Chapter 250 All Races Grand Meeting!

【Wanjia Denghuo】After suppressing the world, he returned to Cold Palace.

During this period of time, the tens of thousands of races were dormant, absolute silence, and the powerful immortals were in a state of anxiety. Facing the Feathered Divine Dynasty, which had been dismissive before, they developed a state of fear.

【Wanjia Lights】This time illuminates the world. In today's world, all creatures are unconvinced. [ Wanjia Lights]?

Fortunately, [Wanjia Lights] disappeared, and the extremely powerful coercion disappeared, which made people feel at ease.

In this period of time, Human Race has been the most excited. From the tears at the beginning, to the end of the bloodline, the blood is boiling. I hope that the Feathered Divine Dynasty can continue to suppress the world and let the people have a peaceful and peaceful life. Life.

The emergence of [Ten Thousand Lights] further condenses the hearts and feelings of family and country among the people of Feathered Divine Dynasty. In this era, it is vividly and thoroughly embodied.

Many Aristocratic families who have inherited for thousands of years, at this moment, there are also people who have a deep sense of righteousness, and actively show the Feathered Divine Dynasty, hoping to integrate into the Feathered Divine Dynasty and become a part of it.

In the final analysis, the Aristocratic Family is also a Human Race. Although they have a lot of power, in front of all races, in front of the demonic path expert, the Aristocratic Family drags the family. There are not many experts. There are so many descendants, they must integrate into the Feathered Divine Dynasty to ensure the continuation of their family.

Of course, the Aristocratic Family has to sacrifice a lot to integrate into the Feathered Divine Dynasty.

First of all, the family’s collection of books is handed in, and one copy is allowed, but the family’s collection of books must be handed over to the Wu Temple.

Furthermore, the Aristocratic Family does not allow private soldiers to be kept in captivity, nor is it allowed to occupy land. It limits the growth of the Aristocratic Family to a certain extent, but does not kill them with a single stick, as long as they abide by the laws of the Feathered Divine Dynasty. For the disaster, Feathered Divine Dynasty is still very tolerant.

Feathered Divine Dynasty Imperial Capital, Emperor De and Princess Yulin witnessed the birth of [Wan Jia Lan Huo], causing a sensation, suppressing the world, deterring the thousands of people, and also keeping the people of Feathered Divine Dynasty They.

"I have a grandfather in Feathered Divine Dynasty, which is a blessing that even the ninth generation can't cultivate." Emperor De said with emotion.

"The power of the grandfather is far beyond our imagination. What we can do now is to manage the Feathered Divine Dynasty well, not to disturb the grandfather, and to cultivate our own fake fairy as soon as possible. You can share some pressure for the grandfather." Princess Yulin calmly said.

"Well, we also need to grow. I will leave the affairs of the country to me, and I will leave the matter of cultivation to you." Emperor De nodded agreed with Princess Yulin's words.

"I will stare at those experts. According to the recovery of Spiritual Qi, it won’t be long before I will have my own fake fairy in the Feathered Divine Dynasty. I will no longer be a grandfather alone. Pressure." Princess Yulin expected.

Whether it is a scholar or a man of fire, they are all people who have broken through ninety-nine percent and entered the fake fairy just the last step.

There are also Luo Lao Han, Pao Shan Wang, Bai Heavenly Emperor and them.

In the past year, they have made rapid progress. The realm of the fake fairy is what happened in this period of time.

As long as Lin Jiufeng is up for a period of time, Feathered Divine Dynasty will have the confidence to face the ten thousand races.

In Cloud Dream Lake, a terrifying Monster King roared in a deep, imposing manner and sound that made the entire Spiritual God Valley shake and tremble, as if it was about to shake down the sky. .

"Divine Dynasty in the world, there is Immortal Artifact, or Immortal Artifact that is completely activated. This is impossible. I don't believe that in this era, there are still people who can fully activate Immortal Artifact. This should not exist!" The roaring whispers of a terrifying Monster King shocked the demonic beasts in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

"Monster King, not equal to me, we continue to test this Feathered Divine Dynasty, how could their Human Race have Immortal Artifact, it must be fake, we keep testing their bottom line and see to the end Is this candlelight a fake Immortal Artifact!" a little Monster King suggested.


But this Monster King is fierce by nature. He looked up and looked like thousands of years. Within both eyes, it seemed that there was Samsara Power. The talking little Monster King was on the spot. Flew out and was seriously injured.

