Chapter 242 Era of the Great Conflict

The sudden appearance of the ancient Kunlun Mountains pulse caught the world off guard.

Even people in the last era are very surprised.

In their time, without these things, the Kunlun Mountains have always been low-key, and where they are like now, they have jumped into the world's attention.

Half a day's effort, spread all over the world!

No one is here to inquire.

Those who have more cultivation base profound, immediately rush to Kunlun Mountains to find out.

Among them are Feathered Divine Dynasty people.

Headed by the four Huojun, together with Princess Yulin and War Machine, they came to the Kunlun Mountains.

Looking at the Kunlun Mountains vein in the distance, the former mountain range has disappeared, replaced by the ancient Kunlun Mountains vein which has expanded countless times.

The lofty Kunlun is magnificent and vast, traversing Liuhe, and longitudinally crushing the eight wastes.

This sentence is the most appropriate to describe.

And all this is still expanding.

The veins of the ancient Kunlun Mountains are becoming thicker and larger under everyone's gaze.

There are hundreds of ancient tribes inside, and they are all recovering one after another at this moment.

In the depths of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, on a peak, a majestic lion was covered in golden light, stirring up the sky, and the essence of several dozen li was swallowed clean and incorporated into it. In the mouth.

The Golden Lion family!

Huo Jun's face solemnly pointed out the other party's ethnic group.

"Do you know?" Bai Heavenly Emperor asked in surprise.

"It's okay to read more books, there are records in various ancient books." Huo Jun said silently.

"..." Bai Heavenly Emperor has nothing to say, he is very young, and he is incomparable with an old man like Huo Jun. You can read all kinds of official history, miscellaneous notes, and legends.

"I have read many books, but I haven't seen this kind of record." Princess Yulin asked Huo Jun: "Is this Golden Lion clan very powerful?"

"Very powerful, not only powerful, they themselves are Divine Beast bloodline, they are very powerful at birth, and it is normal for the princess not to know it." Huo Jundao.

While they were talking, an old Flood Dragon flew over, surrounded by fire, as if it had just flew out of a volcano, shook out a heat wave hiding the sky and covering the earth, and burned a large area. Geography.

This old Flood Dragon is different from Snake Demon King. Its imposing manner is more terrifying, and it is very deep, with a terrifying breath, rough skin, and a strong smell of sulfur. It burns a large piece of mountain. After getting bald and nothing else, then roar towards the sky comfortably.

In this area, you can see terrifying creatures recorded in various historical books, and there are also terrifying creatures that have not been recorded in books.

In the veins of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, there are clouds of fire surging into the sky, red clouds skyrocketing, and Spiritual Qi, like waterfalls, smashing into the mountain range, creating a huge Tianchi. In the Tianchi, Spiritual Qi is boiling. , If there is Wanlong leaping, there will be thousands of things.

In this Tianchi, there is a long hissing sound like dragon's cry tiger's roar, shaking the mountain range.

An endless stream!

All the people watching were silent.

"The weakest, all have the power of the king, is this the ancient hundred tribes?" Princess Yulin said bitterly.

"I saw in a biography that these countless races combined to form the ancient hundred races are actually not so terrifying. They occupy this ancient Kunlun Mountains vein, which is enough for them to develop themselves. "Old man Luo comforted Princess Yulin.

But at this time, a stern voice resounded through the world.

I saw Old Ape walking out at the original address of Kunlun Faction, majestic and tall, with animal hair like crystal snowflakes. He meditated with closed eyes at first, and was sealed for a long, long time. Until now, He just seemed to be united with Dao Idol, and his weak life slowly recovered.

In the past years, in the veins of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, this Old Ape was proud of the world, spleen the world, and can resist everything. It is also famous among the hundreds of races.

However, his divine ability is no match for the number of days, and he can't survive the years. When he gets old, he has to learn from seniors, freeze himself up, and wait for the new dawn.

This is a very dangerous thing. It does not mean that you will get a chance if you are frozen.

Many people are frozen, but as time goes by, they still can't see the dawn of New World. In the end, they can only sit in the mysterious ice.

