Chapter 244 The Truth About Death

On the federal front, at this time a huge federal resident has completely turned into a battlefield. The two sides have put a total of nearly 100,000 troops on this battlefield. Of course, nearly 80,000 of them are soldiers with red sickles.

The artillery fire mixed with the source force turned the buildings that the Federation had used for many years to build into ruins one by one, with the sound of fighting and explosions one after another.

For the soldiers of the Federation, this is a desperate and hopeless battle.

No matter how you kill the enemy, you can’t finish it. Even if you desperately kill a soldier with a red sickle, more enemies will appear at The next moment.

On the other hand, own comrades are decreasing one by one.

In the entire federal garrison, the fiercest battle is on the edge of the front gate of the garrison. The 2,000 Marktu mechs are the last new force in the federation.

Although Mark Rabbit caught the Red Scythe by surprise in the early stage, he swallowed the Red Scythe troops several times his own in one fell swoop, but soon fell into the heavy encirclement of the Red Scythe.

As many as 20,000 Red Sickle troops surrounded the 2,000 Mark Rabbit Mechas.

The innermost part of the battle was a joint force composed of sickle spiders and red death gods. They rushed to the federation’s Mark Rabbits, just to give the flesh and blood mechas behind them a certain amount of time.

Although the Mark Rabbit is a super-era mecha, the crowded tactics of the red sickle are still useless.

Zhang Mingyuan was very embarrassed at the moment. The left arm of the Mark Rabbit he was driving had been severely broken. The remaining right arm also had part of the mecha inner skeleton exposed. With the waving of the arm, there was a vague electric spark revealed.

In the cockpit, Zhang Mingyuan looked grim, looking out through the cockpit, there were enemies almost everywhere.

Zhang Mingyuan manipulated Mark Rabbit’s remaining right hand and waved it lightly. A red death god was split into two on the spot, and the smelly blood splashed instantly. He had no time to check whether the red death god was truly Death.

Zhang Mingyuan has already seen that there are two professionals on the left and one on the right. Judging from the size of the two, they are not two professionals of the Red Scythe Weapon School.

Zhang Mingyuan’s vigilance rose in his heart, and Marktu’s source power engine was adjusted to its maximum in an instant, and this one weighed nearly fifty tons into the sky in an instant.

But the two professionals seemed to have expected it, one of them took off directly and quickly rushed towards Zhang Mingyuan.

The opponent’s speed was very fast, Zhang Mingyuan had no time to manipulate the Mark Rabbit to avoid him, and the opponent had already jumped in front of his cockpit.

It has been almost a month since Mark Rabbit appeared on the battlefield. During this period, the Mark Rabbit mech was obtained by the Red Scythe. Although there is no way to directly crack the relevant technology information in the Mark Rabbit, it is very easy to figure out the basic structure of the Mark Rabbit. .

The purpose of this red sickle muscle tyrant was very clear. He went straight to Zhang Mingyuan’s cockpit and grabbed the edge of the cockpit with all his limbs.

Under Zhang Mingyuan’s gaze, the professional punched the outer protective layer of the cockpit.

Sitting in the cockpit, Zhang Mingyuan could clearly feel the vibration from the cabin door. He even saw that the cockpit door was slowly denting.

Zhang Mingyuan’s heart is cold, the other party wants to capture himself alive at this time?

The original worry instantly turned into anger.

Zhang Mingyuan was born in a military family. He has been a professional soldier in the Federation since his grandfather’s generation. Almost all men, large and small in the Zhang family, are professional soldiers, but in the past few years there has never been a captured soldier in the Zhang family.

Zhang Mingyuan didn’t want to be ashamed of his family, let alone fall into the hands of Red Scythe.

A series of rapid sirens sounded in his ears, and another professional was already attached to Mark Rabbit’s back at the moment, and the opponent was trying to remove Mark Rabbit’s power engine with his bare hands.

For mechas, the Yuanli engine is equivalent to the human heart. Once the Yuanli engine is removed, the entire mecha will be reduced to scrap.A little cold light flashed under Zhang Mingyuan’s eyes.

Taking advantage of the current Yuanli engine has not been dismantled, he decisively manipulated the Mark Rabbit to dive down.

The Yuanli engine, which was mentioned as the highest power, spewed azure flames, and the Mark Rabbit landed directly on the ground like a fashion, bringing up the wind and snow in the sky.