"You asked me Cloud Dream Lake to test Feathered Divine Dynasty, take the lead by myself, and return fake Immortal Artifact? Then if it is real? Doesn't my Cloud Dream Lake have to face such terrifying Immortal Artifact?" The terrifying Monster King coldly said, very angry.

"White Feather Monster King, forgive your sins, White Feather Monster King, forgive your sins!" Little Monster King immediately begged for mercy, very humble.

This Monster King body is an Immortal Crane, but it does not have the tranquility and peace of other Immortal Crane. He is very irritable and powerful. It is one of the several horrible Monster Kings in Cloud Dream Lake.

White Feather Monster King stood up, tall, with a white feather on top of his head, his face was cold, and his temperament was evil. Monster Qi was pervasive. He stood in the air like a terrifying Demon.

"Why can the Human Race, which we used as blood food for fifteen thousand years ago, stand up and dominate this world, and there is a completely resurrected Immortal Artifact?" Baiyun Monster King Looking coldly at the vast world, the scope of the Human Race rule made him extremely uncomfortable.

In his cognition, Human Race is a weak race. It is the blood food of all races. It can only rely on some powerful races to ensure its continuity and not be destroyed.

But where did I think of a big dream, after 15,000 years, Human Race will replace Ten Thousand Races and become the only Sovereign in this World.

This made him feel uncomfortable, especially during the period when he was suppressed by [Wanjia Lantern], he kept watching with cold eyes, watching the Human Race cheering, watching the weak Human Race with one heart. There is only infinite ridicule in his heart.

"No matter how many weak ants gather, the elephants can be trampled to death with one foot. This is the case with Human Race, not worth mentioning." Baiyu Monster King said with disdain.

These words were endorsed by Cloud Dream Lake Great Demons. No one can accept the rise of Human Race. They have enjoyed aloof and remote psychologically for so long. The previous Human Race was so humble. You are now Why does it rise?

You should stay humble all the time!

This is the idea of ​​Cloud Dream Lake Great Demon.

It is also the unanimous idea of ​​the born ten thousand races.

Seeing the rise of Human Race and beginning to rule the world, these demonic beasts feel uncomfortable.

But [Wan Jia Deng Huo] is here, they dare not be the first to appear, betting that [Wan Jia Deng Huo] appears once, and there will be no power in the follow-up. This is too risky for them.

"Monster King, what should we do now, I don't want to watch Human Race continue to be so arrogant." A bull demon asked angrily.

"Wait a minute." Baiyu Monster King looked at the world and said calmly.

After the shock and panic of Early-Stage, the fake fairy calmed down, and there were many thoughts in his mind.

The first thing to do now is to wait.

"When we are familiar with this World, when we investigate the secrets of Feathered Divine Dynasty, when we join forces, whether the Feathered Divine Dynasty is capable or a paper tiger, time will give us the answer." Baiyu Monster King said, let Cloud Dream Lake calm down and not be excited.

Not only Cloud Dream Lake, but the other generations of 10,000 races, all calmed down. Facing the Feathered Divine Dynasty, they chose not to confront and learned about this World silently.

So, fifteen days have passed.

Fifteen days, enough for them to understand this World.

The experts of the Ten Thousand Clan only then learned that Spiritual Qi began to appear in the tide when he disappeared, and it will disappear after a period of time, and after a period of time, it will recover again and reach Peak.

They also know what they know about Feathered Divine Dynasty.

Feathered Divine Dynasty has only been established for hundreds of years. From the old era to the new era, the efforts of several generations and the help of the building will save the Feathered Divine Dynasty, and it has developed to its present appearance.

The Feathered Divine Dynasty can suppress the world, the most important thing is the Old Ancestor hidden behind the scenes.

After this news is brought out, people of ten thousand races will begin to stir.

"Feathered Divine Dynasty has Immortal Artifact, but it can't always recover, and the Old Ancestor of Feathered Divine Dynasty can't keep pushing, Feathered Divine Dynasty, not terrifying!"

Finally, A king of all races stood up, the former influential figure, and said to all races in the world.

After the Ten Thousand Clan heard it, it caused a great uproar.

"Invincible King said this, I believe it."

"Invincible King is a very powerful young king among the thousands of people, and he has gone a few times in the fake fairy realm. It's very terrifying."