That is tantamount to abandoning the last period of time for an illusory hope.

Old Ape did it anyway.

He is more fortunate. Compared with countless seniors, he has waited until this era.

Just now, the people of the giant ape clan opened his ice seal, he was left with a breath, skin and bones, not as majestic and strong as other giant ape, looking like The elderly who are critically ill are very terrifying.

But it was this screaming cry, Old Ape was fierce and opened his mouth directly, swallowing Spiritual Qi from the world.


Old Ape laughed triumphantly after the swallow, his shriveled flesh quickly recovered its luster, he became majestic, and then walked out.

Standing on the top and stepping on the ancient Kunlun Mountains, Old Ape said domineeringly: "What age is the world today?"

"Whose sect is ruling world?"

"Whose genius name is widely circulated?"

"Where is the elite of my Monster Race?"

"In today's era, many terrifying Where is my sect?"

Old Ape asked a lot of questions at once. His expression was a bit crazy and joking, like an old naughty boy, and like a clown, making jié jié laughter, very Piercing.

These questions resounded all over the world, and everyone looked towards Princess Yulin entire group.

Who is ruling the world today?

That deserves to be Feathered Divine Dynasty.

So everyone looked towards Princess Yulin.

Princess Yulin replied: "Senior, there are many geniuses in this World. Under Spiritual Qi recovery, everyone is a genius."

"There is no sect ruling the world, only I Feathered Divine Dynasty, Ruling this huge world, the 56 Nine Provinces, including overseas, and the ancient Kunlun Mountains, are all my Feathered Divine Dynasty territory!" Princess Yulin replied sonorously, neither humble nor overbearing, but bold and heroic.

Although you are really higher than my cultivation base, I represent the Feathered Divine Dynasty, so I won’t be afraid of you.

"A little girl dared to stand up, it seems that the man is gone." Old Ape disdainful smile, looking at all the men with sarcasm in her eyes.

"Old confused, this is the princess of the Feathered Divine Dynasty. She stood up and answered that she was correct. Today is the Feathered Divine Dynasty suppressing, you are something, don’t be so rude, or the Feathered Divine Dynasty The arrival of the army of you, annihilated your race, and made you disappear in between Heaven and Earth!" Suddenly, a vague voice echoed in between Heaven and Earth, what was said was extremely provocative, and it disappeared after speaking.

Princess Yulin complexion sank, looked towards all around, with anger gleaming in his eyes.

These words were nothing less than adding fuel to the fire, igniting Old Ape's anger.

He yelled angrily, his huge body flew up, pluck the stars and seize the moon's big hands were terrifying, and covered it with a slap to catch Princess Yulin.

"A princess of Divine Dynasty on earth, dare to be so arrogant, go die for me!" Old Ape was grumpy, and he wanted to kill Princess Yulin.

In his eyes, the beautiful and alluring Princess Yulin is not as good as a female ape. She is all white, glowing, without hair, and looks very uncomfortable.

Old Ape doesn't understand Feathered Divine Dynasty, and doesn't understand this era, but he knows that if he feels uncomfortable, he will kill.

So he took the shot. The first time he saw this new era, he wanted to show his strength.

In the past years, in the veins of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, this Old Ape was proud of the world, spleen the world, and can resist everything. It is also famous among the hundreds of races.

Now that he has come to the new era, he can't control his temper all of a sudden.

Old Ape is very powerful. His decisive action brought a murderous aura hiding the sky and covering the earth.

This blow is terrifying, and his Monster Qi is so surging.

This Monster Qi also carries a terrifying killing intent, which is surging. At this moment, outside the veins of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, many cultivator bodies are cracked, the five internal organs will be injured, the Divine Soul is about to be destroyed, and the bones It's almost melting away.

They watched in horror, this scene was too terrifying, it was absolutely crushing.

Someone exclaimed: "This Old Ape is Demon Immortal."

Princess Yulin, who was the first one, was gritted her teeth, her face turned pale to resist, her strength was far less than that. It's so hard.


