"In any case, during this period of time, you should stay at home and don't run around. When this matter is over, you can play whatever you want." Finally, Jiang Shanhan He whispered to her.


Jiang Xue's boss opened her mouth, and finally went back reluctantly.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Shanhan could only sigh, very helpless.

It's all to blame for him so much that he doesn't care about Jiang Xue so much that he can't do it well now.

At this time Jiang Bai also came in.

Seeing Jiang Shanhan’s expression, I guessed that Jiang Xue must be disobedient, and sighed, saying: “I knew this would happen, I shouldn’t have brought her here so soon. Hongcheng."

If they knew that Bai Family coveted Rhodiola, they would never let Jiang Xue come to Hongcheng, but would choose to have treatment in their hometown.

"If Bai Family really wants to get this rhodiola at all costs, even if they are in a small town, they will definitely smell the wind and leave. In that case, it might as well come to Hongcheng to be safe, at least Before I fall, no one can move Xiaoxue." Jiang Shanhan has some gnashing teeth.

If Bai Family really does not spare anything, then they will do whatever it takes.

The Jiang Family is not a soft persimmon that anyone can bully!

"I'll find a few clever people to stare at the door of Bai Family. We can know in advance if they have any trouble." Jiang Bai said suddenly.

"What we can think of, it may not be unexpected for nothing. You make them smarter and don't stay at the door of Bai Family forever." Jiang Shanhan looked up.

"Well, I know." Jiang Bai left.


Bai Family.

Bai Yuanhong, who was returning to the house, hurried away the two maids, and then immediately closed the door, sitting on the bed, panting heavily, clutching his chest.

He hurriedly sat cross-legged, running the longevity decision in his body, suppressing the qi and blood tumbling in his body.

After a long while, he breathed a long sigh of relief, his face eased a lot, but he was still pale and terrifying.

The consequences of that hand movement in the alley now are more serious than he imagined.

Although he has a strong cultivation base, this body can't support it, and he can basically only use Sword Art once in three days.

The last time was two days ago, he blocked Ye Chuan's sword on the road.

That time he almost completely exhausted his heart.

Now it has been less than three days, and I just moved my hand casually, which is such a disastrous consequence.

"It seems that my body is really dysfunctional." Bai Yuanhong smiled bitterly.

He knows whether Longevity Secret Art is useful or not.

Useful, but only a little bit.

After Sidel's Longevity Secret Art, he did feel a little more relaxed physically and mentally, but his injuries did not change much.

He doesn't know how many times he has experienced this kind of change.

For more than ten years, how many famous doctors from all over the world have treated him, and the effect of at first is better than it is now, but in the end it still died.

So, he is numb, and he does not have much hope for Longevity Secret Art. But since this was Ye Chuan who Qianguang specially led him to find, and Bai Gan and Li Yue both had confidence in him.

So, let the cultivation go on.

Whether it is useful or not, at least it is a good thing for yourself and for people who care about you.


"When are you going to leave?" Qianguang held a jug of wine and drank gulps.

I drank here early in the morning, and there was only their table.

"I should ask you this sentence." Compared with Qianguang, Ye Chuan is more stable, and tasted the small cup of Earth Grade.

But why hadn't he discovered before that Qianguang still has such a bold side?

In the past, Qianguang’s impression of Ye Chuan was calm and composed, taciturn, and expert, but now why has he turned into a... wine lees?

It's so exciting to drink.

He is a bit afraid of being toasted.

"I should ask you this sentence. I can go anytime, but you seem to be unable to go." He looked at Qian Guang.

Qianguang put down the wine jar he gave him and tore off a big drumstick-of course drinking is not a dry drink, you have to have something to drink-and they are eating breakfast and lunch together NS.

"I don't know." Qian Guangda bit his chicken legs, eating a bit unrestrained, without expert elegance,

"Wait for Yuanhong, have you already taught him Longevity Secret Art? When it is confirmed that he is really not in danger, I can leave."

He still couldn't let go of Bai Yuanhong.

He is no longer a carefree person, he can't want to walk to walk like Ye Chuan.

Bai Yuanhong is his only bondage.

Although it is only a discipline, it is better than a loved one.

Let him leave without Bai Yuanhong like this, he can't do it.

"Well, what if Longevity Secret Art is useless to him?" Ye Chuan looked at him, "Are you going to do it yourself and help him grab Rhodiola?"

He will not help Qianguang make choices, but is forcing him to make choices.

If Qianguang has been unable to let Bai Yuanhong go, it is basically impossible to go to Divine Source Celestial Court with him.

"I don’t know, if it’s useless, maybe I will really grab Rhodiola, or I may go to Divine Source Celestial Court with you-God should have a way Okay." Qianguang fiercely eats meat and drinks:

"But I don’t have an accurate answer for you. What I hate the most is to plan ahead and let myself think about so many possibilities and so much torture. In the end, there is still nothing to solve with your own things, why bother?"

Preparing for a rainy day is a commendatory term, but from another perspective, it is people who make themselves sad for themselves, so that it hasn’t happened yet. Things come to bother myself.

Sometimes it is good to be prepared for a rainy day, but more often, especially when there is no hope at the moment, to be prepared for a rainy day... is to increase the pain and annoyance.

I've been tortured so much that I don't want to live, but I have to go to the future, to the bad things that may happen, so that the future will add trouble to the present.

Many times, even if you think of these situations, you still haven't been able to find a solution. In the end, you still don't want to sink into the pain, like this cycle of reincarnation, suffering for a lifetime.

So the attitude given by the money bank is-live in the present.

Regardless of what will happen to him in the future, he will solve whatever things are right now, and enjoy life if there is nothing.

Who knows what will happen in the days to come, unless you are a god.

"So, you can only wait quietly for Bai Yuanhong's cultivation Longevity Secret Art, and this time may take ten days, one month, one year, or ten years."

Ye Chuan cultivated Longevity Secret Art by himself, and at his speed, it took nearly half a year to cultivate the Perfection of Longevity Secret Art.

And Bai Yuanhong... I am afraid it will take longer.

But at this time, Qianguang can wait, Ye Chuan can't wait.

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