Chapter 11: Fabrications will slowly come true, and the realm will be improved so quickly!

The roar in the room immediately attracted the attention of the guard disciples.

""Son of God, are you okay?!"

A group of people arrived at the door and asked in surprise.

How could such a terrible noise suddenly come from the room?

Could it be that... the Son of God is about to break through?

At this time,

Su Changqing heard the questions from the people outside and replied lightly:"Nothing, leave."

He did not say much, and now he was feeling the improvement of his whole body and mind!

The Supreme Hunyuan Bone in his body was merging!

This process is undoubtedly painful and happy!

As long as it is fully integrated, his own path of cultivation will be taken to a higher level!

Feeling the roar and tearing pain coming from his body,

Su Changqing gritted his teeth, gasping for breath with a pale face.

"With these rewards, not only did I get an unprecedented promotion, but it also made it easier for me to fabricate diaries and gain the trust of diary holders.……"

He was thinking long-term, muttering to himself.

A moment later...

Su Changqing's body was shining with golden light, and the surrounding void was rippling with waves!

""The fusion was successful!!!"

He growled, and veins appeared on his forehead.

At present, he could feel that all aspects of his body had been sublimated!

After fusing with the Supreme Bone of the Primordial Chaos, his whole body had been greatly improved inside and out!

Especially in terms of physique, it was more obvious!

Now the whole person was indescribably happy, and people couldn't help but indulge in this comfortable feeling!

The next second, all the information in Su Changqing's mind was successfully imprinted!

"True Dragon Treasure Technique... This, can only be mastered by me slowly?"

He muttered, asking the system

【Yes, the full power of the True Dragon Magic, extremely strong offensive power, the top of the Ten Evil Magic, a single move can be comparable to the fairy-level magic! 】

After getting the answer,

Su Changqing blinked, and realized that if he mastered all of them at once, wouldn't he be completely invincible? Why would he make up a diary?

"The first of the ten evil magics... and it is also a reward related to the diary I made up, so... can I get all the others after I continue to make up and gain higher trust points?"

After muttering, he was quite looking forward to it.

Ruthless, wild...

Will these existences come true?

Just thinking about it is exciting!

But before Su Changqing could think too much……


He trembled all over, and waves of tearing pain came from his dantian!

At this moment, his body was like a furnace, as if it had reached a critical point!

When he came to his senses, he realized that his cultivation had been raised to the peak of the eighth level of the God King!

"Bang Bang Bang……"

The bones made bursts of firecracker-like sounds, and the terrifying spiritual power in the body was constantly trying to break through the shackles!

At this moment,

Su Changqing had to concentrate his mind and devote himself to the breakthrough!


He closed his eyes, his breathing became more rapid!

Then in the next second……


A huge roar came from the surrounding void!

The whole room trembled suddenly!

In an instant... the shackles were broken!

Su Changqing's white clothes moved without wind, and a shocking breath rose into the sky!

"God King Nine Heavens……"

He was excited, and once again gathered the spiritual power in his body to impact the Great Perfection!

It was at this moment that the roar continued, resounding throughout the entire mountain!

The spiritual energy from all directions seemed to be attracted, and continued to gather towards the room where Su Changqing was!

It was visible to the naked eye that a huge vortex gradually appeared on the top of the mountain!

The roar was like the roar of a prehistoric beast, resounding through the sky!

The entire Shengzi Peak also trembled violently at this time, and a shocking explosion was heard!

Under the strong wind, the entire Daoyi Holy Sect was alarmed!

Countless figures rushed out, stepped into the void, and their eyes all looked at the Shengzi Peak!

At this time, a huge vortex was constantly generated on the mountain!

Especially under the gaze of horrified eyes, the spiritual energy vortex was constantly expanding and spreading!


The sky and earth roared, and the entire sect was shaking!

The bright moon in the sky was now covered by dark clouds!

The stars disappeared, and boundless darkness suddenly descended!

The outer sect, the inner sect... countless Daoyi Shengzong disciples changed their expressions and stared blankly at Shengzi Peak where Su Changqing was!

"That...that is...the Son! ?"

"What's going on? Such a terrifying spiritual energy, all the spiritual energy has gathered on the Holy Son Peak!!!"

"This, this, this... this aura... the Holy Son has broken through! ?"

"Didn’t the Holy Son break through the eighth level of the Divine King last month? Now he breaks through again? ? ?"

They cried out in shock when they saw the constantly shaking Holy Son Peak and the spiritual energy vortex that gathered from all directions to a terrifying degree!

Among the many disciples, the elders of the outer and inner sects all looked solemn, and then ecstatic!

"Holy Son, Holy Son has broken through again!!!"

"Oh my god, in just less than a month, he has already broken through to the ninth level of the Divine King! ?"

"He is indeed the Holy Son, the strongest Holy Son in the history of Daoyi Holy Sect, and the Holy Son with the most unlimited achievements in the future!!!"

Even though they were elders, they were all shocked by Su Changqing's rapid cultivation!

When they came to their senses, they all talked about it in a disgraceful manner and exclaimed!

Daoyi Holy Sect has such an unprecedented Holy Son, and its status in Jiuxuantian will definitely rise!

At this moment, the aura belonging to Su Changqing began to rise again at this moment!!!

""Bang! Crack!"

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the terrifying spiritual energy was absorbed at an astonishing speed!

The entire Shengzi Peak was shaking even more violently!

The entire sect was also shaken!

It was as if the sky was falling apart and the heavens were collapsing!

Hundreds of miles in radius... the earth was shaking!!!

In addition to the roar, countless Dao rhymes appeared in the sky, covering the Shengzi Peak.

No matter who it was... they were once again shocked by this sudden movement and strange phenomenon!

"This... this... isn't over yet! ?"

"The Holy Son... is also striving to reach the Great Consummation of the Divine King? ?!"

"This breath……"

They all felt the breath of Su Changqing, the ninth heaven of the God King, and their mouths were dry and their faces were pale!

He had just broken through and was about to reach the Great Perfection of the God King!!

Such courage is rare in the world!

In the midst of everyone's horror, a figure appeared silently in the void!

When they saw the appearance of the middle-aged man……

""Grand Elder!!!"

Everyone looked respectful, but they couldn't hide the shock in their eyes!

At this moment, they immediately looked towards Shengzi Peak, and their hearts were filled with shock!

The Grand Elder of Daoyi Holy Sect,

Ouyang Yan, looked solemn, and a hint of ecstasy flashed in his deep eyes!


He was breathing rapidly, and was quite excited!

But soon, he trembled all over!

He discovered that Su Changqing's overwhelming aura made his heart palpitate!


…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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