But the White Heavenly Emperor stood up and resisted this imposing manner for Princess Yulin. His eyes were sharp and the killing intent was like a knife. He gritted his teeth: "You dare to hurt The princess?"

In the several decades since the birth of the White Heavenly Emperor, there has never been such an angry moment. His eyes were bitter and the chill burst out, and the bloodshot eyes were clearly visible inside.

Murderous intention is unlimited!

White Heavenly Emperor in this brief moment decisively shot.

He didn't use that fighting style, but instead used the style that he had learned in the past few years.

Kill the robbery!

Suppressed imposing manner, arrogant and confident.

He has been a farmer for a few years, and he is diligent and conscientious, fully integrated into it, and converges into his body the imposing manner he used to expose.

This burst out, very terrifying, soaring into the sky.

Kill robbery, this is a Xeon attack method, a treasure, and a very powerful treasure.

The so-called murderous intention, moving stars and changing costellations. With murderous intention, Dragon Snake got up. Murderous intention by humans, the world repeats itself.

White Heavenly Emperor getting angry for a woman.

The terrifying imposing manner he showed, also made all around people shudder, so they backed off quickly, afraid to participate in this battle.

Together with the killing and robbery, the wind between Heaven and Earth seems to have brought that terrifying killing intent, as if they both conceal the white Heavenly Emperor.

The moment when the White Heavenly Emperor shot, the sky and the earth shook. True Qi was like an unrolled bolt of white silk, hiding the sky and covering the earth. There were endless killing intents hidden inside, and there were heaven falls and earth. The trend of rends!

Old Ape clearly stood far away, but the White Heavenly Emperor at this moment gave people a very ethereal illusion, as if crossing the boundary of time and space, stepping into the front of Old Ape, and then vigorously True Qi covered it, pulling Old Ape to the other side of the starry sky, isolated from another world that could not be reached.


A fierce blow, hiding the sky and covering the earth, Old Ape's big hands covered the sky, almost squeezing the white Heavenly Emperor into a meatloaf.

But the White Heavenly Emperor was completely fearless, traveling through the clouds and mist, the True Qi unrolled bolt of white silk exploded, shattering the palm of Old Ape, his own killing and robbery shined brightly, and the Monster in that piece of heaven and earth Qi violently collides.

At this moment, over the ancient Kunlun Mountains, there seemed to be a million army fighting, and the fierce fighting, pierce gold and split stone, moved the sky.

Just like the tsunami in the sky, they fought in an unknown starry sky, and the bright stars fell together.

This man and ape, as soon as they met each other, they sent out a shocking attack.

hong long long!

The terrifying offensive shocked the world.

Old Ape screamed: "You are a few days away from me, do you want to kill the enemy more and more with me?"

"Dreaming!" Old Ape's terrifying Monster Qi turned into a stern whistling, condensing an iron rod, his pseudo-Immortal Artifact, which smashed the clouds and smashed the white Heavenly Emperor's robbery with one blow. With the stick down, he can knock the white Heavenly Emperor into the skull. Blossom.


Princess Yulin looked in horror, and quickly took Huo Jun's hand, Bai Heavenly Emperor couldn't die.

The Fire Lord did not move, but the White Heavenly Emperor moved.

Suddenly, the White Heavenly Emperor did not retreat but instead moved forward, directly pulling Old Ape to start a perish together play.

See eternal life in within reincarnation!

This is the hooligan style of the White Heavenly Emperor. Apart from him, only Lin Jiufeng can play it.


Here, the Heavenly Emperor and Old Ape exploded together.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

That billowing energy impact, spreading all around, making everyone feel terrified, shocked to retreat quickly, the explosion sounded, the shock wave was terrifying, and hidden endless killing intent, there were heaven falls and earth rends. The trend!

With this blow, countless people yelled out.

Because the White Heavenly Emperor and Old Ape perish are together.

Princess Yulin lose one's head out of fear, the whole person is calm.

She wanted to charge ahead when she was excited, but Huo Jun grabbed her, stretched out her hand to control Princess Yulin, and calmly said: "White Heavenly Emperor is okay."

Princess Yulin tears down Looked all over.

