Chapter 213 Everyone’s Power

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The purpose of digging the terminal from this F-level professional is to obtain further information, but Jiang Liu is not a professional hacker of the genre, so he can only try it initially.

He hid in the toilet again, inside the quiet and slightly foul-smelling cesspit, Jiang Liu was nesting a terminal, and a little Yuanli was wrapping it.

Generally speaking, it is quite difficult to crack the terminal. Otherwise, the world will be completely messed up. Professionals of the hacking genre don’t have to do anything, and they can make tens of millions of dollars a month by cracking the terminal every day.

However, there are some special circumstances. For example, Jiang Liu does not need to get more information, let alone crack the most important part of the account assets in the terminal.

In this way, the problem is much simpler. Relying on the books he read in the consciousness space, after several attempts, Jiang Liu quickly used the crawler method to extract the relevant information in the terminal, and by the way, The link is completed.

The information in this terminal is quite simple, and there are a lot of information in the information interface.

After Jiang Liuzai carefully browsed one by one, after excluding most of the spam, Jiang Liu finally found some useful information from it.

“On the night of June 6.7, the plan of surrendering the gods was launched-the apocalypse.”

Seance plan?

Jiang Liu frowned. What is this so-called plan of sacrificing God? What does those iron boxes have to do with the plan of surrender?

With doubts, Jiang Liu chose to link Yinmeng’s terminal.

After a brief and piercing electric current has passed, the terminal is successfully connected.

“Commissioner Yin Meng, can you hear me? Over.”

“Yes, over.” Yin Meng replied quickly.

“Commissioner Yin Meng, there are people belonging to the Red Scythe inside the members of Eye of Heaven, and there are flesh-and-blood colonists who have entered the dungeon. In addition, Eye of Heaven is undergoing a plan to seduce the spirit. Please investigate the plan immediately and it is over.”

Jiang Liu’s speech was very fast, even with a little urgency.

Although I don’t know what the surrender plan is, it doesn’t sound like a good thing…

“Received, Commissioner Jiang Liu, please don’t disconnect the link!”

At this time, the staff in the staff has been chaotic with Jiang Liu’s information. Just now, the staff successfully contacted two members of the action team, and at the same time completed links with more than a dozen members of the executive department of the staff, but they Before they had time to celebrate, Jiang Liu gave them a blow.

Inside the bridge of the staff, Chief of Staff Sun Shan paced back and forth, and nearly a hundred staff of the staff on the left and right sides were urgently calling for relevant information.

In front of the left podium, a staff officer suddenly looked excited and said: “Chief of Staff! Relevant information has been found!”

Sun Shan suddenly turned around and said, “Immediately project it on the screen.”


A report appeared on a holographic screen that was more than five meters high and exuding cold light. The information on this report is not complete, but it is vital.

“Chief of Staff, this report is the information shared by the 0542 underground city half a month ago.” The staff member added.

Sun Shan looked up at the report on the screen and frowned.

It is reported that in recent years, the Red Scythe Central Research Institute has made breakthrough progress in the combined breeding equipment. Our undercover Chunfeng successfully obtained Red Scythe related documents. The names of some of the Federal Central Research Institute’s projects are as follows.

God creation plan, God surrender plan…

Sun Shan was also puzzled. He frowned while looking at the scarlet and thick four big characters on the screen.

God creation plan, God surrender plan.

Although there is no specific report, some information can be obtained from this name.

Does God really exist in this world? Except for those madmen of the Yuanshen school, almost no one believes in the existence of gods. Of course, the so-called “gods” here refer to the gods of traditional human society.

Sun Shan once read a book, which was written by a writer named Nietzsche in the old era.

In his book, he stated that God is dead. Humans in the old age fought two world wars. Before that, religion prevailed, but with the end of World War I, there were too cruel war casualties and the rapid development of science. , So that people began to doubt their beliefs.

This suspicion is not directed at a single religion, but at all the religions that existed at the time of the old age.

With the outbreak of the Second World War, more cruel wars and casualties gave religion the final blow. People no longer believed that they could go to heaven after death, nor did they believe that they could go to bliss in the West. So far, the religion of the old age has completely declined.

The talk that God is dead began to prevail.

In the early stage of the new era, religions revived, and all kinds of religions emerged, including Yuan Shen.

With the discovery of Yuanli, the Yuanshen sect became one of the Yuanshen sects in one fell swoop, but no one knows whether Yuanshen exists.

If there is a god in this world, then he is a professional above the SSS level.

Sun Shan shook his head with a complicated expression, he just lost sight of it.

However, no matter what the lunatics of Eye of Heaven are doing, it is absolutely right to stop them.

“Contact that member of the special operations team and continue to have him investigate.”

Sun Shan walked along the trail: “How is the progress of the rescue force now?”

“Report! A total of 15,620 people from the Executive Department of the General Staff were dispatched. The concealed passages on the 005 floor were all exposed, and they were blocked by the Eye of Heaven. The two sides were fighting in an orthogonal battle.”

Sun Shan’s face became more embarrassed.

Most dungeons have hidden passages on each floor. The purpose of these concealed passages is to prevent things from happening today. What Sun Shan did not expect was that all the hidden passages of the 0860 dungeon were exposed.

Inner ghost! Sun Shan thought of the reason for the first time, and he was also a very high-status inner ghost.

“To launch an attack at all costs, you must break through to floor 004 within half an hour.” Sun Shan ordered again.

In the Liaison Department, Yin Meng lifted her temples and said: “Commissioner Jiang Liu, the staff has updated the mission instructions. Please investigate as much as possible about the relevant information about the Seance Plan.” Yin Meng whispered: “In addition, pay attention to safety.”

Jiang Liu’s heart warmed: “Received, over.”

The bloodshot terminal on the surface was put into his pocket, and then Jiang Liu left the toilet again. If you want to investigate further, you need to enter the 006 floor. However, the 006 floor is strictly controlled by the members of the Eye of Heaven.

He needs to use other means to be able to enter.

“Commissioner Yinmeng, I need the architectural drawings of this building.” Jiang Liu’s throat shook slightly.

“Retrieving, the relevant information has been sent to the terminal, please check and it is over.” Yin Meng quickly replied.

Jiang Liu immediately clicked on the terminal, and the specific information of this building appeared before his eyes.

After a long time, Jiang Liu’s eyes lit up, and he knew how to enter the sixth floor quietly.

Jiang Liu who came out of the fifth floor quietly came to the edge of the window. He opened the window carefully and crawled out of it.

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