"He observed this way, there must be some truth, I will say why Feathered Divine Dynasty North didn't use that Immortal Artifact to sweep us, the original stimulation was very difficult. "

"Are we dealing with the Feathered Divine Dynasty, and the Feathered Divine Dynasty will not urge the Immortal Artifact again?"

No one answered this question, although everyone is beginning to Stir, but no one dared to be the first bird, try it.

However, when Invincible King said this, the Feathered Divine Dynasty, which had been calm for many days, was suddenly stirred up, and the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more tense.

Among the ten thousand races, who is most qualified to say this sentence?

The non-invincible king is not only because he is invincible, but also because he comes from Immemorial Divine Mountain and is the successor of the Peak group.

In these days after the resurrection of the ten thousand races, the King of Invincibility has entered and exited the territories of the major ethnic groups and clearly explained his views. The Immortal Artifact of the Feathered Divine Dynasty has not been activated several times, and the Feathered Divine Dynasty Behind the scenes, Old Ancestor is not powerful, so there is no need to be afraid.

When all races deal with the Feathered Divine Dynasty together, we can’t let Human Race step on them and rule the world.

Many ethnic groups in the ten thousand races were persuaded, and joined the Invincible King's camp after the heartbeat. For a time, the waves were raging, and the world seemed to usher in another storm.

There is a reason why the Invincible King hates Feathered Divine Dynasty so much.

The Immemorial Divine Mountain where he is located is the Peak family itself. 15,000 years ago, Myriad Dragons Nest turned into the Divine Dynasty of Wanlong, and it fought against the Tai Ancient God and divided most of the world.

Divine Dynasty is supported by Myriad Dragons Nest.

Too Ancient God is supported by Immemorial Divine Mountain.

Most of the former rule of the Tai Ancient God dynasty was ruled by the Feathered Divine Dynasty, including Imperial Capital. 15,000 years ago, this was the Imperial Capital of the Tai Ancient God dynasty. .

The Invincible King naturally wants to regain these territories.

In his opinion, the territory that once belonged to the ancient God dynasty is now occupied by the weakest Human Race, and it is still overwhelming the world. This is a kind of disrespect, and it is too ancient God dynasty. Humiliated.

The King of Invincibility believes that the Feathered Divine Dynasty is the dove occupying the magpie’s nest, unable to tell good from bad, since the road of courting death.

At the same time, this is also blaspheming Immemorial Divine Mountain, a weak Human Race, who dares to dominate the world arrogantly. This Human Race, which was once laughed at by everyone, was made for a great sin.

Unforgivable sins!

The Invincible King walked into the territory of many Ancient Races, discussed a plan, and then stood up and spoke, being the first bird to come out.

All the people of all races are staring at Invincible King.

Openly stand up against Feathered Divine Dynasty, what will Feathered Divine Dynasty do?

Isn't this Immortal Artifact [Wanjia Lights] used to destroy the Invincible King?

If you don't take it out, it means that what the King of Invincibility said is right.

Immemorial Divine Mountain, the Invincible King is also waiting silently.

He was the first to stand up against the Feathered Divine Dynasty. It is reasonable to say that he must kill the chicken to warn the monkey and warn the tens of thousands of people.

So the Feathered Divine Dynasty is best to use the power of Immortal Artifact to smash the Invincible King, but also to teach Immemorial Divine Mountain a profound lesson, which can scare the world.

However, for three consecutive days, Feathered Divine Dynasty did not move at all.

In Imperial Capital, Emperor De and Princess Yulin got together, and they were speechless.

"Grandfather's Cold Palace is not seeing guests." Princess Yulin said helplessly. She went to see Lin Jiufeng, but Lin Jiufeng's Cold Palace gate was closed and her attitude was clear. Princess Yulin returned.

"Immemorial Divine Mountain's invincible king is clamoring, the grandfather of this matter must know, how he wants to deal with it, it is up to him, I believe in the grandfather." Emperor De said solemnly.

Although three days have passed, the Feathered Divine Dynasty did not have any movement, which aroused the suspicion of thousands of people in the world.

Invincible King uses himself as a bait to guide everyone's suspicion of Feathered Divine Dynasty.

Some time ago, [Wanjia Lights] suppressed the world, and it really frightened many people.

But now, the Ten Thousand Clan has calmed down. They have begun to think calmly, and they have also begun to doubt whether the Feathered Divine Dynasty's [Wan Jia Lan Huo] can continue to suppress the world.