I saw that Old Ape's body exploded directly after the explosion ripples. He was an old body. Although the combat power was still Peak, his body was definitely not good. This explosion exploded Old Ape on the spot. Got to faint.

The giant ape clan also exclaimed. The hundred-meter giant ape reached out and hugged the dying Old Ape, and said in shock and grief: "Old Patriarch, you are too impulsive."

"I...unexpected...he would pull me perish together." Old Ape woke up, vomiting blood, and the inside of his body was out of control, such as an extinguished candle that flickered a few times before it was about to go out.

"Old Patriarch, that youngster is not dead." Suddenly, a giant ape pointed at the distant void, not daring to speak.

Old Ape exhausted his last bit of strength and looked over.

The originally self-destructed White Heavenly Emperor, now returned intact, without any injuries, his face looked coldly at the dying Old Ape.

"I am the Immortal King of the future. From the battle to the present, I have been killing enemies all the way. What if you are the Peak, I will kill you!" Bai Heavenly Emperor said with disdain.


Old Ape was so angry that he vomited blood, pointed at the White Heavenly Emperor, his eyes widened with anger, then suddenly there was no aura, and he died instantly.

In this battle, the White Heavenly Emperor won.

Hundred zhang's giant ape was furious and threw down Old Ape's body, angrily shouted: "I want you to pay for my life!"

Huo Jun moved this time, his eyes were cold Yeah, he didn't hide his imposing manner in the slightest.

The 9th Heavenly Layer in Guixu realm, Peak!

Just one step away, you can step into the Supreme realm.

He has also reached the threshold, and he can do it with a little effort.

So now, Jun Huo looked at the hundred zhang giant ape coldly, without saying a word, but locked in an imposing manner.

hundred zhang giant ape glared at Huo Jun, he is also the realm of Guixu, he was very angry at the moment, shouted: "Are you going to be a bird in the early?"

"You step forward again One step, I will slaughter your giant ape clan today!" Huo Jun said word by word, adding the imposing manner and the firm expression, without any ambiguity.

Huojun Huojun, why do you call him that?

Because he has a bad temper, like fire like.

In the forgotten world just now, he still competed with Lin Jiufeng, and wanted to unify the world and become the emperor himself!

But he was taught by Lin Jiufeng and beat him to doubt his life. For the next three years, he followed Lin Jiufeng to learn how to keep his feet on the ground and not to be too drifting.

This suppressed his temper and became what he is now, unlike him three years ago.

Such changes also made him touch the threshold of fake immortals. Breakthrough is only a matter of time.

So, he now has the confidence and strength to say this.

hundred zhang giant ape was scared.

The imposing manner and eyes of Mr. Huo are too oppressive, really like a wolf. If you dare to take a step, I dare to swallow all of you.

all around everyone looked in shock.

This is too domineering.

In a word, the aggressive huge zhang giant ape didn't dare to move.

One step!

This step, I can’t step out anyway.

Huojun is coldly snorted, and he is disdainful. With such a tall body, Bai is less courageous than a mouse.

He said to the Heavenly Emperor: "Come back."

The White Heavenly Emperor flew back.

Princess Yulin cried with joy, wiped her tears, worry and sadness disappeared in this brief moment.

"Are you not hurt?" Princess Yulin asked.

The white Heavenly Emperor who just stood firm hearing this, when his body softened, he was about to fall down.

Princess Yulin quickly hugged the White Heavenly Emperor, and framed the White Heavenly Emperor with her body, saying: "You are very weak now, I will take care of you."

White Heavenly Emperor 【 Weak] said: "I'm fine, I can stand up by myself."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Princess Yulin scolded.

White Heavenly Emperor shut up immediately, dare not say anything, quietly snuggling Princess Yulin, smelling the fragrance of Princess Yulin's body, the whole person is very intoxicated.

In this life, I will live for Princess Yulin and die for Princess Yulin.

The old man Luo and the patron king didn't bother to look at them, turned their heads and looked towards the ancient Kunlun Mountains vein.

hundred zhang giant ape walked back dingy, he did not dare to compete with Huo Jun for life and death, behind him, there are many giant ape to take care of.

