Chapter 205 Fire Lord Comes

Defeat a person in the world of mountains and seas and sign in once a day.

Then confine them all in this oasis without disturbing this World.

For Lin Jiufeng, such a peaceful life is very pleasant.

He can continue to grow stronger, and the improvement in these two months is not too fast for him.

Accumulate silently, and then surprise the world.

Lin Jiufeng is doing such a thing.

The little white cat has also worked very hard recently. In order to break through Venerable Realm, it has entered Wuliang. It follows Lin Jiufeng every day, and spends most of its time in cultivation.

Its cultivation speed was so slow from the very beginning, and it has made rapid progress now.

The changes during this period have brought Lin Jiufeng a big surprise.

Lin Jiufeng didn't know why, but suddenly thought of a sentence that Little White Cat said before.

It is beautiful after its transformation!


On this day, Lin Jiufeng woke up in the morning, washed briefly, went to open the seal of the mountain and sea world, and put out an expert from the mountain and sea world.


But the person who came out today is different from before. His imposing manner is like a big sunset into the sea, and the boiling heat directly evaporates most of the sea. Kind.

He is the scorching sun at noon, blazing and hot, stepping out of the world of mountains and seas, there is a huge natural phenomenon behind him.

Lin Jiufeng squinted his eyes and found that this person is very powerful, that huge natural phenomenon does not come from elsewhere, it is his god Soul Power.

This person has turned Divine Soul into a sun.

"Lingtai realm!" Lin Jiufeng said softly.

The appearance of this sun-like person attracted people from the entire oasis.

In the ancient city of Oasis, sixty people looked forward to it.

Can Lin Jiufeng beat this man?

"This is Huojun!"

"Yes, it is Huojun. He has only cultivated for more than a hundred years and reached the realm of the spiritual platform, which is the second only to Bai Heavenly Emperor. Genius."

"The key is that he turned Divine Soul into a sun, which can burn enemies and is very powerful."

"Can you beat that man this time?"


"I don't know, but even matched is possible, right?"

People in the ancient city of Oasis have great expectations.

They are all kings, and now they have little effect on Lin Jiufeng, and they are all easily defeated by Lin Jiufeng.

If Lin Jiufeng can beat Lingtai realm, then for them, they will be inseparable from the ancient city of Oasis for some time to come.

The expressions of Fire Lord who came to this World are on fire, he is excited, looking at this vast world, took a deep breath.

"This world is really full of roads!"

"I want to create a fire religion in this World, dominate the world, and recreate the fire country!"

"this World is about to usher in a brand-new ruler!"

Huo Jun said excitedly, striding out, he wants to realize his dream and seize the opportunity.

But the next second, a silhouette sounded behind him.

"You can't go anywhere." Lin Jiufeng calmly said.

Huo Jun turned around and saw Lin Jiufeng, the flame in his eyes burned.

"Didn't expect this World such a barren Spiritual Qi, there is still a spiritual platform expert, you are very capable, it is better to follow me and be my second in command." Huo Jun laughed and solicited Lin Jiufeng.

"I think you are still suitable to stay in this oasis, it is better not to go anywhere." Lin Jiufeng said.

Huojun face turned cold, but the temperature of his body has risen. He is like a furnace about to explode, very dangerous.

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Huo Jun broke out into laughter caused by anger.

"You are also a hot temper. If I don't blow you up, you won't stay here." Lin Jiufeng shook his head.

"Blow me up?" Huo Jun smiled, laughing angry.

"If you are in the middle and late stage of Lingtai, if you say this, I will take a high look at you, but you are just a kid who has just entered the realm of Lingtai. You dare to say that you blow me up?" Huo Jun coldly shouted .

"No, people are different. Two months ago, I broke through the immeasurable realm and entered the power of the king. Half a month ago, I broke through the power of the king and entered the spiritual platform. Now in the past half It's a month, how much do you think I will improve?" Lin Jiufeng asked seriously.

"boasted shamelessly, do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Huo Jun sneered, snort disdainfully to Lin Jiufeng.

What kind of shit to break two realm in two months, it's just a series of nonsense.

It was Ancient Saint Sage who came and couldn't do this step.

But Lin Jiufeng's remarks are extremely true in the eyes of the people of Oasis Ancient City.

Because they watched Lin Jiufeng rise step by step.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would be as unbelievable as Huo Jun.

"No matter if you are believing or not, I don't need to prove anything to you. After entering the realm of Lingtai, the first thing I do is to stabilize my Divine Soul." Lin Jiufeng slowly said.

"My Divine Soul is stabilized by me, and then thousands of hammers, hundred refinements, and a sword qi are all integrated into it. You receive my sword. If you catch it, you can leave. If you can’t catch it, you will Stay in the oasis." Lin Jiufeng said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, a villain appeared on his forehead.

Lin Jiufeng's Divine Soul, a reduced version of him.

He held a long sword in his hand, pointed at Huo Jun, in an ordinary imposing manner.

But in a flash, the villain of Divine Soul carried the sword and killed him.

The ordinary villain, carrying the ordinary long sword, just moved towards that round of Sun God soul charge ahead like the scorching sun.

hong long long !

The Sun God soul is angry, and Lord Huo directly pours out his anger, like an exploding volcano, very terrifying.

He wants to burn Lin Jiufeng's Divine Soul.

But Lin Jiufeng’s Divine Soul didn’t eat this set, and decisively killed it, unsurprisingly, with the sword dao edge, and decisively broke out at the moment of approaching.

At this moment, the villain Divine Soul beheaded with a single sword, sword qi shot 30,000 miles, and the whole world of mountains and seas can feel it.


The sword qi of 30,000 miles penetrated the sun, suppressed the volcano, and covered the flames.

All this happened overnight.

Mr Huo hadn't taken off his power, he was covered by the turbulent sword qi, and the sword qi penetrated his body.

Fortunately, Lin Jiufeng didn't want to kill him, otherwise he is dead now.

The sword qi of 30,000 miles suppressed everything.

In the ancient city of Oasis, everyone looked sluggish.

The always conceited White Heavenly Emperor murmured: "I still need to work hard to catch up. Waiting for me, I will also break through into the realm of the spiritual platform."

Although I enter the realm of the spiritual platform, I also fight. But Lin Jiufeng.

But it’s okay, at least it’s all realm.

King Shan Wang began to think: "Should I raise some chickens and ducks, and cultivate my sentiment like him."

"I should also repair the yard. It will be a long time in the future. I have to live." Old Man Luo shook his head.

They were desperate and began to think about how to live the future well.

And Huo Jun stared blankly, speechless.


It hurts so much!

Lin Jiufeng withdrew and walked away, saying: "Choose a house in the ancient city of the oasis, live a quiet life, don’t think about going out to dominate the world, this world is also very tired, you come today, tomorrow he Are you annoying if you are here."

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