Is it really the ultimate sublimation of Immortal Artifact, is there no limit?

Feathered Divine Dynasty can afford it?

Everyone's suspicion, Invincible King has helped to test it out these few days.

Immemorial Divine Mountain, there is a youngster standing on the black cliff, dressed in purple clothed, the expression remains unmoved, the breath is cold, and the eyes are cold.

This is the Invincible King, a foreign race in Immemorial Divine Mountain, very powerful, he was the first to come out, questioning Feathered Divine Dynasty.

According to the truth, Feathered Divine Dynasty should come to destroy him.

But three days later, Feathered Divine Dynasty did not move.

Invincible King couldn’t help but sneered: “Sure enough, bluffing has always been a masterpiece of Human Race. It was like this fifteen thousand years ago, and it will still be like this fifteen thousand years later!”


Under the dark night, the invincible Wang Yifei soars into the sky, that huge body like a mountain stands in the void, extremely frightening, with a bang, several pairs of wings break through behind him, spread out, It suddenly covered the bright moon in the sky, and rolled up the monstrous magic cloud.

"Feathered Divine Dynasty, you will be destroyed this time. I, Immemorial Divine Mountain, will take the lead, unite with all races and open a meeting of all races, Feathered Divine Dynasty, will definitely be crushed into fine powder!" Invincible King’s inside the Void in the dark night, it’s very plain, but in his pair of eyes there are large tracts of mountains and rivers collapsing, the sun and the moon sinking, and blood flowing into a river, corpses are everywhere, as if this is the future of Feathered Divine Dynasty. .

At this moment, the vicissitudes and strength of eternal reincarnation burst into the eyes of Invincible King.

He is deducing the future, based on the ten thousand races, he has reached a conclusion.

Human Race will die, Feathered Divine Dynasty will die!

The King of Invincibility stands in the void, and his demonic energy is monstrous, like an immortal majestic mountain.


The cold moon, the quiet night, the hills and rivers are undulating, and there is silence.

World's All Living Things are all in silence. Because of the revival of Spiritual Qi and the expansion of the world, there are more mountains and valleys. Under the dark night, one by one, like an ancient ominous beast, seems to want to swallow the world. .

Not long ago, a message came from Immemorial Divine Mountain.

The newly born Ten Thousand Races will jointly hold an All Races Grand Meeting. The venue is selected in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. People from the Feathered Divine Dynasty will be invited to join in for a while to discuss the ownership of this world!

Time, three days later!

As soon as this news came out, it was like a blazing prairie, spreading across the world, shaking the world, even in the dark, no one could calm down.

Thousands of races unexpectedly started to jointly hold a meeting for a Human Race and named Feathered Divine Dynasty to participate.

If Feathered Divine Dynasty does not participate, everyone knows what will end.

The attack of the ten thousand clan!

People all over the world are talking about it.

"The Ten Thousand Races Conference, this sounds very difficult to deal with." Someone was surprised.

"Of course, fifteen thousand years ago, the Ten Thousand Races Conference was a feast. No one didn’t know, but there has never been an All Races Grand Meeting held for a certain race. , My Human Race can be considered face." An old man laughed at himself.

He would rather not have this face.

Many people who know the inside story are talking about it.

"The Ten Thousand Races Conference, how could these Ten Thousand Races agree?"

"For a Human Race, holding a Ten Thousand Races Conference, do you really want to destroy my Human Race? ?"

"I don’t know if Feathered Divine Dynasty can withstand this time?"

"I think it’s hanging, Feathered Divine Dynasty unless I bring Immortal Artifact, but if Immortal Artifact is If you can push, you can kill the Invincible King before. How can he be so arrogant and start the Ten Thousand Clan Conference." An old man sighed.

"Then this world is going to be in chaos?" Someone said sadly.

"No, I believe Feathered Divine Dynasty. They have done too many impossible things. This time they must be able to pull strongly against a crazy tide and make impossible possible." Some people firmly believe.

"This time, the Feathered Divine Dynasty is impossible. There is no Immortal Artifact suppressed by the extreme sublimation, and Divine Immortal is hard to save. Let the Feathered Divine Dynasty suppress the world these years, and now I am also suffering. "Someone also hit a person when he's down.

It was one night, the whole world was discussing, and the world that finally calmed down became boiling again.

Many people looked towards Imperial Capital.

looked towards the Forbidden City!

What choice would Emperor De make in the Forbidden City?