So the head-on collision this time ended with the victory of Feathered Divine Dynasty.

White Heavenly Emperor and Fire Lord are also widely known.

Most people are watching them, knowing that this is Feathered Divine Dynasty Peak battle strength.

Huo Jun and the others don't care about this. Instead, they look at the depths of the ancient Kunlun Mountains seriously.

There is a dragon-shaped breath surging in the deep depths, accompanied by the strong Spiritual Qi converging and forming the Divine Source breath.

In the depths of the mountain, a Cold Palace appeared, appeared in the dark abyss, gradually rising, and everyone was watching.

White Heavenly Emperor They stared at them and started talking.

"It was brought up by the combination of the ancient Kunlun Mountains pulse recovery and the Spiritual Qi of this era." Huo Jun said solemnly.

"It's an ice palace with an ice coffin inside!" The king of patrons gathered his eyes and looked carefully.

"There is someone in the ice coffin!" Old Man Luo said in surprise.

The mountain range Spiritual Qi of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, combined with the Spiritual Qi resurrected in this era, produces a collision, like a tide rushing out of the dark abyss, bringing out an ice palace, ups and downs, Sparkling.

It is not very big, it is similar to a house. It is too hard to call it a palace, but its shape is a palace.

Small and exquisite, suitable for a place for women to live.

The whole body is transparent and completely transparent. It looks strange in this huge mountain range, with bursts of Spiritual Qi overflowing.

At this time, Princess Yulin and Bai Heavenly Emperor also saw it. There was an ice coffin in the Ice Palace with a person lying in the coffin.

A woman!

The whole body of this woman is snow-white and almost transparent. A blue dress covers the body, and the other parts are the same color as the ice palace.

This is the blue dress that was discovered.

It's not just Princess Yulin. They found out. Everyone else found out. They opened their eyes wide and surprised.

Many of the awakened hundred races in the ancient Kunlun Mountains were too scared to approach this ice palace, as if there was something terrifying.

This woman lay quietly inside, covered with blue gauze, her posture was beautiful, not just in name only, but also in reality, her icy muscles and bones, her black hair, black light, shedding I lived for most of my face, and I couldn't see the true face.

However, there is no doubt that this must be an absolute beauty.

Under everyone's constant gaze, this ice coffin seemed to be dead, but also like a woman asleep, moving slowly, unexpectedly out of the ice palace.

Then, staring at everyone without blinking.

The ice coffin flew all the way to another unattended peak in the ancient Kunlun Mountains.

Then, with a bang, the woman in the ice coffin fell directly, making a dull sound.

Roar roar! Roar roar! Roar roar!

There are countless terrifying Dragon's roars before everyone is surprised.

At this mountain peak, there was a sudden change, and a terrifying place emerged.

A large stream of Dragon Qi is like a river, rushing endlessly, rushing out, turning into Nine Great Dragons hovering, as if there is life.

"Myriad Dragons Nest!"

"This is Peak in a hundred races, Myriad Dragons Nest!"

The knowledgeable old man exclaimed , Incredible, feel terrifying.

"Myriad Dragons Nest?" Princess Yulin looked surprised.

The same goes for other people.

After the ice coffin was smashed down, it caused a huge noise, and unexpectedly a hundred people Peak existed.

Myriad Dragons Nest!

"Myriad Dragons Nest very difficult to deal with?" White Heavenly Emperor asked Huojun.

Huo Jun solemnly nodded: "This matter is getting more and more terrifying. Myriad Dragons Nest once dominated the world and formed the Divine Dynasty, which lasted for three thousand years, expert as clouds, very terrifying."

"Fifteen thousand years ago, the last Divine Dynasty was theirs." The patron king was muttered.

This knowledge is what they saw in the forgotten world.

The forgotten world was hidden fifteen thousand years ago. It is the same time as Myriad Dragons Nest ruled the world, so it is normal for these books to be left behind.

"Fifteen thousand years have passed, won't Myriad Dragons Nest want to dominate the world, right?" Princess Yulin raised her eyebrows.

