Chapter 101: Dayu Divine Dynasty swore an oath of alliance with Daoyi Holy Sect, and it was Su Changqing again?

At the same time, all forces were still in shock.

Especially the major holy places in Zhongzhou, the geniuses in the sects, now looking at Su Changqing with deep fear in their eyes.

For them, Su Changqing is a behemoth, a mountain, an insurmountable mountain!

The means of the Immortal Execution Platform alone make them look up!

In the Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Wen Ze and a group of Beiming strongmen are still in shock, because even though the war is over now, they still can't believe that this will be the result.

And this result was caused by Su Changqing alone.


Xia Qingxuan ignored the others, but concentrated on the content of Su Changqing's updated diary.

"Will future wars be fought on the Supreme’s home turf?"

"In the battle of the heavens, countless supreme beings from all parties fell.……"

She murmured in her heart, her heartbeat speeding up.

By that time, has the war been so brutal?

Even... the war among the heavens is not the most terrifying, so what will the more terrifying dark turmoil be like! ?

Since Su Changqing was able to hold on to the end, he must have been at the peak of his powers, right?

But even so, he still failed!

Just thinking of this,

Xia Qingxuan couldn't help but tremble, with shock in her eyes.

"The future of Jiuxuantian……"

She breathed a little faster, staring at Su Changqing, and couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Even if things hadn't happened yet, based on the contents of the diary, she knew that the future would be quite terrible!

Otherwise, how could Su Changqing say that his current cultivation was not enough?

But when she saw the amazing fighting spirit revealed in the contents of the diary,

Xia Qingxuan's eyes condensed, and then a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"It seems that you finally know what to do."

She was also quite relieved. When she got the copy of the diary, the previous content was all about Su Changqing not wanting to interfere in so many things.

But with this time to intervene in the war between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty, his state of mind became completely firm.

Ignite the fighting spirit, then...

Xia Qingxuan also looked at Su Changqing with curiosity, muttering in her heart:"I don't know... Can I catch up with you in this life?"

She also made a decision. After returning, she will practice well and try not to fall behind Su Changqing too much.

Otherwise, once the battle of collapse begins and the battle of the heavens comes, who can stand by Su Changqing?

Since in Su Changqing's memory in the last life, she died to save him.


In this life, she must become strong, live until the dark turmoil comes, and face it with Su Changqing!


It was at this time, on the battlefield in the void.

The bloody rain has stopped, and the sky full of dark clouds has seen the sun again.

The sun shines, and everything becomes peaceful!

Daoyi Saint Lord glanced at the battlefield below, and then looked at Su Changqing.

Before he could make any move,

Su Qingyun smiled heartily, looked at Daoyi Saint Lord and said with a smile:"Thank you for your help in this battle, fellow Daoist Kong, and thank you for your help, fellow Su!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Su Changqing and clasped his fists to thank him.

If Su Changqing and Daoyi Saint Lord, who destroyed the nest of the Undead Demon Clan, had not arrived this time, the Undead Demon Clan might really force the Dayu Divine Dynasty into a dead end. Especially when he learned that Xiang Jun, the patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan, had a demon pill of the ancient demon emperor on the way, he felt a little scared when he thought about it.

According to Xiang Jun's previous methods, he was afraid that he would reach the level of quasi-emperor after taking the demon pill!

At that time, I am afraid that even if I use the Da Yu Divine Dynasty's divine artifact to suppress the dynasty, I can't change the outcome of destruction!

And the one who helped the most was undoubtedly Su Changqing!

If I hadn't told my good daughter that the Undead Demon Clan was going to attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty, I wouldn't have been able to deploy so quickly and prepare in advance.

Otherwise, the Dayu Divine Dynasty would face even greater losses!

Daoyi Shengzong shook his head again, but before he could speak...

Su Qingyun suddenly showed the Supreme Incarnation, with his feet on the ground and his head on the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

"I decided……"

He spoke loudly and announced with a smile:"From today on, Dayu Divine Dynasty will officially form an alliance with Daoyi Holy Sect!"

"From now on, anyone who is the enemy of Daoyi Saint Sect is the enemy of Dayu Divine Dynasty, and the fight will not end until one dies!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I declare to the people of Dayu Divine Dynasty today that from now on, all disciples of Daoyi Holy Sect must not be enemies, and you must never betray me!"

"I hope that Zhongzhou and Jiuxuantian will know my decision!"

His supreme shadow appeared in the whole Zhongzhou, and even the whole Jiuxuantian witnessed it.

Especially Su Qingyun's decision, it made the whole Zhongzhou a sensation.

When the major forces in Jiuxuantian saw Su Qingyun's supreme shadow's announcement, they couldn't help but be shocked!

In an instant, countless people outside the Dayu Divine Dynasty felt their scalps tingling.

"What!? The Dayu Divine Dynasty... is going to formally form an alliance with the Daoyi Holy Sect!?"

"Daoyi Holy Sect is one of the top forces in Jiuxuantian, and Dayu Divine Dynasty is also one of the top forces. If they form an alliance, I am afraid that few forces can contend with them! ?"

"If I were to ask you, the most terrifying one would be Daoyi Saint Su Changqing. If he grows up, he would definitely make Daoyi Saint Sect the strongest overlord of Jiuxuantian!!"

"No way? The Dayu Divine Dynasty has formed an alliance with the Daoyi Holy Sect? In this way... Su Changqing will definitely be able to grow up safely, who would dare to attack him! ?"


Exclamations broke out again, and all the major forces felt their scalps tingling!

They really didn't expect that after the attack of the Undead Demon Clan on the Dayu Divine Dynasty ended, the Dayu Divine Dynasty would even form an alliance with the Daoyi Holy Sect!!

Amid the sensation from all sides, after Su Qingyun announced it to the world with the supreme means, he looked at the Daoyi Holy Lord with a smile on his face and chuckled,"Friend Kong, you have no objection, right?"

""Of course."

Daoyi Saint Lord was also slightly surprised, but he answered immediately.

The strength of Dayu Divine Dynasty is not weak, and it rose hundreds of thousands of years later than the Undead Demon Clan, but it was able to fight back and forth with the Undead Demon Clan. It has not even used its last trump card. Daoyi Saint Sect is currently on the rise, and it is naturally a good choice to have Dayu Divine Dynasty as an ally.

It's just that I didn't expect that Dayu Human Emperor would have this plan.

But Daoyi Saint Lord also knows that 1.0 is nothing more than Su Changqing's credit.

"This kid……"

He was satisfied, and looked at Su Changqing, who now seemed a little surprised, with admiration in his eyes.

After receiving the accurate answer from Saint Daoyi,

Su Qingyun laughed out loud, and felt quite happy!

""Okay, okay!!!"

He smiled even more, and at the same time looked at Su Changqing who seemed confused.

As the Supreme, he was grateful to this Daoyi Saint.

Of course, being able to form an alliance with Daoyi Saint Sect would give Dayu Divine Dynasty an extra layer of protection in this chaotic world, which was the best of both worlds.


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