The killing of King Xian was decided long ago.

Lin Jiufeng decided when he didn't come to the northwestern land, he would definitely find King Xian and then kill him.

Just because King Xian wanted to body possession Emperor De.

Now stepping on him with one foot will directly avoid future troubles, once and for all.

The last time King Xian was a fake fairy, very powerful, not to be underestimated.

But that was the last era.

At the end of the last era, King Xian was killed. Only the soul exists. He hid in his tomb and spent the years when Spiritual Qi weakened.

Now is the era of Spiritual Qi recovery. King Xian wants to rise again. At first, he wants his own Gu worm to control the emperor in the world, and then he has a good body possession.

After this failure, King Xian had to transform himself into a necromantic existence. Soul Fire matched his body and possessed the strength of the middle and late stages of Guixu.

Although he can easily defeat the White Heavenly Emperor.

It can force the expert in the ancient city of the oasis to come out.

But the problem is that he no longer has the strength that rivals the world.

I was killed first, and then waited for thousands of years to transform myself into a necromantic existence, and still have realm in the middle and late stages of returning to the ruins, which is really incredible.

He is a genius.

But I met Lin Jiufeng who was an evildoer.

In front of Lin Jiufeng, he couldn't turn over any waves and had no resistance. He was stomped by Lin Jiufeng in an instant. Soul Fire and bones were directly turned into powder and scattered with the wind.

This scene is beautiful.

But King Xian can't see it anymore.

He didn't even think one second before he died that he would be killed immediately after the emergence of this new era.

And it's still such a crushing method.

Xian Wang will never look down!

But no one cares about him.

Lin Jiufeng left after killing people, took the white cat, and returned to his yard.

Bai Heavenly Emperor looked at his crops distressedly, mumbling to repair some and save it.

Huo Jun muttered that he still has a few pigs to kill, and he is going to have a bonfire party tonight. He is the Master Fu in charge of logistics.

The others turned around and left, busy with their own affairs.

No one cares about offering the king.

As if he had never been here, everyone's life was not disturbed at all.

If King Xian knew it, he would never die!


Back in the yard, Lin Jiufeng stopped to rest, looking at the sky and the earth, the lakes in the distance, as pure as a blue mirror, reflecting the sky.

In the extreme distance, the landscape of the northwestern land has been greatly improved in the past three years. The trees are shaded, and I dare not say how lush, but it also has the taste of being stuffed in the south of the Yangtze River.

"When you killed King Xian, it was so easy." Little white cat asked Lin Jiufeng.

"Killing a King Offering is not easy, then I wasted the past three years?" Lin Jiufeng as it should be by rights said.

"The King Xian is so powerful. They beat the White Heavenly Emperor with no power to fight back, but they have no power to fight back in front of you. Have you already broken through the fake fairy?" Little Bai Maoyan The golden light gleams from the inside.

Fake fairy?

Lin Jiufeng slightly smiled, did not answer, but looked towards the pure blue crystal lake.

The breeze is faint, and the lake is clean. It is very beautiful and can purify people's hearts.

"Meow~" Seeing that Lin Jiufeng did not answer, the little white cat called out dissatisfiedly.

"It should be almost." Lin Jiufeng replied.

"Almost?" The little white cat stared at Lin Jiufeng with bright eyes.

"Which is so close?" asked the little white cat.

"It should be a rain!" Lin Jiufeng thought for a while and answered seriously.

"Wait for rain again?" The little white cat understands Lin Jiufeng's old routine. It is like this every time. Whenever there is a breakthrough, it is rainy.

It seems that there is blessing on rainy days. For Lin Jiufeng, rainy day breakthrough is already standard.

"It is natural, no need to deliberately." Lin Jiufeng said.

He has really come to the Peak of Guixu realm now.

It's only one step away from the fake fairy realm that the little white cat said.

This step is far away. For Lin Jiufeng, it really needs to be struggling.

So this rain will come later.

"It's noon right now, don't you open the mountain and sea world and defeat a person?" The little white cat suddenly found that today's Lin Jiufeng did not open the seal of the mountain and sea world as usual.

In this time before, Lin Jiufeng had defeated a person, and was taken back to the ancient city of Oasis by Luo.

But today, it has not moved.

Lin Jiufeng looked at the pure blue lake in thought and ignored the world portal of mountains and seas.

This is not normal.

Lin Jiufeng gently stroked the head of the little white cat, and whispered: "From today, there is no need to beat one person every day."

"Why?" Little white cat Asked puzzledly.

"The people above the power of the king in the mountain and sea world are all in the ancient city of the oasis, and the rest do not need to be defeated." Lin Jiufeng said.

"The mountain and sea world can be opened directly." said the little white cat.

"No, there is still one in the world that has not been defeated." Lin Jiufeng shook his head.

"You didn't mean that people above the king's combat power are all in the oasis ancient city, then who wants you to defeat?" asked the little white cat in a puzzled way.

"Because that person is the [Xian] in the mouth of the world..." Lin Jiufeng said softly.

The little white cat jumped to the window and asked in surprise: "Is it a fake fairy?"

The only thing that makes Lin Jiufeng so worried is the cultivation world last realm.

Fake fairy!

"en. ”Lin Jiufeng nodded, looked towards the sealed mountain and sea seal, looked through the portal, and saw the fake fairy inside.

"The world of Shanhai is not big, so many experts are incredible, but no matter how many experts, there is only one fake fairy, that is the most powerful person in the world of Shanhai, I will defeat He can leave here." Lin Jiufeng said.

Defeat the fake fairy, the sign-in location of Shanhaiworld is even useless.

"Have you ever played?" Little White Cat asked worriedly.

"If we can't beat it, we won't uncover the seal of Mountain Sea." Lin Jiufeng smiled and said: "I'm not stupid!"

"That's good, just seal Mountain Sea like this. Sect has been in the household for ten years, one hundred years, when you will break through the fake fairy realm, then open it." Little white cat made his own suggestion.

"I have my own measures. You should pay more attention to yourself when you can transform yourself. Otherwise, I will become immortal and you will be weak." Lin Jiufeng changed the subject and didn't want to talk about fake immortals. Problem.

When it comes to this question, the little white cat droops his head and sighs: "I want to transform too. It feels like you are getting less and less fun with me recently. I want to surprise you by transforming. "

Lin Jiufeng doesn't bother to take care of the little white cat. I don't know if it is because of the female cat. She loves acting very much.

As long as Lin Jiufeng chooses to ignore it, the little white cat will feel bored for a while, jump on Lin Jiufeng's chest, beat fiercely a few times, then curl up and watch the scenery with Lin Jiufeng.

Behind the Mountain Sea Sect, a pair of eyes are looking at Lin Jiufeng.

He also felt Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng does not open the seal of mountains and seas, he is not in a hurry, because he saw Lin Jiufeng's eyes, so he knows that this day is not far away.


Sorry, my personal affairs have delayed the code word in the past two days.

Apologize to you.

It won’t be anymore tomorrow. Today, the matter has been completely resolved and cleaned up. After that, I will concentrate on codewords.

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