practicing the Immortal Sutra spread, the entire palace suddenly became shaken, and everyone who saw it was numbed!

Almost at the same time, everyone's eyes looked towards the palace where Su Changqing was staying!

It was at this time that

Su Qingyun's figure immediately appeared in the void, and he couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw Su Changqing's saintly shadow!

"This breath……"

Even though he didn't think the breath from Su Changqing was dangerous, for some reason, he had an impulse of desire!

This shocked him!

What kind of skills was that Daoyi Shengzong kid practicing?

Especially in this breath, there was such a terrifying blood and qi power that shocked him!

This inevitably shook his heart!

To make him even impulsive, it can be imagined that Su Changqing must have a huge secret!!

At this moment,

Su Qingyun couldn't help but think of the words that Su Changqing had muttered before!

"The future... Is he my comrade-in-arms?"

His eyes revealed doubt and uncertainty, and there were also stormy waves in his heart.

Su Changqing must have a secret, and he is also extremely talented in cultivation!

Otherwise, how could there be such a situation now?

Especially in the past few days, there have been frequent violent roars, and the current breath is sometimes there and sometimes not!

When it is fully revealed now, it is so shocking!

750 The future...

Su Qingyun couldn't help but think of the word his daughter said, and there was more doubt in his eyes!

"Could this kid be able to achieve the Supreme within a hundred years?"

His heart trembled. From the current point of view, it seems possible!

But, isn't this too crazy?

At the moment,

Su Qingyun was most curious about the aura exuded by Su Changqing. Why did it make him so impulsive?

"This little guy……"

His expression was moved, and he quickly suppressed his inner thoughts.

This breath made him even more unable to control himself!

Without staying for too long, he immediately disappeared from the spot!

Because if he continued to stay here, he might really go to Su Changqing to ask what was going on!


In the following days, whether inside or outside the palace, the most talked about topic was Su Changqing!

However, at this time... no one knew that

Su Changqing was in a good mood (badh), and even after several days, the smile on his face could not be stopped!

"I have already mastered the Immortal Sutra, but my current cultivation is not strong enough.……"

He took a deep breath, looking forward to the day when he would become the Supreme!

With the improvement of his cultivation, the power that the Immortal Sutra could display became even more terrifying!

Especially after comprehending the Immortal Sutra, his body was still more than twice as strong as before!

Su Changqing clenched his fist slightly, and suddenly a sound like firecrackers came out!

"If I had taken the attack from the demon clan supreme in this state before, I would not have been injured, right?"

He muttered, looking eager to try.

In the past few days, he not only continued to make up his diary, but also enjoyed his life.

But suddenly,


A shocking roar that shook the eardrums came from the sky!

Hearing the noise, the Dayu Divine Dynasty was shaken!

Su Changqing's eyes flashed, and he immediately appeared outside the void.

""Is the list of the Supremes going to change?!"

He stared at the Supreme List on the sky, muttering in confusion.

But after looking at it for a long time, he did not find anything strange.

At this time,

Su Qingyun and several immortal masters also appeared in the void not far away.

"What's going on?!"

They frowned as they looked at the sky, which was now obviously darker than before.

But before Su Changqing and the others could speculate too much,……

""Boom boom boom!"

Even more shocking, continuous roars suddenly sounded from the sky!

Between heaven and earth, everything was shaking!

Even the void seemed to be unable to bear it at this moment, and bursts of numbing sounds were coming out!

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked!

The entire sky also became densely cloudy at this moment, and it was completely dark! In the void above the sky, endless terrifying thunder was wandering, as if it would fall at any time!

And those thunders, each one was carrying a breath of destruction! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it falls on you, I'm afraid that no one below the Supreme will feel good!

Seeing this scene, the entire Dayu Divine Dynasty exploded!

Even the entire Zhongzhou, Jiuxuantian was also in turmoil!

The terrifying vision of heaven and earth made everyone's heart uneasy, and they didn't know what terrible things would happen next!


In less than half an hour, the entire sky was dark, and countless people felt the breath of impending storm!

The eyes of countless people in the entire Jiuxuantian were now on the sky!

No one knew what would happen next!

But they all knew that something terrible was about to happen!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to shake the entire Jiuxuantian and make the whole world dim and dark, as if the end of the world was coming!


"Boom! Boom! Boom!……"

Fierce winds swept across the sky and earth, and terrifying roars were heard in the void!……

"There are countless geniuses in the heavens and worlds, but... only those whose names are on the list will be remembered!"

"If the heavens had a name, it would be immortal!"

"The Tower of All Heavens...will descend upon Jiuxuan Heaven in half a month!"

"Once the Tower of All Heavens is opened, only those who are on the list of geniuses at Jiuxuantian can participate!"

"The opening of the Tower of All Heavens this time will allow all geniuses from all over the heavens and worlds to enter!"

"The Tower of All Heavens will provide an opportunity for the geniuses in the heavens to compete on the same stage!"

An ancient and vicissitudes of life voice came from the sky!

In the void, the roar and explosion sounded even more shocking!

It was also in everyone's astonishment that the terrifying thunder in the void became more and more, and the dark clouds became thicker!

And above the sky, there was an extremely huge black tower that reached the top of the sky and exuded a terrifying aura! It seemed to be integrated with the void in the looming!

It was also this scene that suddenly caused the entire Jiuxuantian to fall into a great sensation!

"The Tower of All Heavens? What is that? Only the geniuses can enter?"

"Oh my god, competing with the geniuses of the heavens and myriad worlds!? This... this Tower of the Heavens is from the Small Immortal Platform!?"

"How could this happen? Where exactly is Xiaoxiantai? How could this force be so terrifying? It could even orchestrate the heavens! ?"

"No way? ? ? The great battle has really begun? Even... this time, the Tower of All Heavens is facing all the heavens and worlds! ?"



When they saw the entire sky was shaking and the projection of the terrifying giant tower looming in the void, countless people's scalps exploded and their hearts were trembling!

With Xiaoxiantai announcing that the Tower of All Heavens would be fully opened in half a month, this was obviously like a heavy bomb that exploded directly in Jiuxuantian!!!


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