The huge impact caused the professional who was attached to the surface of the Mark Rabbit to fall, but this was a trade that wounded the enemy a thousand pieces and lost 800 pieces.

Zhang Mingyuan himself was stunned by the impact, and more enemies around rushed up.

There are still many fierce battles such as Zhang Mingyuan’s. Above mid-air, Hao Shuai is being attacked by two red sickle S-level professionals. The two are attacked by Hao Shuai, one weapon and one secret technique. Suffering beyond words.

Dajiba is responsible for the offense, and the secret technique is on the side. This makes Hao Shuai, who is a hacker genre, unable to withstand the opponent’s offense.


And a heavy punch hit Hao Shuai’s forehead on the spot, and Juli caused Hao Shuai to fall to the ground on the spot. Only after hitting more than a dozen soldiers to death did he stop his figure.

Hao Shuai’s handsome face was now blue and purple. He slowly got up from the ground, covering his chest with one hand, and accompanied by a cough, a mouthful of black and red blood was touched from his mouth.

In addition, the punch just now made Hao Shuai feel that his own consciousness has fallen into a blank.

Hao Shuai vomited blood to the ground nonchalantly, then looked up again, showing a penetrating smile to the two in mid-air.

At this time, the soldiers around Hao Shuai had dispersed quite consciously.

S-level battles are not something they can participate in, and even the aftermath of the battle will cause them to die on the spot.

The two people in mid-air landed slowly, the male big muscle tyrant’s shirt was slightly damaged, he simply tore it off, revealing his lean and obvious muscles.

On the other hand, another woman stood cautiously behind her companion.

“Major General Hao, it’s better to surrender as you are. It’s more than enough for our Red Scythe to be a lieutenant general with your abilities.” Dajiba grinned mischievously.

Jiang Liu wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand. Although he was at a disadvantage in the previous battle, he couldn’t lose.

“It’s not as good as you come to our federation together, the red sickle will give you three times as much as our federation will give you.”

The man’s face was extremely gloomy, but before he could speak, the female professional of the secret technique genre spoke.

“Major General Hao, your federation will soon be ours. If I were you, I have a chance to surrender at this time. This is one of the few opportunities.”

“It’s not impossible to surrender.”

A jewel-like purple light flashed in Hao Shuai’s eyes, and the secretary-genre professionals who were still standing behind his teammates were immediately recruited.

Hackers are not only good at software technology, but also a group of Illusion Art masters.

The reason why Hao Shuai is able to stand out among many hacker genre professionals is that software technology is not only his strong point. Similarly, Illusion Art is also a skill that Hao Shuai is proficient in, and can be said to be a well-rounded skill.

As soon as the woman appeared, Hao Shuai was immediately caught in his exclusive consciousness space.

The conscious space is different from the outside world. The time here is very slow. Tens of thousands of years may have passed in the conscious space, but it is only a moment in the outside world.

Hao Shuai’s purpose in dragging the opponent into the consciousness space is quite obvious, and that is to change one as much as possible.

In the courtyard where Zhao Changan lived, Diana was pacing back and forth at the courtyard door. Diana, who had always been honored and disgraced in the past, now looks flustered. She looks down at the terminal almost every half a minute.

New information will be sent from the terminal every few seconds, and there will be a new notification every time an area in the Federal Presidency is lost.

“Miss, if we can’t leave now, there are still aircrafts to take off in the airport of the station.”

A woman wearing a black hip skirt and a white shirt also stood beside Diana anxiously.

As Diana’s personal secretary, her main duty is to protect Diana’s comfort, and her own strength has reached the A level.

This person used to be Diana’s secret whistle, but now the situation is urgent and she has to stand up.

Diana shook her head slowly, her eyes falling on the basic door.

She had promised Zhao Changan before that she would protect Jiang Liu’s safety.

Diana glanced at the time, and according to the current situation, the success rate of the Red Sickle breaking the airport was quite high.

“Wait another twenty minutes. If Jiang Liu still doesn’t come out, we will leave.” Diana said quickly.

Time passed bit by bit, and screams and footsteps were faintly heard in the distance.

“Miss, we should go now, the enemy has come.” The woman looked anxious.

Diana is still staring at the door, there are five minutes, five minutes later I will leave.

