Chapter 229 Blood Lotus Flower Mecha

“I won’t go.” Ulton continued after a while, “but if any of you wants to go, I won’t stop.”

As the fifth commander-in-chief of the federal frontline, Yul has been here for his entire life. The federal frontline is his home. How could he watch his own home be destroyed.

There was no sound in the command center.

“Look at the screen!” I don’t know who suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at the holographic screen, and saw that the red light spot representing the red sickle was quickly disappearing, and the speed of this disappearance was gradually accelerating.

The red light spot disappeared, representing that the Red Sickle’s troops were being wiped out.

But what is really weird is that no one knows what exactly the Red Scythe was wiped out by.

The blue dots on the screen representing the Federation did not increase, and no bombing sound was heard outside.

Yule’s eyes lit up, and the rickety body exploded with astonishing speed.

He didn’t even give an order, but he came to the console, his wrinkled hands quickly manipulated the link terminal.

The next moment, specific pictures of the battlefield appeared on the holographic screen.

With the appearance of battle scenes, many commanders and commanders present showed incredible expressions.

What did they see? !

Has the red sickle mutinous inside himself? Why is there a fight inside!

On the screen, I saw countless soldiers and professionals with red sickles and red death gods fighting, and the two sides were inextricably fought.


Yul first discovered what was wrong. He saw clearly that the soldier with the red sickle who had just been killed suddenly stood up for some reason.

The dilapidated body staggered towards the nearby comrades after standing up.

The same picture abounds on the battlefield.

Yul was unsure in his heart. It was clear that the dead had been resurrected. It was similar to the zombie virus that was once a flash in the pan. The only difference was that these dead seemed to be controllable.

But this seems even more terrifying.

Yule could see clearly that these deceased seemed to retain a certain sense of consciousness. They could even control flesh and blood mechas and equipment, and the number was increasing rapidly. A rough estimate might be as large as 20,000.

There are more than 20,000 dead people who are not afraid of Death and still keep even. The power that erupts behind this is very terrifying.

In less than three minutes, the red sickle soldiers who had just come into contact with combat began to quickly retreat.

But Yule was a little relieved that he did not see any Union soldiers among the dead.

This means that the other party is at least kind to the front line of the Federation, and it may even be a member of the Federation.

Yule took a deep breath and said, “Quickly survey the surrounding area, and quickly summon the remaining troops to cooperate with them in launching a counterattack.”


The atmosphere in the command center was lifted with the appearance of these dead, but no one knew how they would face these dead after this war.

On the east side of the Federal Front Station, the explosions in the sky and the sound of steel collision made it a forbidden place on the battlefield.

Behind the smoke of gunpowder in the sky, the figures of the two men gradually emerged.

“Zhao Changan, I haven’t seen you for ten years. It looks like you are old.”

The talking man had his upper body naked, revealing his almost perfect body. The muscles under his white skin resembled a horned dragon, full of power aesthetics, and his shoulders were tattooed with a sickle and a hoe.

The man has a capable short blond hair, a high nose, and slightly sunken eyes.

Zhao Changan, who was shrouded in machinery in the distance, snorted coldly: “I haven’t seen you for ten years. Although I am old, your strength has not made any progress. Brandon, if your dad knows that you are so ineffective, I am afraid that Did you crawl out of the grave? Oh yes, I forgot, your dad didn’t even leave any scum when he was killed by me.”

The man’s laughter stopped abruptly. He looked at Zhao Changan in the distance fiercely and said: “Old man, you killed my father ten years ago. Now ten years have passed. I have brought countless soldiers who have blood feuds like me. We are back. ’

“I want you to watch me destroy your federal front, and finally take your head back to worship my father.” The man showed a cruel smile.

He seemed to want to anger Zhao Changan, but unfortunately, Zhao Changan was not moved at all.

“I killed your dad, but you are still missing?” Zhao Changan replied.

Zhao Changan waved his hand, and a purple vortex opened up on the left and right sides of his back.

Countless groups of micro mechs rushed out of it.

There are thousands of these miniature mechas, and they even cover the entire sky. Under the control of Zhao Changan, the micro mech attacked Brandon from all sides.

Countless miniature missiles with tail flames exploded like fireworks.

Brandon abruptly rushed towards Zhao Changan against the explosion. This kind of miniature missile had no effect on him, and even his skin could not be damaged.

Zhao Changan frowned slightly when he saw this. As an S-class mechanical prince of the mechanical genre, Zhao Changan’s most powerful thing is his control over machinery.

In layman’s terms, the two major categories derived from the mechanical genre after entering the A-level focus respectively on the ultimate attack and the ultimate control.

And what Zhao Changan chose when he advanced to A-level was the control ability.

In the face of Brandon, an indestructible person of the S-class weapon weapon genre, it is difficult for him to cause effective damage, but this guy Brandon should not even want to meet Zhao Changan.

Brand is now surrounded by a group of micro mechas. This big muscle hegemony waved his fists wantonly, and countless micro mechas were shattered, but in the purple vortex behind Zhao Changan, the micro mechas seemed endless. Once boarding destroys one, a new miniature mech will rush out of it.

Zhao Changan stared at Brandon, who was throwing left and right in the air, frowning, and it seemed that it was not a problem to consume it like this.

As a result, the purple vortex behind Zhao Changan increased again.

This time, what came out of it was not a miniature mech, but a piece of peculiar parts.

These parts were wrapped by Zhao Changan’s source force. Under the blood red source force, these parts were quickly assembled into a mecha and a long and narrow red Tang knife.

“Zhao Changan! You old fellow can’t sit still, right?! The Federal Residency will soon be destroyed, and you will die here.”

Brandon laughed in the distance, and crushed a miniature mecha by the way.

Zhao Changan was still unmoved. When he entered this mecha, countless blood red power burst out instantly.

The blood-red source force adhered to the surface of the mecha, looking from a distance as if it was a coquettish Lotus flower.

Brandon became vigilant after seeing the mech.

Part of the reason why Zhao Changan was called Admiral of Blood Origin was because of this mecha called Blood Lotus Flower.

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