"Bai Yi, do you really know everything with this talent?"

On the way to the classroom, Lin Leyu gradually changed her opinion of Bai Yi. Her favorability level soared from less than 40 to 60.

It was not for anything else, but because Bai Yi did not expose her in person just now.

This was a big plus.

"Otherwise, I have never seen you before, so I definitely don't know what your situation is."

"How about you come to the freshman reception class today?"

Lin Leyu thought for a moment and said,"Freshman reception classes are for credits. Each freshman needs to pay a few credits to let us answer questions about skills. If you are willing to attend, I can give you all the credits for this class."


Bai Yi became interested.

After all, no one has too many credits.

He looked at Lin Leyu and asked doubtfully:"Then you gave it to me, what are you going to do?"

"I was watching from the sidelines, to be honest......This kind of job of welcoming new students is boring, and the credits earned are few. If I had this time, I might as well go to graduate school to develop a skill, so that I can sell more credits."

"I see." Bai Yi nodded in understanding, thought for a while and said,"Okay, I'll teach this class. If Teacher Lin finds that I said anything wrong, please remind me." Although he had the help of an omniscient person, it was inevitable that the embarrassing situation in the morning would occur.......

"No problem, leave it to me"......

Soon, the two arrived at the classroom.

Unlike other colleges, there was no class division here.

Because the requirements of the Skill Research College were very high, and it was not a main combat college, few people signed up.

However, those who could come here had very special minds or talents.

When Bai Yi and Lin Leyu walked into the classroom, there were less than a hundred people sitting here.

Bai Yi coughed lightly and said,"Hello, students."

The whole class:"......"

Everyone is familiar with Bai Yi.......What is he trying to do standing on the podium? ? ?

"Ahem, let me introduce myself to you. I am Lin Leyu, a mid-level researcher. I don't need to say who this is. Bai Yi is already an assistant researcher at our Skills Research Institute. Bai Yi will lead you through the courses this week."Lin Leyu smiled and introduced the students in the class.

"teacher......We are not questioning the ability of the academy, but Bai is naturally unmatched in combat, but his skills research is......Are you really capable of doing the job?"

"Yes, we are here to learn how to modify and develop skills, not how to fight. How about you guide us, teacher?"

"I agree. Although you are very strong, Bai, we may all be better than you in this aspect. Stop making trouble and return the podium to Teacher Lin, okay?"

For a moment, all the students in the class were talking about it.

Bai Yi on the podium was not angry, but said lightly:"I, Bai Yi, stand here and have the ability to answer your questions. If you don't believe me, you are welcome to ask me questions at any time."

Several students in the front row looked at each other, and then a boy stood up and took the lead and said:"Then Bai, let me ask you......"

"Wait, you should call me Teacher Bai, not Student Bai. Your attitude is very problematic, so I don't want to answer your question. Sit down."Bai Yi said lightly, completely ignoring the surprised looks of his classmates.

The so-called respect for teachers, the first lesson in class is to teach them how to respect themselves.

The boy looked at Bai Yi, and then looked at Lin Leyu who was silent.

Obviously, he also knew that Bai Yi was serious about what he said.......I had to pay for my recklessness and sat down silently without saying anything.

Another female student, who had obviously learned from the teaching, stood up and asked very respectfully:"Teacher Bai, I have a question and I hope you can help me solve it."

"This is the right attitude." Bai Yi nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:"My classmate, please tell me."

"How can we make two skills with different attributes more powerful?"

"Are you sure this is a good question?"Bai Yi smiled.

Girl:"How is this not a good question?"

Bai Yi:"Well, first of all, you didn't say what property it is and what property it is. As we all know, the ground has poor conductivity. If you want to ask me how to combine the ground property and the electrical property to enhance the power, then I suggest you go back and re-learn the course"Introduction to the Basics of Elements."

Girl:"It seems so......I'm sorry, teacher. I spoke without thinking carefully."

"It’s okay, just ask after you’ve thought it through."

Bai Yi continued,"Does anyone else have any questions?"

"Teacher, I have a question."

A boy wearing glasses raised his hand shyly.

This time it was not a student in the front row, but a student sitting in the last row.

Bai Yi raised his hand and said,"You said"

"Teacher, I want to know if a wind attribute skill meets a fire attribute skill, can we combine them to create a more powerful skill?"

"Look at this!" Bai Yi knocked on the podium and said with great appreciation:"Look at this student's speech. This is called hitting the topic. Why do others ask the same question so clearly?"

"From today on, you, the guy with glasses, are the monitor of this class."

All the classmates:"......"

Brother with glasses:"Thank you, teacherσ(´∇`*)"

Bai Yi:"Okay, I'm going to tell you some practical stuff, lest you think I got to the top by relying on connections."

Everyone was thinking:"Aren't you the one who got to the top by relying on connections?"......"

Bai Yi looked at Lin Leyu and said,"I can't learn normal skills. Teacher Lin knows that, so I have to trouble you to prepare a Bronze-level wind and fire skill book for me. I want to create a new skill book on the spot!"

As soon as this was said, everyone thought Bai Yi was bragging, including Lin Leyu.

Knowing the principle and actually operating it are completely different.

"Are you sure?" Lin Leyu confirmed again.

If she couldn't get off the stage at that time, she would have no other options.

"Teacher Lin, rest assured, I know what to do.

Bai Yi raised his eyebrows, very confident in himself.

Seeing this, Lin Leyu didn't know what to say, so he sighed and called everyone to go to the research institute....... ps:

Some people think that the protagonist of this original text is too villainous, so I revised it. The comments are a bit messy, please forgive me!

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