The woman stomped slightly. She knew Diana’s temper. Since it was decided, ten cows could not be pulled back.

The woman turned and walked out, as Diana’s guard. Since she couldn’t persuade Diana, then she could only try to ensure Diana’s safety.

Half a minute later, there was a fight in the distance, and Diana was still standing at the door waiting quietly.

At this moment, the originally closed door finally opened.

The unkempt Jiang Liu came out from it, Diana looked happy, and then her gaze slowly fell on Jiang Liu’s right hand.

I saw Jiang Liu’s right hand holding a two-handed long sword. The whole long sword was blue and translucent. From a distance, the body of the sword seemed to exude a little chill.

Diana had a cold war for no apparent reason, even if she just glanced at it, Diana shuddered.

“How is the situation now?” Jiang Liu said hoarsely.

“Red sickle has entered.” Diana said quickly.

Jiang Liu looked around and found no trace of Zhao Changan, and then asked, “Where is my teacher?”

Diana immediately replied: “Uncle Zhao went out as early as the beginning of the battle, and he asked me to leave you a word, if there is really no chance, just leave.”

After Jiang Liu heard this, he didn’t speak. He just raised his right hand to lift Frostmourne. His slender finger belly lightly touched Frostmourne’s sword, lingering slightly between Jiang Liu’s fingers.

Diana could see clearly at this time, Jiang Liu’s originally dark eyes did not know when they turned into the same faint blue color as Frostmourne.

“Let’s go, let you witness how I defeated the red sickle with this weapon.” Jiang Liu said in a cold voice.Diana, who was nearly a round older than Jiang Liu, nodded subconsciously at this moment, and then he = she retreated without a trace. Jiang Liu felt very bad for her at this moment, and she even thought that the person right now was not Jiang Liu at all.

Outside the courtyard of Zhao Changan, Diana’s guards were carrying six courtyard guards to resist the attack of nearly a hundred professionals with red sickle.

It can be seen that these red sickle professionals are clearly here, and they are targeting Zhao Changan.

Otherwise, it is unlikely that everyone in this red sickle’s professional team has the strength of B-level or above, and there is even an S-level professional participating in it.

However, the opponent’s S-level professional seems to be a professional of the genre of ingenuity, his own combat effectiveness is not high, but all kinds of dolls in his hands, but even this is enough for Diana’s guard to drink a pot. .

I saw five or six dolls of different sizes rushing towards Diana’s guard at the same time. These hideous and weird dolls cooperated with each other, and Diana’s guard soon got countless wounds of different sizes.

“Li Li Aunt!” Diana exclaimed.

Jiang Liu still stared blankly at what was happening before him, and then he slowly raised Frostmourne.

“Stand up, my soldiers!”

A terrifying scene appeared. The dead body slowly stood up. Their eyes turned to dark blue at some unknown time. Although most of the corpses were broken, even their heads had been crushed, they still stood. Up.

What a terrifying scene, such an accident made the soldiers on both sides of the fighting start to wonder.

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Liu’s mouth.

“Kill them!”

The deceased who got the order started their actions. Their postures were different, but their goal was the same, that is, to kill all the soldiers with the red sickle.

When former comrades-in-arms, brothers, and even the enemy who had just killed them with their own hands, pounced on them, the hearts of the soldiers with the red sickle nearly collapsed.

On the other hand, the S-level skill genre professional turned around and left after seeing this scene.

Five minutes later, the soldiers of the red sickle turned into enslaved dead one by one.

Diana was holding her mouth tightly at this moment, and this time she simply retreated directly to retreat and distanced herself from Jiang Liu.

What a terrifying and abominable ability to manipulate the dead.

Diana’s eyes turned back and forth between Frostmourne and Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu also saw Diana’s surprised eyes, but he didn’t care.

Jiang Liu could feel that the weapon of Frostmourne did change his own character, but it didn’t really affect him.

“You go somewhere else.” Jiang Liu said to the remaining surviving Union soldiers.

After Jiang Liu finished speaking, he walked quickly to the distance, and on its left and right, a large number of dead people surrounded him.

“and many more!”

Diana passed through a few corpses and came to Jiang Liu’s side. She gritted her teeth and said, “I’ll go with you.”

Jiang Liu looked slightly different: “Aren’t you afraid?”

“Fear, but you won’t hurt me, right?”

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