Chapter 1: Fantasy villain, fabricating a diary system!

Jiuxuan Realm,

Daoyi Holy Sect.

This mountain that belongs to the contemporary Holy Son is now full of glow!

Especially the top of the mountain, it is like two suns rising, shining brightly, magnificent!

It is impossible to look directly at it!

And the entire mountain is in the best place for the entire Daoyi authentic Feng Shui!

It can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and contains rich spiritual energy!

In the mansion on the top of the mountain...

Su Changqing suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for air!


As soon as he woke up, a lot of memories flooded into his mind!

He... traveled through time!? He even became the villain in the novel"Nine Mysterious Heavens" that he had read before!

The Holy Son of Daoyi Sect!!

At this time, Su Changqing's face was full of disbelief, and his mouth opened...

"No way???"

He looked at the scene around him which was exactly the same as the one described in the novel, and was even more certain that he had traveled through time!

The reason why he was so sure was that he had a very deep impression of this book"Nine Mysterious Heavens"!

To put it bluntly, this novel is just a piece of idiotic writing!

The various plots are simply brainless, and the plot is a mess, it's so lame!

In particular, this book is about the story of the male protagonist who got the help of the grandfather by chance and rose all the way!

But the plot during this period is really too stupid, that's why Su Changqing still remembers it clearly!

Especially now that the character he traveled through is Dao Yisheng A rare saint son with extraordinary talent in a thousand years!

He possesses almost all the resources of the entire sect!

All the elders and the sect master love him very much, not to mention that he is also extremely talented in cultivation!

But such an awesome person, with this identity, this talent, and such a background...

He just couldn't figure out how he could be defeated by the male protagonist! ?

Outrageous, absolutely outrageous!

Logically speaking, with such an identity, he could obviously become the top existence in this world!

But the plot is so outrageous that he was defeated by the male protagonist who rose later...

After thinking about it,

Su Changqing couldn't help but twitch his face and took a deep breath.

"So, at this moment, I am the holy son of Daoyi Holy Sect with a high status!"

He accepted the fact of traveling through time, and made the best of it!

Then, his eyes lit up!

Since he traveled through time and became the holy son of Daoyi Holy Sect, what does the male protagonist have to do with him?

Suppressing the male protagonist?

Not possible!

What is his current identity, do I need to pay attention to the male protagonist who is just an ant to me? Not at all!

"If I remember correctly, the hero is now on his way to Daoyi Holy Sect, right? After entering the sect, he will rise quickly with the help of his grandfather.……"

"But now, with my identity, the male protagonist is just an ant, does he need to be suppressed?"

He muttered to himself, and couldn't help but sneer.

Male protagonist?

Just ignore it, don't do stupid plots! If you develop normally, you will definitely be able to achieve enlightenment. Isn't it nice to improve yourself and become the supreme emperor?



【The diary fabrication system is activated! 】

Su Changqing's mind suddenly rang with a cold mechanical voice.

""Golden finger? ? ?"

He trembled all over, his eyes lit up.

But... a made-up diary system?

What does that mean?

The system quickly gave an explanation.……


【The host only needs to make up a diary and make others believe it to get rewards. At the same time... the diary also comes with an investment function, and successful investments can get critical returns!】

【The current diary copy holders are……】

【1. The Saintess of Daoyi Sect—Ling Qianxue! 2. The Witch of the Nether Sea—Murong Dieyi! 3. Princess Dayu—Su Youwei!】

【Note: The host is the only recorder of the diary. After the diary is upgraded, other characters will be added! 】

After listening,

Su Changqing completely understood the role of the system and looked a little stunned.

"Who writes a diary???"

He muttered with a strange look on his face, but was soon shocked!

In other words, the content of the diary can be made up by oneself?

As long as the holder of the diary copy can see the diary he wrote and believe it, he can get rewards?

There is even an investment function, and the reward will not be returned if it succeeds?


After thinking about it carefully,

Su Changqing felt that even a serious person has to write a diary!

"Ling Qianxue, Murong Dieyi, Su Youwei……"

"Oh my god, these are all the heroines in the book!"

He took a deep breath, and his eyes were bright!

Ling Qianxue, the saint of Daoyi Saint Sect, is a person with the same extraordinary talent in the sect, and has the Ice Soul Saint Body!

In the entire Daoyi Saint Sect, her talent is second only to Su Changqing, and she has reached the sixth level of God King at a young age!

He will even compete with me for the title of the youngest saint in Daoyi Saint Sect and even in Jiuxuan Realm!

And the Youhai Witch Murong Dieyi, who is also very powerful, is in the Youhai, the most mysterious ancient land in Jiuxuan Realm!

In the selection of the Saint of the Demon Sect, she passed the bloody and cruel horror layers... The terrifying test, awakening the ancient demon bloodline, killing all competitors, and becoming a fierce name in one fell swoop!

Princess Su Youwei of Dayu, this is the little princess of the Emperor of Dayu. When she was born, she was born with a strange phenomenon. The ancient divine phoenix appeared in the world and sank into her forehead to form the divine phoenix mark. She was loved by the Emperor of Humanity!

And the most important thing is... these few people are all heroines, and they will all be famous and awesome people in the future!

If you can make them believe what you made up, then...

When Su Changqing thought of this, he couldn't help but be moved, and immediately thought about how to start making up the diary!


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