Chapter 232 Debate

This chapter has been revised in ten minutes, and there are five hundred words in it.

When Diana arrived at the door of a room, the two security guards bowed slightly.

“Miss, the master just fell asleep.” One of them bowed and said.

Before Diana spoke, the door to the room that had been closed was opened, and the old man was standing in the doorway in his pajamas.

“I know the matter, come in and talk about it.”

Diana followed her father into the room. The old man turned around and poured herself a glass of red wine. In addition, she said, “If you want to drink, you can pour it yourself.”

Diana wasn’t in the mood to pour red wine, a sad look appeared on her beautiful face.

“Father, Jiang Liu’s actions were a bit too big, and he never told me beforehand.”

The old man glanced at Diana and said, “Why do they want to tell you?”

The old man made Diana speechless with a single sentence. She thought about it carefully. In fact, what her father said was quite right. Why did the other party tell her?

“A new generation of mechas, and they are also equipped with mental links.” The old man slowly put down his mobile phone. “Young people nowadays are really scary.”

“Father, don’t be afraid of you after this. Now all the major consortia are moving. Father, what should we do next?” Diana looked anxious.

The old man glanced at Diana and said, “What should I do? Shouldn’t you be asked this question? I remember that you and that Jiang Liu have a good relationship with each other, right?”

Diana stomped her feet. Things had reached this point before she knew how could it be said that the relationship between herself and Jiang Liu is good.

The old man leaned on the sofa comfortably. Although Diana was sulking in her heart, she still obediently walked to her father’s side and helped her father gently rub his legs.

“Since things have happened, it’s useless for you to be angry.”

The old man squinted his eyes: “Since you and Jiang Liu have a cooperative relationship, we are much ahead of other consortia. As for what to do next, it’s actually simple.”

“After a while, you will set off to the federal front. This time you will stay there, and I will give you the corresponding resources for you to develop there.”

“Continue deep-level cooperation with Jiang Liu. Of course, you can think about how to cooperate.”

The old man slowly got up and looked at the daughter in front of him, a trace of affection flashed in his eyes.

“You seven children, you rank the youngest, your Big Brothers, don’t pay attention to each one, thanks to you in your generation.”

“You are not too young now, and you should find a man. I think Jiang Liu is pretty good.”

Diana’s face flushed, she looked at Own’s father and groaned: “Father! What are you talking about, Jiang Liu and I are more than ten years apart from each other!”

The old man’s eyes stared: “What’s the matter in my teens! When I married your mother, I was forty, and your mother was only 18! Don’t you have you now too!”

Diana was really defeated by her father’s rascal character.

“Father, don’t worry about my marriage, I have to go first!”

Diana almost escaped.

After Diana left the room, the old man slowly got up, he stood at the window and looked down silently.

The old man was originally named Heywood Weitz, and now the head of the Steel Core Consortium, he had also experienced the Battle of the Blood Plain that year. The two were comrades-in-arms with Zhao Changan. After the Battle of the Blood Plain, Heywood was recalled by the family and took over. Steel Core Consortium.

He clicked on the terminal silently, and the information about Jiang Liu appeared on it in all detail, and even many things that Jiang Liu didn’t remember now were written on it clearly.

Among them, what was highlighted in red was the affair between Jiang Liu and Zhao Changan.

A trace of nostalgia flashed in the old man’s eyes, and when he mentioned Zhao Changan, he thought of the bloody battle that year.

He sighed slightly, but finally he smiled again.

He remembered that he had made an agreement with Zhao Changan that in the future, if each other had children, he would set a baby kiss.

But he had seven children in succession, but Zhao Changan hadn’t gotten married yet. Originally, he thought the baby kiss was a blow, but the appearance of Jiang Liu gave him hope again.

As the saying goes, one and a half apprentices, Jiang Liu, although young, seems to have a certain ability, and his own daughter is just right.

On the federal front, Jiang Liu is now smiling and looking at Li Xin in front of him.

Li Xin in a military uniform came to Jiang Liu decisively after he left the field. After waiting for a long time at the gate of the sixth group, he finally waited for Jiang Liu.

“Leader Jiang, before, it was mine. How about you, the adults don’t remember the villain’s faults. How about we shake hands?” Li Xin pleased.

Li Xin took out a beautifully packaged gift box and handed it to Jiang Liu.

“There is a U-shield inside. There are five million nut coins in it. It’s a little bit of my care. I have to trouble you to accept it.”

Jiang Liu looked at the USB-shield in Li Xin’s hand, and then at Li Xin. He did not take the USB-shield that Li Xin handed over.

“Mr. Li, I don’t know yet, which consortium does you represent today?” Jiang Liu asked in a deep voice.

When Li Xin saw this, he knew that today’s things might not be better.

“Leader Jiang, since you asked, then I will just say it directly. I am here today to represent the Hengda consortium. I hope we can reach cooperation with Mr. Jiang Liu. After all, you have technology, and our Hengda consortium owns With enough nut coins.”

Li Xin has a little pride on his face. As Li Xin said, among the top ten consortiums, the Hengda consortium may not have the most technology, but in all aspects of the industries they are involved in, the entire federation has the dungeon, and the Hengda consortium has the most. The land and various facilities.

This also allows the Hengda Consortium to have the most sufficient cash flow among the top ten consortia.

Of course, all of this is also related to the predecessor of the Hengda Consortium. The predecessor of the Hengda Consortium is the two major real estate groups in the old era.

The meaning of Li Xin’s words is very clear.

Jiang Liu pondered: “Does the Hengda Consortium want to get involved in mecha manufacturing now?”

When Li Xin heard it, Jiang Liu didn’t directly refuse it, it was a show.

He replied with a smile on his face: “The Hengda Consortium is a multi-faceted development. I think with Mr. Zhao’s ability, he would naturally not refuse this kind of thing, right?”

“You have enough cash, and I have enough technology, right?” Jiang Liu asked rhetorically.

“Of course!” Li Xin immediately replied.

Jiang Liu asked back: “Then why don’t I cooperate with other consortia? But it’s you? I think other consortia can provide me with enough cash, right?”

Li Xin’s smile instantly solidified.

What is the most profitable in the world, the answer is monopoly, and now, Jiang Liu is in a monopoly position.

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