"I don't know, I think it is necessary to tell Mr. Lin about this matter. If Myriad Dragons Nest gets angry, only Mr. Lin can deal with it." Huo Jun said seriously.

"I will inform the grandfather, but for now, we need to continue to watch and collect everything here." Princess Yulin immediately sent a letter to Lin Jiufeng, and then continued to watch.

First came the giant ape family, then the Golden Lion family, and then Myriad Dragons Nest. In the ancient Kunlun Mountains, mysterious races appeared one after another.

The hundreds of people in the world are slowly emerging, and shocking things happen every moment.

And what happened here is constantly spreading out.

The eyes of the whole world are placed here. Countless people are watching. They are very curious what will the first thing do when these hundred races reappear in the world?

Will there be a conflict with Feathered Divine Dynasty?

Of course, Imperial Capital also pays close attention to the situation here.

Emperor De everyday all will receive a lot of news, he is very busy.

For example, if the people who are close to the ancient Kunlun Mountains are moved to leave thousands of miles away, when the time comes, once a war breaks out, the people will not be displaced.

Emperor De dispatches several millions troops to help the people move. This scene has also been seen by many cultivation people.

Seeing what people think in their hearts, Feathered Divine Dynasty can’t take care of it anymore. Just like emergency rescue and disaster relief, it moves quickly. The elderly are children and drag their families. There are also millions of troops in other places. Building new houses and planning fields, so that the people have no worries.

The entire Feathered Divine Dynasty is like a sophisticated machine, running fast.

Emperor De fulfilled his promise, in the name of man.

He also did it in the name of benevolence!

This really makes a lot of righteous cultivators have a huge change in the senses of Feathered Divine Dynasty.

Many people even took the initiative to join them, helping tens of millions of people to transfer, and in just a few days, they moved in an orderly manner.

Imperial Capital, Cold Palace.

Lin Jiufeng everyday all can receive messages from Princess Yulin.

For example, what Myriad Dragons Nest has revived.

For example, what Golden Lion family appeared.

For example, some tree spirit appeared.

For example, what kind of fox fairy family appeared.


Lin Jiufeng read this information silently and put it aside.

"Why don't you worry, Princess Yulin must be very anxious. There are several news a day." said the little white cat.

"What's the use of being anxious?" Lin Jiufeng waved his hand.

"What we have to do now is to transfer the people and adapt to the changes. Regardless of the plans of the Hundreds in the ancient Kunlun Mountains, we can also try to dismantle them without hurting them. People, Emperor De has done a good job. He has mobilized millions of troops and has almost transferred people. What's in my hurry?" Lin Jiufeng casually asked.

"Are you not afraid that the hundreds of clans in the ancient Kunlun Mountains will swarm up and destroy the Feathered Divine Dynasty?" asked the little white cat.

"They are like this, I need to take a trip to let them know what it means to take the life of the king." Lin Jiufeng slightly smiled, this smile is very cold, very cold.

"It's so good, why did it suddenly appear?" The little white cat muttered without looking at Lin Jiufeng's smile.

"It has something to do with my Transcending Tribulation. After I Transcending Tribulation, I opened the last yoke of this World. The recovery of Spiritual Qi is even more terrifying. The ancient Kunlun Mountains vein was born." Lin Jiufeng Said.

"Ai, eventful autumn, I still want to go shopping with you outside." Little White Cat said regretfully.

Originally, the princes of the early Divine Dynasty were destroyed, the world was shocked, and everything was quiet.

As long as nothing happens, it’s absolutely fine to work quietly about a year.

In this way, the little white cat can call Lin Jiufeng to take him out to see the scenery.

But now, the ancient Kunlun Mountains line suddenly appeared, and all the plans have been ruined.

"The appearance of the ancient Kunlun Mountains vein at this time is not a case, but a beginning. After that, there will be many terrifying existences. This World will become as recorded in some ancient books. "Lin Jiufeng murmured.

"This is an Era of the Great Conflict!"

Lin Jiufeng didn't say something in his heart.

"And I, will suppress this great world!"


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