Chapter 209 Mark Rabbit

Jiang Liu’s identity guard is known, and he can be identified immediately with just a swipe.

The group leader of the sixth group of the Light Weapons Center and the two guards even took a few more glances. They stayed here all year round. Almost all front-line commanders, large and small, have seen them, and there are countless group leaders in each center.

But this is the first time they have seen such a young man, and the young man in front of him is probably only in his twenties.

There are only two possibilities for people in their twenties to be able to get into this position. One is through relationships, such as the young generation of a consortium, and the other is through true learning, relying on their own hard power.

No matter which one of them, they are not the guards who can offend.

The two guards looked at each other, one of them calmed down and said, “Wait a minute, let me ask for instructions.”

Jiang Liu nodded slightly, and didn’t feel any upset because of the two people’s obstruction.

The duty of the guard is to guard the main entrance to prevent any accidents from happening. The two of them are performing their own duties, thinking in different places, Jiang Liu has no reason to blame each other.

In less than a minute, the closed door was opened.

Yul ran out of the room himself, and the words of excitement were all over that old face.

He stepped forward and firmly grasped Jiang Liu’s shoulder.

“Is what you said is true?!”

Regardless of Yule’s old age, his strength was so amazing that Jiang Liu felt that his shoulders seemed to be crushed by Yule.

“Old man, you are so excited, be careful to crush his shoulders.”

Hao Shuai appeared lazily behind the door, and gently blew the bangs on his forehead by the way.

Only then did Yul realize that Own was really pushing too hard, and he quickly let go of Own’s hands.

Jiang Liu breathed a sigh of relief, and took a step towards retreated without any trace.

“Come on, come in and talk, tell us about your mecha.” Hao Shuai smiled and greeted him.

Jiang Liu followed Yule into this room. Although the room was not small, there were always six or seven people sitting in the room, and the whole room was filled with smoke.

Even though the exhaust fan has been fully powered on, heavy smoke is still permeating the upper part of the room.

The smoke that was about to condense into substance was indeed suffocating Jiang Liu.

Hao Shuai also noticed that Jiang Liu’s expression was wrong, and he explained with a smile: “A group of great lords, please be considerate.”

Yule didn’t care so much, he still looked at Jiang Liu with hot eyes.

“What about the mecha you are talking about, take it out and have a look.”

It’s impossible to take it out, it’s all in the head.

Jiang Liu smiled, he looked at Yule and said, “Commander in chief, I don’t know if I can borrow our holographic screen for use?”

“No problem, you can use it whatever you want, as long as you can bring out the mecha I want.”

Yule is majestic, but looking at it, if Jiang Liu can’t get the mecha he wants, I am afraid that a bad curse will be unavoidable, even if his teacher is Zhao Changan.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Jiang Liu stood beside the holographic screen.

All the information related to Mark Rabbit is in his mind. Thanks to the melting pot, Jiang Liu’s understanding of Mark Rabbit has reached the slightest level of detail.

He unfolded the holographic screen, his hands beating on the holographic screen like elves, and modules began to appear on the screen out of thin air.

Hao Shuai, who was still watching the excitement, gradually became serious, and the commanders around him were even more so.

Although they don’t know how to design mechas, the years of infestation have given them a general understanding of mechas. What mechas can work and what mechas can’t, they still understand in their hearts.

Jiang Liu’s hands are flying like flying hands. The method he uses is modularization. First, he designs various modules of Mark Rabbit, and finally joins them.

On the azure holographic screen, each module with relevant data was designed by Jiang Liu. With the passage of time, the number of these modules is increasing rapidly.

The original 5*5-5 square meter holographic screen is no longer enough.

Hao Shuai waved his hand quietly. As an S-level professional of the hacker genre, Hao Shuai’s application of various electronic devices has reached a level of admiration.

With Jiang Liu as the center, five holographic screens envelop him.

Jiang Liu, who was focusing on designing modules, didn’t notice. At this moment, he put his own mind on the building modules.

One hour or two hours, time is passing fast, but the people in the room are not bored at all.

Everyone knows that they are witnessing the birth of a mecha, and this mecha may even save the current decline of the entire Federation.

Sixty-three thousand four hundred and eighty-five modules.

When Jiang Liu finished building the last module, he gently waved his hand, and the modules scattered everywhere quickly gathered together like rivers returning, and in an instant a mecha appeared in front of everyone.

Jiang Liu let out a foul breath, he rubbed his own fingers, and then looked at everyone.

“Everyone, this is the mecha I designed, up to Mk-Ⅱ.”

Yule looked at the mecha in front of him with a hot expression. The blue and white fuselage had the unique beauty of machinery, and the human-like form was full of power and speed.

The most attractive is the part of the weapon marked on this mecha.

Beam saber, special source force shield, honeycomb mini missile, source force bazooka, beam rifle.

Behind this mecha is a variety of new weapons.

The research and development of a mecha is quite cumbersome, because you not only have to consider the mecha itself, but also design the corresponding weapons. There are countless things involved, material science, human dynamics, and mechanics. and many more.

This is why there are only a few consortia that can actually develop mechas at the moment.

But now, Jiang Liu has brought surprises to everyone.

In fact, Yule originally didn’t believe Jiang Liu. In his opinion, even if Jiang Liu could design a mecha, he was only doing research and development on the basis of a certain mecha. But now, Jiang Liu It was a mecha that was truly designed.

Jiang Liu looked around everyone’s expressions one by one, and then he threw a blockbuster again.

“Everyone, the inner operating device of the most powerful functional room of the Marktu mech adopts a mental link. Our pilots no longer need to learn those tedious operations. They only need to complete the mental link with the mecha itself to be able to control the mecha. ”

After Jiang Liu said this, he quietly looked at everyone in front of him.

Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, it immediately caused an uproar among the people!

Spiritual link! If it is really like what Jiang Liu said, then this mecha is really an epoch-making creation!

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