Chapter 249

Wang Tianli’s face was also extremely embarrassed. He knew the person who spoke, and he was considered a member of a half consortium. During Yule’s tenure, he had close relationships with representatives of several consortiums, especially with the Tengma consortium.

Privately, the relationship between this person and Ogawa Sanhe is also very close.

All of this made Wang Tianli and others look down on this guy a long time ago.

Jiang Liu’s complexion was as usual, and he didn’t seem to be furious because of this person’s words.

He calmly said: “Jix Thomas, the commander of the 0578 Army on the front line. I know you, your father, Old Jix, died in the Battle of the Blood Plain that year. What should I do?”

Following Jiang Liu’s opening, everyone’s eyes focused on Jikes. Some people looked contemptuous, while others were worried.

Jicks got up, first saluted Jiang Liu in a straight body, and then said: “Report to the commander-in-chief. I think the current situation cannot be supported by our frontline alone. I think we should ask the Federation for help.”

Jicks’ words were righteous, and for this reason he continued: “Commander-in-chief, the front line of the Federation belongs to the Federation. We created this line of defense for the entire Federation.”

“He shouldn’t be a bargaining chip in the hands of some careerists.” Jicks said word by word.

Jicks’ remarks immediately caused an uproar in the entire conference room.

Everyone knows the contradiction between Jiang Liu and the Federation, and also knows what Jiang Liu is doing.

Some people agree, others remain silent, and secretly there are also others who oppose it.

What this shows is the conflict between radicals and conservatives.

But for a long time, this kind of conflict has not come to light, but now, Jikes has become the first shot, and this shot directly hit Jiang Liu’s body.

“Jix! Shut your mouth for me!” Wang Tianli stood up suddenly, his expression flushed with anger. He stared at Jix with a pair of eyes, wishing to kill Jix on the spot.

Jiang Liu raised his hand to stop and said: “Don’t stop, let Commander Jikes continue to say, what else do you have, just say everything.”,

Jicks took a deep breath. He still stared at Jiang Liu without looking straight and said: “Commander in chief, what I want to say has just been said. The best way for us right now is to seek support from the Federation, and this is the only way. Only then can we use the least cost to wipe out this beast wave.”

In order to increase the convincing power of his words, Jix added again: “Commander in chief, you can’t guarantee that after this wave of beasts, there will be another wave of beasts, and what to do if the next wave of beasts reappears? ?”

“All the personnel on the entire front line of the Federation add up to nearly 150,000 people. Isn’t it possible that the commander-in-chief would ignore the lives of these 150,000 people because of his own ambitions?”

Jikes’ words were very sharp, and some people even agreed with his speech.

Jiang Liu said with a false hand: “Okay, since Commander Jikes is finished, let’s sit down first.” Jiang Liu got up and said, “Everyone, I believe that Commander Giggs’ thoughts may not be just his own. Thoughts, there may be those of you and Commander Giggs who have the same thoughts.”

Jiang Liu suddenly stretched out his hand and patted heavily on the table.

“But! I ask myself, everything I do is for the front line, it is for the Federation! Do any of you dare to say it!”

The seemingly gentle Jiang Liu’s anger was terrifying, and the air in the entire room seemed to freeze.

The next moment, the blue Frostmourne was also taken out by Jiang Liu, and the temperature dropped instantly.

“The front line of the federation belongs to the federation, not to a certain consortium. You should know this better than me.”

“You should know better than I am about the federal frontline before this. What is the purpose of what we are doing now? Don’t you know yourself!”

Jiang Liu’s series of questions silenced some of the commanders present.

He looked at Jix who was still standing coldly and said, “Commander Jix, your father is a hero. The angry lion army led by the Battle of the Blood Plain defeated tens of thousands of people with three thousand troops. After the war, your father was wounded with 16 knives, 5 of which were fatally wounded. In the end, the entire angry lion army did not save one.”

“The contribution of such a hero to the frontline of the Federation, I dare not forget to this day, but what about you?”

“But now, you have inherited your father’s legacy, but the former angry lion army designation is gone in your hands. You can look at what you are doing now.”

“Secretary-General Lily, ordered the revocation of the position of Commander of Jicks 0578 Corps. Since Jicks likes to seek help from the Federation, then I will be the beauty of adults. Go to the Central Federation.”

Jiang Liu’s remarks caused the commanders below to sit in jeopardy.

They seem to be nervous, and of course they are. The image that Jiang Liu has given to everyone is similar to a harmless existence of humans and animals, but the facts have proved that most of them have misunderstood.

Only then did everyone notice that the one sitting in front of them had killed the Red Scythe alone without knowing how many people, and his hands were covered with blood.

For a long time, since Jiang Liu became the commander-in-chief, he treated people kindly, but now Jiang Liu’s anger has scared everyone.

No one wants to be the dead, let alone being driven by others after death.

Jiang Liu looked around with cold eyes and said, “The Federation is the Federation, and the Consortium is the Consortium. You should know what I want.”

“Over the years, the federal front has been controlled by a consortium. I don’t know how many fresh young lives have died tragically because of some people’s selfish desires. I don’t want to see such a thing. I have a clear conscience in everything I have done.”

Jiang Liu took the words “clear conscience” very seriously. This was not only to other people present, but also to himself.

The originally closed door was pushed open, and Hao Shuai walked in slowly.

The appearance of Hao Shuai made the atmosphere more unpredictable.

Everyone knows that Hao Shuai is the most central subordinate of the former commander-in-chief Yule. At this time, why is Hao Shuai appearing here?

When everyone was suspicious of this, Hao Shuai walked behind Jiang Liu and said: “Commander in chief, Major General Hao Shuai of the Federal Front, report to you.”

Hao Shuai’s remarks undoubtedly indicated his own identity, and also quietly indicated Yule’s attitude.

Jicks only reacted at this time, he was completely sold this time.

He looked behind him desperately, hoping to get support or assistance from his companions, but it was a pity that after Jiang Liu had said this, the few people who had just agreed with him now bowed their heads one by one.

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