Chapter 196 Opening the Door

The sign-in of this time came suddenly.

Lin Jiufeng is looking forward to it.

After all, it is the gate of the world of Shanhai. Regarding a hidden world, it has been a few times since no one has found out these hidden worlds. So check in this time, things must be rare.

Lin Jiufeng has already figured out the sign-in rules for a long time.

The more dangerous the place, the more generous the sign-in reward.

The rarer the place, the more precious the sign-in reward.

In some places where you can check in repeatedly, the first time is definitely the best, and the worse it gets later.

This door to the world of mountains and seas should be the first time it has appeared in more than 15,000 years.

Even if others know it, they don’t have the key to open it. As far as they are concerned, they can only look at it.

Lin Jiufeng can stand in front of the door and sign in.

This is the only one.

After accumulating 15,000 years of time, Lin Jiufeng is really looking forward to what he has signed in.

【Sign in successfully, get One Qi Becomes Three Purities cultivation technique! 】

"One Qi Becomes Three Purities, this is Taoist Supreme's treasure." Lin Jiufeng was inexplicably surprised.

He has been familiar with various books, and they have recorded the cultivation technique of One Qi Becomes Three Purities.

The book said that this is Taoist's treasure, and the formidable power is powerful.

But how powerful it is, there is no detailed record in the book.


A memory rushed into Lin Jiufeng's head, letting him understand the power of One Qi Becomes Three Purities.

This One Qi Becomes Three Purities, the initial formidable power is a cultivation technique, but as the comprehension deepens, the comprehended Daoyun is the treasure technique.

Comprehended fairy rhyme will become Immortal Technique.

Its formidable power will become stronger, gradually spread, and has great potential.

After signing in, Lin Jiufeng learned this Supreme Dao Law in an instant.

"Miss Hong, you can go back, I want to observe here." Lin Jiufeng said.

"Okay!" Miss Hong also decisively left without disturbing Lin Jiufeng.

After Miss Hong left, Lin Jiufeng said to the little white cat: "I will go down to investigate and take a cultivation. Help me protect the law and don't let anyone disturb me."

"Okay." The little white cat suddenly agreed.


Lin Jiufeng jumped straight down, dived into the water, and immediately meditated cross-legged.

hong long long!

In his body, one after another powerful force emerged, running through his body, and his limbs and limbs were all moisturized.

Especially his Divine Soul, decisively divided into four in this brief moment.

One part is the ontology, and the other three parts are Three Purities.

One Qi Becomes Three Purities, slowly cultivation, from the beginning, you need to pay a lot to reach Peak.

Peak’s One Qi Becomes Three Purities is an extremely terrifying Immortal Technique. The three separated Three Purities have all the battle strength of the deity, which means that the body is weaker, but this is already extremely terrifying.

Lin Jiufeng directly comprehend the cultivation to Peak at this time, a large amount of energy enters the body and improves his cultivation base.

Lin Jiufeng started to climb the thirty-two steps of immeasurable realm.

This night, he was sitting cross-legged under the water, and he couldn't see anything under the dark water.

But Lin Jiufeng's body is shining, not only his body, but also three other souls.

One Qi Becomes Three Purities, this is fundamentally transformed, not the External Body Incarnation, nor the Substitute Death Puppet.

One Qi Becomes Three Purities is to divide Divine Soul into three parts, each of which has all the battle strength of the deity.

At this point, it is incomparable to all other cultivation techniques of the same type.

In the depths of the huge lake in the oasis, four luminous sources gathered together to illuminate a small circle. Once someone came over, they would definitely find it.

Fortunately, it was night.

Fortunately, there are little white cats.

It guards all around vigilantly, and the cat's paws are ready to pop out at any time.

The little white cat has not been idle for a while, it will soon have to break through Venerable, it has its own domain.

It is very powerful.

For Lin Jiufeng to protect the law, there is no problem at all.

Fortunately, this night, calm and tranquil.

No one came over, and there was no accident, a night of serene.

In the morning of 2nd day, the halo has dissipated and Lin Jiufeng is breaking through.

The immeasurable realm is a long step, winding upwards, a total of 32th-layer, each floor is difficult to surpass.

People from the last era, such as Miss Hong, are now only about ten steps away.

Of course, the recovery of this World Spiritual Qi is slow and restricts them.

None of them broke this line.

Lin Jiufeng broke.

He had been on 15 layers early, and he stood out from the crowd.

Now that he has obtained the One Qi Becomes Three Purities cultivation technique, he is even more powerful, and that huge energy pushes him all the way forward.

This night plus one day, Lin Jiufeng has come to the 32th-layer.

Peak of immeasurable realm.

The next realm, the king's combat power.

Looking at the sky again, it was dark again, and when the night fell again, Lin Jiufeng at the bottom of the lake opened his eyes, and an imposing manner was converged in his body.

Return to the Natural State, like a volcano, converging all its sharp edges.

Just for inadvertently shot, stunning the world.

Lin Jiufeng lifts the head, looking up at the starry sky, bright in the sky, twinkling.

The night is beautiful.

Lin Jiufeng jumped lightly and flew out directly under the water.

The moment he flew out of the water, his body was as dry as ever.


The little white cat called, flew up into Lin Jiufeng’s arms, and said strangely: "The smell on you has changed."

" How has it changed?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"It has become more and more delicious, just like ten thousand-year-old agarwood, at first I don’t think it, but the scent behind is deep, it is peerless treasure." The little white cat buried his head in Lin Jiufeng In his arms, the voice was sweet and greasy.

It's buried in the chest!

Lin Jiufeng didn't care about this. What bad thoughts can the little white cat have? He just wants to get closer to himself.

Lin Jiufeng still thinks about the cultivation base: "Unfortunately, I didn't understand the fairy rhyme, otherwise One Qi Becomes Three Purities would become Immortal Technique."

Lin Jiufeng now The cultivation base is unlimited realm, 32th-layer steps.

this realm say high is not high, say low is not low, it's more embarrassing, the Taoist rhyme of comprehension is not the fairy rhyme.

In this case, One Qi Becomes Three Purities is just a treasure technique, not an Immortal Technique.

"But even the treasure technique is the strongest treasure technique. Among the treasure technique, it deserves to be the first." Lin Jiufeng thought firmly.

"Wait for my comprehended fairy rhyme, One Qi Becomes Three Purities will become Immortal Technique. This is not anxious, anyway, step by step." Lin Jiufeng comforted himself, it is not impossible to improve.

Looking at his chest again, the little white cat was completely intoxicated in Lin Jiufeng's broad chest, and was intoxicated for a while.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to open the door of Shanhai World." Lin Jiufeng raised the little white cat, smiled and said.

The little white cat said with a look of dismay: "Open it now?"

"Of course, you go aside, I will put down the key now." Lin Jiufeng put the little white cat down. Put it down, dropped the key accurately, and flew directly to the center of the coin gate.


The key is inserted.


The door of Shanhai World shook and opened slowly.

This vibration was felt by people in the entire northwestern land, but many people were confused and confused.

Only Miss Hong stood in the oasis town and looked towards the huge lake with a serious face.

Open at this time, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.


Today is the Goddess Festival. I wanted to spend the festival with my girlfriend. It is not updated.

But when I went out, I woke up without a girlfriend.

Dingy back to the codeword.

I don’t know if there are any girls among my readers.

It’s not surprising that there are so many collections and one or two female readers.

Then I wish my few female readers a happy holiday and be happy.

I will write another chapter for female readers.

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