Chapter 178 In front of Cold Palace

After killing 10,000 times, the illusory shadow has shrunk by half. He knows that if this continues, he will undoubtedly die. .

Although he is just a will, he still doesn't want to die.

For thousands of years, he has been parasitic with Puppet Insect. He has his own independent thought and independent personality. If he develops like this, he will become a real human being.

But now, Lin Jiufeng has ruined his thousands of years of accumulation in a short period of time.

This made illusory shadow unacceptable, he begged for mercy loudly and begged bitterly.

"Spare me, I have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, I am a frog in well."

"You just treat me as a fart No, the adults don’t remember the villain’s past."

"Please, I don’t want to die."

Illusory shadow’s plea did not make Lin Jiufeng shake, and decisively broke down. Broke him.

Death and resurrection again and again made the illusory shadow frightened. Every time he died, he could feel that he was not far from real death and disappearance.

He is not reconciled, he is not willing.

Illusory shadow is completely unexpected. In this world, Lin Jiufeng has such a terrifying existence. It is so easy to kill yourself without reaching the power of the king.

Single-handed capture, unlimited bombardment, completely unreasonable and powerful.

"I can tell the plan of offering the king, I just ask you to spare my life!" After the illusory shadow was killed again, he begged for mercy and directly chose to betray the king.

Lin Jiufeng stopped, this time he did not choose to kill the illusory shadow.

The entire Feathered Divine Dynasty executives are refreshed, looking forward to it.

"How did you and Puppet Insect approach Emperor De?" Lin Jiufeng asked coldly.

"It is Emperor De's personal Court Eunuch. We first controlled him with Puppet Insect, and then he brought Puppet Insect and approached Emperor De." Illusion Shadow sold this man decisively.

Princess Yulin's eyes were cold, and she looked towards the shiver coldly old Court Eunuch outside the palace.

"I also doubted you, didn't expect it was really you, you served Emperor De several decades, Emperor De trusted you so much, but you gave him a fatal blow?" Princess Yulin Yinya They were all bitten into pieces, and they hated them very much.

"The old slave is under control. The old slave is forced to do it." The old Court Eunuch knelt down, crying for mercy.


Princess Yulin did not listen to this explanation, and killed him with a single sword. Heartless Dao said coldly, "No matter how much explanation, you have to die!"

Lin Jiufeng glanced at it, retracted his gaze, looked towards illusory shadow, and continued to ask: "How many people from the ancient Dian Dynasty have recovered? What is the plan of offering the king? Where is he?"

Everyone is staring at the illusory shadow, very curious.

Illusory shadow decisively said in order to survive: "The ancient Dian Dynasty has revived hundreds of people. They are all a nobody. They are not powerful. The King Xian is now in his tomb and he cannot recover. In the era when the Spiritual Qi weakened, King Xian was beheaded by an immortal, but before he died, he arranged everything."

"Wang Xian brought all the experts of the ancient Dian Dynasty to the cemetery. Here, let them fall asleep, protect themselves, and leave behind many Gu worms. For their own resurrection plan, they have prepared countless follow-ups."

"I am one of them. Originally, I was a part of King Offering The will falls on Puppet Insect, and the purpose is to find the human emperor with the strongest luck of this generation. Yun Puppet Insect controls him, and then plant the source of King Xian, so that King Xian will be reborn in his body."

"I controlled all this in secret. I used Puppet Insect to control several people, contacted one by one, and finally reached the old Court Eunuch. He was very greedy for life and fear of death, and actively told me that he could let me get close to the Emperor by top secret. De, put down the Puppet Insect in Emperor De's tea, and was drunk by him."

illusory shadow I am afraid of death, and tell me everything in detail.

Princess Yulin was very angry when she heard it, and cut out a sword qi directly, and dismembered the dead old Court Eunuch.

"The defense of the Imperial Palace needs to be strengthened." Lord Shoufu said weakly.

Lin Jiufeng calmly continued to ask: "Where is the tomb of the king?"

"In the northwestern land, I don’t know the exact location, because this is top secret, Puppet Insect’s awakening position is not in the same place as the King’s Cemetery!" illusory shadow replied.

Northwest Land!

The little white cat whispered, if there was no such thing, they now went to Northwest China.

"You planted the origin of King Xian in Emperor De's body?" Lin Jiufeng continued to ask.

"No, I didn’t have time to control Emperor De. Those Divine Doctors blocked the meridians of Emperor De. I can’t grow it any more. I can only choose to control Emperor De first. Here comes." illusory shadow said sincerely.

When Sai Huatuo and other doctors heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. They worked so hard, and they were not in vain.

"My lord, I really told you the truth. I told you everything. I didn't dare to hide it. I only ask you to spare my life." illusory shadow After losing his body, he can kneel in front of Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng looked indifferently, then stretched out his hand and threw the Puppet Insect to Princess Yulin.

"When Emperor De wakes up, let him see, it’s this little Puppet Insect, what a disturbance, this thing stays in the Imperial Palace, always be vigilant, don’t Similar things happened." Lin Jiufeng said.

Princess Yulin went on to Puppet Insect and respectfully said: "Disciple knows."

In the eyes of everyone, Princess Yulin did not say that her granddaughter knew it, but assumed herself as a discipline.

She's all Sword Art taught by Lin Jiufeng, calling herself a discipline, there is no problem.

Lin Jiufeng did not refute either, got up and left.

He has space distortion all over his body, no one can see his face clearly, he can only see the bright radiance, disappearing into the dark night.

As soon as Lin Jiufeng left, everyone looked towards Emperor De.

Emperor De, who was in a coma for several days, woke up slowly at this moment.

"Just now, there was a holy light shining on me. I feel very comfortable, and the exhaustion of my body disappears before I can wake up." Emperor De said weakly.

Princess Yulin walked in and said: "My Master is here."

Emperor De instantly cleared the comprehension, this is the grandfather who came back to save him.

He couldn't help but blushed with shame, and the grandfather was still saving him. As always, Lin Jiufeng took care of all the big troubles.

"Recover well." The palm of Princess Yulin patted Emperor De.

Emperor De nodded, said: "In the next month, you will lead the Imperial Court, I will take a good rest."

Ascended to the throne and proclaimed the emperor for several decades, except for the beginning, he has been in the follow-up. Busy, no day off.

Now taking advantage of the strength great injury, he wants to rest for a month.


Lin Jiufeng took care of Emperor De's affairs and did not immediately leave Imperial Capital.

He returned to the Cold Palace where he had lived as a teacher for 80 years.

Around the prosperous Imperial Capital, this Cold Palace is very shabby, mottled, and weeds have grown at the door.

Compared with when Lin Jiufeng came in, this Cold Palace is older. Some buildings look on the verge of collapse and look like they are about to collapse.

But there was a light flickering in front of the Cold Palace door, which fixed the palace.

Wanjia lights up!

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