Chapter 198 Interrogation

E-level professionals leapfrogged to kill D-level professionals, although to a large extent relying on mechas, it was also sensational enough.

If this is placed outside, it will definitely be able to report on the local dungeon.

After all, these are D-class professionals, not rookies who have just entered the career path.

The man slowly raised his head to look at Jiang Liu, his strong physique gave him much more vitality than ordinary people. However, in the face of this level of injury, his vitality is simply not enough to support.

But this did not prevent him from controlling his last strength to say a word.

“What’s your gun called?”

The man’s voice sounded like a mosquito, but Jiang Liu still heard clearly.

What is the gun’s name? This shot was learned by Jiang Liu from Zhao Changan, and it was considered one of his last means of pressing the bottom of the box.

“Living to death.” Jiang Liu said slowly.

Concentrate the power of the whole body to concentrate on one point, so as to kill the enemy with one shot. Once it fails, there will be no bones left. This is not what life to death is.

The man slowly fell, and without this D-class professional, the group of enemies in front of him would naturally not be worth mentioning. Jiang Liu took out the Yuanli supplement reagent from the mercury tears and put it in his mouth.

The sticky and bitter taste is unforgettable for a lifetime, but Jiang Liu finished it in one breath.

When Yuanli once again appeared in the limbs, Jiang Liu finally felt safe.

“Kill the remaining enemies!” Jiang Liu said again.

Four people face ten people. As the party with a small number of people, Jiang Liu not only did not choose to take this opportunity to retreat, but instead wanted to kill the remaining enemies.

But they did. With the three mechas and their cooperation, the remaining enemies were quickly killed by him and the others.

“Martin! Keep one!” Jiang Liu suddenly shouted.

In the distance, Martin had rushed in front of the last enemy, and a heavy chain saw knife over two meters long cut a shadow over the enemy’s head.

When Martin went down with this knife, the opponent must have no bones left.

Jiang Liu’s call was quite timely. Martin’s knife was slashed at the last moment, allowing this poor and lucky guy to escape temporarily, but only temporarily.

Jiang Liu rushed forward, the ebony wood pressed against the opponent’s head, and there was still a little gunpowder in the dark muzzle.

Jiang Liu has never been kind to the enemy.

The muzzle was slightly downward, and the ebony muzzle burst out with splendid spears.

Jiang Liu’s shot directly hit the knee of the opponent’s right leg. The entire knee was completely shattered, and the knee of his left leg was not dropped. Jiang Liu made up another shot by the way.

After two consecutive shots made the opponent completely lose the ability to walk, Jiang Liu tore off the scarf on the opponent’s face.

This is a standard oriental face, with a scar on the bridge of his nose on his right cheek.

Perhaps because of the pain, the man’s expression was very hideous, his eyes fixed on Jiang Liu, and the anger in him could not be concealed. He seemed to want to use his eyes to swallow Jiang Liu in front of him.

“Your identity, age, gender.” Jiang Liu asked quickly.

Anything will happen on the battlefield. Jiang Liu knows that there is not much time left for own. He must ask in the shortest possible time before leaving here, but the enemy is likely to send follow-up support.

The prisoner was very hard-spirited, even though his legs were scrapped, he still kept silent.

Jiang Liu couldn’t help but sneered.

Two ebony cars knocked the triggers, and the man’s forehead was left with a lot of sweat.

His arms, crotch, and hands were all shot. At such a close distance, the powerful momentum would directly smash the surface of his body, and the bones and muscles inside would be instantly disturbed.

This kind of injury is difficult to heal even now, and the only way is to replace the injured part with a reproductive outfit.

Jiang Liu looked down at the terminal, and then continued: “You have one minute left. If you don’t say anything, I will send you to see your comrade-in-arms.”



Every time Jiang Liu reports the number is like the advent of Death, who is further announcing it.

The strong feeling of child pain and the suffocation on the verge of Death made the man’s defense line gradually collapse.

“Say, I said!” The man finally couldn’t bear it at this moment.

Jiang Liu smiled upon hearing the words.

“That’s not right, why do we have to hold on, name, age, gender, say.”

“Under the tree, Xiaochuan, 26 years old, male!”

After hearing this, Jiang Liu continued to ask: “What is the relationship between Xiaochuan Sanhe and you?!”

Before the man could speak, Jiang Liu stepped on the other’s knee, and the dusty soles crushed the other’s bare bones.


The man howled like a beast.

“What is the relationship between Xiaochuan Sanhe and you, say!”

“Ogawa Sanhe is the Young Patriarch, and I am the servant of the Ogawa family!” The man’s tone accelerated a lot.

The smiling face of Ogawa Sanhe appeared in Jiang Liu’s mind.

Jiang Liu didn’t expect that among the three of Luo Sai, it would be Ogawa Sanhe who did it first. After all, according to Jiang Liu’s guess, the first person to do it should be Li Xin or Luo Sai. It shouldn’t be Ogawa Sanhe.

But in the end, it happened that Ogawa Sanhe was the first to do it.


Jiang Liu shot the opponent’s forehead four times. After confirming that the opponent was completely dead, Jiang Liu put the ebony wood back into the Mercury Tears.

He pressed the miniature earphone in his right ear again and said: “Safia, the damage to the overall transport robot.”

“Three transport robots were completely damaged, 2 transport robots were damaged more than 40%, and the rest were above 10%.”

Jiang Liu looked helpless after hearing this.

This time, there are eleven vehicles in the fleet under his control. Now three vehicles have been damaged in half of the journey. Although the other two vehicles have not been completely damaged, they are almost almost done.

Jiang Liu couldn’t help but sighed, careless, this time it was really careless.

“Boss, what do you do next?” Martin’s voice came from the mini terminal.

“What to do, keep walking.”

“Boss, why don’t you get on my mech, let’s be together.” Martin said again.

Jiang Liu:? ? ? ?

What kind of weird invitation is this?

You don’t need to continue driving the mechs, I will transport the robots.

Jiang Liu talked about the transportation robots that went straight to the head. Although these transportation robots are controlled by Safia, they also have a cockpit and can be manually driven to prevent manual driving errors. Time takes over these.

“Safia, what do you think the three of Roussie are going to do?” Jiang Liu leaned in the driving chair, putting his hands behind his head.

“Group Leader Jiang, I’m just an artificial intelligence, how can I know what they are going to do?”

Jiang Liuxin said that at this time it is artificial intelligence. Whose artificial intelligence will do things like you Safia.

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