The past supreme powerhouse in Chapter 257 (Part 2)

The music sounded, bringing the brilliance, sprinkling the brilliance of the gods, and greeted the eyes It is a woman sitting on the throne.

This woman is so noble that words cannot explain. Under her cold face, there is a powerful divine splendor. This is a beautiful woman.

She is Divine Race!

She brought the twelve movements of the gods and descended in front of Lin Jiufeng.

"The brilliance of the gods will be continued by me!"

The woman looked at Lin Jiufeng with a cold face without saying a word, but a voice came from the void.

The throne under her command was originally supposed to be the most powerful magic weapon in the world, but at the moment it is covered with scars, and various weapons have left marks on it and scarred.

But this still cannot conceal the power and terrifying of this throne, as well as the divine coercion.

"Are you the gods?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"In this era, there are still people who remember the gods?" Void heard a voice again, and the woman on the throne still looked at Lin Jiufeng coldly, but only blinked.

"Of course, I remember!" Lin Jiufeng said. Behind him, there was also a prelude, a prelude from the gods, descending here, making the woman on the throne look stunned and stare blankly. With.

"The first of the twelve movements of the gods, the overture of the gods!" The voice of inside the Void was ethereal, with a touch of emotion, a touch of nostalgia, and a touch of shock.

"You are in this era, comprehended the twelve movements of the gods..."

"No wonder I will come here, it turns out that you remember the gods!"


The woman on the throne looked at Lin Jiufeng, her expression softened, and the voice of a woman came from the void. It was the voice of a woman, full of magnetism, and with a touch of gentleness, listening to her ears and permeating her heart. It seems to calm all impetuosity.

"Why did the gods disappear?"

"What happened in the past?"

"Who are you?"

Lin Jiufeng kept asking his doubts one after another.

He was really puzzled.

In this era, Lin Jiufeng is very powerful and invincible, and he is sure to continue to be invincible. In this era, no one is his opponent.

Even if the ten thousand races recover, it will not work.

However, compared to the previous era, Lin Jiufeng is as weak as a moth and lost in the Human World.

"The gods disappeared because of mankind, and the gods may never disappear!"

"What happened in the past years is what the gods have been exploring and searching Yes, but we did not find a specific answer."

"I, the king of the gods!"

The woman looked proudly, and a domineering voice resounded in the void.

"The king of the gods..." Lin Jiufeng looked at her, and the woman sitting on the throne lifted her legs, her aura is unparalleled, her eyes looked forward, as if looking towards surging forward with great momentum Before endless years, she despised all enemies.

"Can you tell me what happened in the age of the gods?" Lin Jiufeng asked seriously.

“The age of the gods is a tragedy. I don’t remember what happened. You can explore it yourself. I’m just a memory to spread the avenue of the gods. Now that you have God’s twelve movements, it shouldn’t be difficult to comprehend.” The king of the gods looked at Lin Jiufeng, and a voice rang out from his mouth, followed by a bang, and the brilliance of the gods exploded directly, and the endless rays of light enveloped Lin Jiufeng. .

In these rays of light, Lin Jiufeng saw the terrifying of the gods, he saw the power of splitting heaven and earth apart, and he saw the avenue of the gods.

Make no secret of it.

The gods are there, the avenue is there, you can reach it, you can understand it at any time.

Lin Jiufeng didn't care about asking anything, he took the time to realize that he has very little time, only one day, there is not much to waste.

The way of the gods is the glory of Supreme. In the kingdom of the gods, everyone is like a dragon, moved towards a higher level. The gods bring hope to the world. The rays of light are so dazzling , So that the avenue of the gods is so powerful.

Lin Jiufeng absorbs crazy, just as the king of the gods said, he has the twelve movements of the gods, and it is not difficult to comprehend it.

The way of the gods is huge, and the way of the gods is also great. The glory of the gods disappears in the long river of history, which is a loss.

The king of the gods made no secrets and showed them all to Lin Jiufeng, even if Lin Jiufeng can't understand it now, it doesn't matter.

Just write it down.

The king of the gods looked at Lin Jiufeng, his eyes soft, bright, and hopeful.

The avenue spread, and the king of the gods also slowly dissipated, completely disappeared in this chaotic space.

When the day passes.

Lin Jiufeng opened his eyes and looked at all around, empty and empty, and there was no trace of the king of the gods anymore, he was lost.

"I still have a lot of questions to ask clearly." Lin Jiufeng muttered to himself, but after thinking about it carefully, the king of gods that appeared in front of him was just a ray of consciousness. Can't ask.

Absorbed the Tao of the gods, Lin Jiufeng's realm advanced by leaps and bounds, he felt like he had taken a big step, but he still didn't know what realm it was.

Because his realm on the surface is the second realm, Five Qi Towards The Origin.

But the realm in the dark hasn't known how much it has soared.

This time he goes out, as long as he starts Transcending Tribulation, he will ascending to the skies with a single leap.

Lin Jiufeng didn't care about these. What he cares more about is, who is the next person to appear?


On the fourth day, the chaotic space began to tremble, bursting out infinite rays of light, which turned into a sharp blade that swept across Nine Heavens, cutting open the vast front.

A verse came.

I have an immortal heart. I have been locked in the dust for a long time, and when the dust is all gone, it will shine through the mountains and rivers!

Lin Jiufeng, who was listening to this poem, trembled in his heart, he hurriedly opened his eyes and looked at it.

A silhouette standing at the end of the sky and the earth appeared in Lin Jiufeng's eyes, with mighty power, but was fighting against the sky.

"Immortal King cuts down Nine Heavens!" Lin Jiufeng lost his voice.

He is familiar with this silhouette. This is the natural phenomenon he signed in not long ago.

Immortal King cuts down Nine Heavens!

From the past time, a terrifying Immortal King was born out of nowhere, reversing the sky, creating a peerless picture, which has been recorded by many people.

After successfully signing in, Lin Jiufeng has been learning about the formidable power of Immortal King and Nine Heavens, which is really terrifying. Now, he has seen the deity with his own eyes.

"Immortal King..." Lin Jiufeng shouted.

"Jiufeng Great Emperor!" Immortal King faced Lin Jiufeng nodded.

This is an ordinary middle age person, with a slightly thin figure, dressed in a commoner, looks like an ordinary trafficker.

But he stands between Heaven and Earth, the center of that world is him.

An Immortal King who is unknown in history!

"Immortal King knows me?" Lin Jiufeng curiously asked.

"I sensed that someone was convening the avenue of the supreme powerhouse, spying a glimmer of the future, and seeing a corner of the future, I sent this ray of consciousness over, hoping to help the Jiufeng Great Emperor!" Immortal King said in a tranquil voice.

He doesn't have an imposing manner, like an ordinary person, and he speaks very gently.

Unlike is a Invincible Immortal King, it looks like the Uncle next door.

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