Chapter 191 Super Gravity Cooking!! (seeking subscription)

“Brother Feng is so awesome, he actually won Zeus!

“Chu Feng is really amazing, I really want to try his cooking!”

“It’s a man who makes [Chu Feng Century Bisque], and he is a man who successfully cooks poisonous potatoes!”

“Chu Feng, I am willing to treat you as the God of Cooking~!

The cheers of the audience-lasted for a long time.

At this time, the foot hair host announced loudly: “The duel between Chu Feng and Zeus is really wonderful, let us see Chu Feng’s divine cooking. Next, enter the second duel, Atacino fights Setsuno, let me continue the carnival- now!

Atasino and Jie Na walked into the cooking hall.

The audience boiled around.

“Unexpectedly, this young girl named Atasino is so strong, she has come this far, and has to fight against Setina!”

“I heard that Atacino is Chu Feng’s partner!”

“Chu Feng’s partner? I rely on, no wonder it’s so powerful!”

“How can you be an ordinary person if you can become Feng’s partner?”

“I am envious. I also want to be Chu Feng’s partner.”

“Mother Jie, please take care of me!” Atacino said to Jie Nai, his eyes full of respect.

“Woohoooo!” Jienao smiled, “Xiao Nuo, I have made a lot of progress over the years, and I didn’t expect that one day I would have a duel with you.

Atasino smiled and said, “Thanks to the care of President Yilong, I was placed by Chu Feng’s side. I learned a lot from him.”

During the period of becoming Chu Feng’s partner, his cooking skills have really advanced by leaps and bounds.

Even she herself did not expect that one day she could face off against the National Treasure Festival of Gourmet Mankind.

The host Mao Mao introduced: “Well, the two contestants have entered the super-gravity cooking field, where they are going to have a cooking competition. Whoever arranges all the food ingredients well, fast and delicious first, whoever is the winner.

The gravity of the two super-gravity kitchens is 20 times that of the earth’s surface.

There are three kinds of ingredients, namely, slender ingredients and velvet mushrooms, special cooking ingredients, sky morning glory, and toxic and dangerous ingredients, sulfuric acid tuna.

Although they are some common ingredients, cooking is very difficult.

In normal times, ordinary chefs can’t make perfect dishes.

Now, cooking in a kitchen with 20 times the gravity is even more difficult.

Chu Feng squinted his eyes: “Gravity and ingredients are not difficult for Atacino, but I am afraid it is still a bit difficult to win the festival!!

At this moment, Atasino was standing in the super-gravity kitchen, his body instantly became heavier, and he quickly turned on “Ape Wu Ouyi” without chattering, and quickly adapted to gravity.

Immediately afterwards, Atasino took out the dragon’s teeth and immediately began to cook the ingredients.

The shrugging enoki mushrooms are all covered with fine fluff. When cooking, don’t break any of them, otherwise the deliciousness will be lost.

The cuisine of sky morning glory is to remove the very thin outer skin according to the direction of the grain.

Like puffer whales, sulfuric acid tuna has a sulfuric acid sac inside it. You must take it out perfectly. Once the sac is broken, the whole fish is waste.

Atacino’s cooking is very fast. Although these three ingredients have not been cooked before, they have often come into contact with Chu Feng with similar ingredients.

“Wow. Atacino’s cooking speed is so fast!”

“As expected of Chu Feng’s partner!”

“so amazing!

Countless people exclaimed.

Of course, Setsuno’s cooking speed is not slow, and the kitchen knife is in her hands to the extreme.

It seems that the speed of the two is about the same.

All the audience was boiling.

However, Chu Feng could see that Atasino maintained the “Ape Wu Ouyi” while cooking, and the pressure gradually increased..

But Jenai didn’t feel anything.

Twenty times the gravity does not seem to exist for her.

The wonderful duel between the two aroused the cheers of the audience.

“Unexpectedly, there are still people who can match Setsuno. It’s not easy.

“By the way, this Atasino is Chu Feng’s partner, right? As good as Chu Feng!

“This year’s cooking festival is really wonderful! The confrontation between these two people is like a championship contest.”

“It’s so exciting!

Soon, the three ingredients were cooked, and Jiena put down the knife.

Afterwards, Atasino also finished cooking, his forehead was already sweating.

The host excitedly announced: “Oh, Ms. Setuno is 3 seconds faster than Ms. Atacino. So, which one of their dishes is more delicious?

“All members of g7 will give the answer.

“Then scoring the overall situation.

“Who wins? It’s really exciting!

All the members of g7 started to eat the dishes of the two.

Soon, the score came out.

Setai Nai has three full points, Atasino has two full points, and one is 9.7 points.

Jie is a narrow win.

This result shocked all the audience present.

“Sure enough, Jienai is better!”

“But Atacino is also very good, just a little bit.

“It’s wonderful!

Although Atasino lost, it was a glorious defeat.

“Mother-in-law, you are amazing!” Atasino said respectfully.

“Boom!” Jienai said with a smile, looking at Atasino, his eyes were full of satisfaction: “It’s really scary, I almost lost!”

The host Mao Mao announced: “Atasino and Ms. Setnai’s super-gravity cooking, Ms. Setnai wins, she deserves to be the national treasure of gourmets, and it is really strong!

“Then, now, it’s the final game!”

“Ms. Chu Feng vs. Jiena!”

“Who is the final champion?

“Dear viewers, the exciting time has come!’

“Let us cheer together, scream together!”

As soon as the host’s voice fell, the audience boiled, and the cheers went higher and higher.

“This guy Chu Feng is really awesome, and he competes with Granny Jie for the championship!” Toriko’s eyes were full of horror.

“Huh, this guy is really overwhelmed!” Zebra’s mouth raised, and there was a look of admiration in his eyes.

“As expected of Chu Feng!” Coco smiled.

The three richest gourmets, Aimaru, Macki, and the second generation Melk were all shocked.

Many chefs such as Komatsu, Senryu, and Yuhu were also shocked.

Almost everyone did not expect that the two who came to the end would be Chu Feng and Jienao.

One is a supernova in the cook world.

One is the veteran of the cook world.

The contest between the two also means a contest between the new era and the old era!

“Little Chu Feng, I will do my best, and I have to be serious, or I will lose!” Jie Nai said with a smile.

Chu Feng said: “Mother-in-law, you laughed, I have to be serious!!”

The two walked into the cooking yard.

The championship race is about to begin 8.

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