Emperor De and Princess Yulin immediately knew the news. They went to Cold Palace and asked to see Lin Jiufeng.

This time Lin Jiufeng met with them.

Cold Palace, as always, deserted and dilapidated, Lin Jiufeng met Emperor De and Princess Yulin who looked panicked here.

"What's the matter?" Lin Jiufeng asked calmly.

"The grandfather, the Invincible King and other races are going to hold an All Races Grand Meeting, and I will be named Feathered Divine Dynasty. I will discuss where the world belongs. It will be three days later!" Emperor De calmed himself down, then said.

"Oh, this is not bad." Who knew that Lin Jiufeng said with a smile after listening.

Princess Yulin was surprised: "Grandfather, this time is the Ten Thousand Races Conference, can your Immortal Artifact still be activated?"

"Not for the time being, it needs to be added "Lin Jiufeng shook his head.

【Wanjia Lights】After absorbing the smoke and flames of the world for a period of time, it will return to the original state.

As Invincible King guessed, if you rely on Lin Jiufeng stimulate for a magic weapon of this level, it will not be able to exert such a powerful terrifying power.

Let them actuate themselves, it will consume a lot of things.

[Wanjia Lights] consumes the smoke and gas in the world.

"Without Immortal Artifact, why would the grandfather be happy?" Princess Yulin asked suspiciously.

Without Immortal Artifact, the confidence to deal with the tens of thousands is gone.

Lin Jiufeng asked: "What is the biggest hole card of Feathered Divine Dynasty?"

Princess Yulin hesitated and said: "It's the grandfather!"

Emperor De followed nodded, Feathered Divine Dynasty’s trump card has never been [Wan Jia Lan Huo], the candle that hung in front of Cold Palace before, Princess Yulin and Emperor De came and went, encountered many times, but none Taking seriously, they never thought Feathered Divine Dynasty’s trump card was [Wan Jia Deng Huo].

Feathered Divine Dynasty has only one hole card.

That is Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng is here, Feathered Divine Dynasty is there.

Lin Jiufeng slightly smiled and said: "My trump card has been hidden behind the scenes for too long. Since they have organized the All Races Grand Meeting, why should I not go?"

"The grandfather will go in person?" Princess Yulin looked at Lin Jiufeng in surprise.

But then she worriedly said: "That's all the power of the ten thousand races. I don't know how many fake realm there are."

"Yes, grandfather, please think twice. "Emperor De also persuades.

Lin Jiufeng thought twice and said: "I have thought about it, but I still want to go."

Princess Yulin and Emperor De stopped talking.

"This time, if the tens of thousands who dare not move at this time, it is the best for Feathered Divine Dynasty, so don't worry, go back and deal with other things." Lin Jiufeng said to the two.

Princess Yulin and Emperor De were worried, but Lin Jiufeng waved their hands. They didn't dare to violate them, so they could only retire.

Out of Cold Palace, Princess Yulin turned her head and looked at the closed door. She took a deep breath: "The grandfather, who has been living in seclusion, will now appear in the public's sight."

Emperor De watched on the verge of collapse, the Cold Palace that was about to collapse at any time, and the faint candlelight, which protected the Cold Palace, and the tension in his heart disappeared.

"Since the grandfather is going to the meeting, then my Feathered Divine Dynasty will go to the meeting. This time is either the tens of thousands being beaten to the ground, or my Feathered Divine Dynasty is destroyed, and the grandfather is fighting in front. We clean up all the trouble in the back, I believe the grandfather!" Emperor De said loudly.

"During this period, several Guixu realm broke into the fake fairy realm, and I also entered the Guixu realm. The Feathered Divine Dynasty also has some confidence. I will go and gather these. Waiting to be dispatched." Princess Yulin said solemnly.

Since you have decided to do it, stick to it to the end.

Isn't it All Races Grand Meeting?

The two siblings firmly believe that the grandfather will succeed in defeating them.

In these days, the peak existence of Huo Monarch, scholar, Luo Han, patron king, and Heavenly Emperor Bai has broken into the fake fairy realm, which can guarantee and protect Lin Jiufeng.

This is a battle of Feathered Divine Dynasty's best effort!

After Emperor De and Princess Yulin returned to the Forbidden City, a word came out.

"All Races Grand Meeting, one of my Feathered Divine Dynasty will attend the meeting!"

As soon as this statement came out, the world was in an uproar!


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