Chapter 218 The Most Powerful Man in the World

Can the battlefield of fierce fighting be quiet in an instant?

The red-eyed warrior, Gu worms, can you stop instantly?


One hand will do.

A big hand covering the heavens, shielding the sun, covered the sky, obscured the sun and the moon, and even the king's combat power could not help but lift the head and watched in astonishment.

There is such a terrifying, powerful person in this World?

This palm covered the sky and washed away the wind and clouds. After it fell, the power of the kings was immediately shocked and killed.

Some of the stronger people also spurted blood, their faces were like golden paper, their bodies were trembling, and they fell straight down.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

The battle strength of the kings who were already extremely badly injured, now they are hurting even more.


The fierce battlefield is now calm.

The red-eyed warrior underneath was shivered in fright, and quickly backed away, looking at the big hand in the sky, his face turned pale.

Is this too terrifying?

One hand covers it, covering all the sky, how powerful is this?

Although most Gu worms have no brains, after a few months of fighting, the brainless ones died long ago, and now the rest are very shrewd.

Not good, they retreated far faster than the warriors of the Feathered Divine Dynasty.

The battlefield of chaos, fighting, and fighting has now become absolute silence.

Princess Yulin brought a group of experts away, looking at him in surprise.

The big hand in the sky has disappeared, and the sun fell, dazzling people's eyes, making Princess Yulin squint.

"That person is shut in Yu Sect!" Princess Yulin quickly locked her eyes on the person who shot.

The white Heavenly Emperor closed by Yu Sect.

"That seems to be a farmer..." The son of Sword God frowned.

"How come farmers come here, they must be experts." said the king of loose cultivator.

"He came in the air." The son of Sword God whispered.

Everyone is nervous.

Thinking of the power of the huge palm just now, no one is not afraid.

Even the Buddha three monks are honest, without saying a word, clasping their hands together, indicating that they are just an honest Great Buddhist Monk.

Other experts outside the Great Wall, or those of the Sect or Aristocratic Family's kings, saw the White Heavenly Emperor coming, shivered with fright, and scared several dying kings to death on the spot.

The White Heavenly Emperor fell down, no one looked, just looked at Princess Yulin, and asked: "Are you from Feathered Divine Dynasty?"

Princess Yulin hurriedly nodded, Said: "We are from Feathered Divine Dynasty, senior is also from my Feathered Divine Dynasty?"

"I am not." Bai Heavenly Emperor shook his head: "But someone asked me to help you, just now I was free If you slap it down, you don’t know if the matter has been resolved, just let me know if you have any trouble."

It's better to be more troublesome.

So that he can stay for two more days instead of just rushing over, solving the problem, and then returning to the oasis ancient city.

That's too bad.

Next time I think about it, I don't know when it is, Lin Jiufeng will not let them out easily.

White Heavenly Emperor also realized Lin Jiufeng's worries at this moment.

The most powerful person in this World is the power of the king.

In front of realm people like them, there is no comparability.

If they were really released, the impact on this World would be unimaginable.

So he can only pray for a few more days, take a look at the beautiful scenery, and then leave.

Kebai Heavenly Emperor didn't know, his casual slap made Princess Yulin's hearts jump.

This is too powerful, right?

Fortunately, the White Heavenly Emperor belonged to them, otherwise none of the people present could escape.

"Senior, who asked you to help us Feathered Divine Dynasty?" Princess Yulin suddenly had an inspiration, thought of someone, and asked excitedly.

This person is the one she cares about most.

This person is a mentor on her life.

This person is also the Guardian of Feathered Divine Dynasty.

This disaster, the Guardian of Feathered Divine Dynasty will not sit idly by.

Princess Yulin looked at the White Heavenly Emperor eagerly, hoping to get a correct answer.

White Heavenly Emperor said: "We don't know what his name is, but we call him Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin..." Princess Yulin muttered, and then smiled happily I'm excited inside, the kind of excitement that I can't wait to jump up.

"Sure enough, it is the Master, the grandfather, and the Guardian God of my Feathered Divine Dynasty. He has not disappeared. He is also paying attention to the Feathered Divine Dynasty. He once again rescued the crisis of the Feathered Divine Dynasty." Princess Yulin tried her best to suppress her excitement, but she couldn't. She still smiled happily.

"The Mr. Lin you mentioned is my Master." Princess Yulin proudly introduced herself.

Proud to be Lin Jiufeng's discipline.

White Heavenly Emperor is no surprise. Muttered: "I'll just say, it's not an important person, and he won't let me out."

As soon as this was said, everyone's expressions became weird.

White Heavenly Emperor, such a powerful person, was actually imprisoned by this Mr. Lin, and he was released for a short time.

"Well, you guys will see if there is anything I need to do, otherwise I have to leave." Bai Heavenly Emperor interrupted their imagination and said.

"Yes, I would like to ask the senior to stop for a few more days and wait until the end of the war before leaving." Princess Yulin said immediately.

Bai Heavenly Emperor did not refuse, and what he was waiting for was this sentence, said with a smile: "Since you are so kindly invited, then I will be welcome. I will stay for two more days, what do I need? Just tell me, if there is no need, I will look at the scenery."

Princess Yulin looked at the white Heavenly Emperor who finally came out, said with a smile: "I am very familiar with this grassland. I will lead the way for the senior."

"Nothing to do with me?" Bai Heavenly Emperor looked all around.

Princess Yulin saw that the power of the kings was dying, and said with emotion: "If you still need your help like this, then we really must use it all."

"I will take you around, Senior and I talk about my Master." Princess Yulin invited Bai Heavenly Emperor.

"Well, then, take me to see this huge grassland, an oasis in the depths of the northwestern land. It's too small to look good." Bai Heavenly Emperor vomited.

"I will lead the way, you follow." Princess Yulin said immediately.

She is also familiar with this grassland.

Several decades ago, she was taken by Lin Jiufeng, ran across the grassland, and went to Langjuxu Mountain, and the sword cut the White House and the Red Palace.

Compared with the present at that time, there was not much change at all.

In the next two days, Princess Yulin took the white Heavenly Emperor to see all over the grassland, and went to Langjuxu Mountain, but did not alarm anyone, just put the wolf into the strongest person in Xuxu Mountain Killed.

Then leave quietly.

No one knew about the whole process.

It wasn't until a few days later that people discovered this.

Princess Yulin asked in shock: "How powerful is the senior so that he can kill the strongest person in Langjuxu Mountain so easily?"

"I'm not strong , In front of your Master, I am not strong at all." Bai Heavenly Emperor said with emotion.

"Is my Master so powerful? What realm is he?" Princess Yulin asked curiously.

"He should be the most powerful person in this world. As for what realm, how do I know this." Bai Heavenly Emperor waved his hand.

"So..." Princess Yulin looking thoughtful.


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