Chapter 158 Capture the revolving beast! (seeking subscription)

“Wuhen Slash!

Atacino’s eyes flickered, he spit in his mouth, and his dragon teeth split forward.

A very thin blade of air whistled away.

With its 48-meter-long body, coupled with its slow movement, the revolving beast has no time to dodge.

Guru Guru

In the next second, the turning beast uttered a scream of pain.

If you are slashed by “Wuhen Slash”, you will not leave any scars on your body, but it will damage the nerves in your body and cause severe pain.

Toothache, although it is not a disease, but it hurts to kill you.

The reason for the pain is that the nerve is damaged.

Now, many nerves in the turning body have been cut off, screaming in pain.

However, Atasino’s face was not pretty.

Although it can make the revolving beast feel severe pain, it will not hunt it down.

Moreover, because the opponent’s capture level is high, this pain will not last long.

If a beast with a lower capture level than Atasino is hit, I am afraid it will roll on the ground in pain and can’t get up!

The turning beast felt a great pain, but it was also angry.

His body shook suddenly, and countless venom on his body shot at Atacino like rain.

These highly poisonous are terrible.

Rocks can corrode instantly.

The strength is hundreds of times that of sulfuric acid.

His face changed, Atacino immediately swung his knife and drew a big circle in front of him: “Cutting board shield.

A circular energy like a cutting board for cutting vegetables appeared in front of him.

Bang bang bang

Jue 03 beaten on the cutting board shield.

Atasino looked at it, his face changed drastically, and he quickly drew back.

Because the “cutting board shield” is highly toxic and corroded.

Seeing the other party retreating, the turning beast roared, its body trembles, and more venom screamed out.

Atacino was forced to hide in the corner.

Chu Feng shook his head, the “Displacement Flash” was launched, and he appeared in front of Atasino instantly, and at the same time the “Golden Body” was turned on.

Bang bang bang

The venom hit Chu Feng, but it did not cause any harm.

Atasino breathed a sigh of relief.

“Let me come!” Chu Feng said, “This turning beast is much stronger than you. You are not an opponent at all. Next time, find a beast with the same strength as you and let you practice.

“Yeah!” Atacino nodded.

Yes, Chu Feng’s analysis is right. The strength of the revolving beast is too strong, and the gap between it is too large, and it can only be abused in the fight, and it will not have any spiritual effect.

This is like, a rabbit goes to an elephant to fight and practice. Does it make sense?

At this time, Chu Feng rushed towards the revolving beast.


The revolving beast has no other means of attack, only to continue to release the venomous night.


Chu Feng turned on the skills, and a layer of invisible energy appeared on his body.

If you turn on the “Meteorite Shield”, you may not be able to withstand this terrifying venom.

Ignoring the venom’s attack, Chu Feng took a second to come to the revolving beast.

Turning beast’s eyes widened in surprise.

What the hell?

Isn’t this human being so poisonous?

How can this be?

Atacino’s eyes shrank.

From her point of view, Chu Feng does not have any defensive measures, but the venom cannot harm Chu Feng.

It’s incredible!


Chu Feng used the “2 times broken air punch” to directly blow the head of the turning beast with one punch.

It only took two seconds from Chu Feng’s decision to intervene to the death of the revolving beast.

Collect the carcass of the revolving beast into the system space.

【Ding. Congratulations on completing the mission, successfully capturing the revolving beast, and rewarding turning eyes. 】

The system issues a prompt.

At the same time, Chu Feng felt a slight pain in his eyes and closed his eyes.

When I opened it, the world I saw was a little different. Originally, Chu Feng was a little short-sighted, but now he has very good eyesight. What he sees is very clear, and he can see far away.

Atasino walked over and asked in confusion, “What are you looking at?”

Chu Feng smiled and said, “Nothing!

His eyes fell on Atacino’s face.

There is no doubt that Atacino’s face can stand the test.

No flaws at all.

White and flawless!


Being stared at by Chu Feng, Atasino was a little confused: “Why look at me like this?”

With that said, check the body quickly to see if it was injured by the venom but not found.

“Don’t be nervous, you don’t have any problems at all!” Chu Feng smiled, “Let’s go back first! After the revolving beast is prepared, we will take you to practice and improve your combat effectiveness.

“Good!” Atasino nodded.

In the next instant, the two returned to the autumn mountains of the world.

Take the revolving beast out of the system space.

“Let me take care of it!” Atacino said, “you go play with Terry.

“Yes!” Chu Feng nodded, “Be careful, don’t touch the venom!

It’s no problem to let Atasino cook the Rotary Beast, after all, this is not a special cooking ingredient.

The main thing is to be careful not to touch the venom, there is no big problem.

“Yeah!” Atasino nodded, “I will take precautions.

Chu Feng didn’t say anything. He walked to the side, released his spiritual sense, and found Terry and the mutton wild boar playing below.

Terry has grown super fast, already very tall.

After all, this is the descendant of the Wolf King, growing at an extraordinary speed.

The capture level should be 100.

“It’s time to take Terry to the food world.”

Seeing them having fun, Chu Feng didn’t go down, but went to sleep under the pear tree.

I don’t know how long it took, Chu Feng felt an itchy nose, and suddenly reached out and scratched it, and caught a tender little hand.

Open your eyes and see Atacino.

It turned out that she was holding Chu Feng’s nose.

The two looked at each other.

The whole world was quiet for a while.

“Is the revolving beast ready to cook?” Chu Feng let go of her hand and asked.

“Okay!” Atacino’s face flushed.

“Let’s go, eat together!” Chu Feng said, “After eating, I will take you to improve your combat power.

The two sit at the dining table.

The flesh of the revolving beast is golden and shiny, revealing a noble temperament and a strong fragrance.

That’s a matter of course.

After all, this is a delicacy guarded by venom.

The two ate while eating. While chatting happily, talk about everything.

After eating the turning beast, Chu Feng summoned Terry back.

“Wow!” Terry was very happy.

It knows that this time, without looking after the house, it can follow to play outside.

Terry was all white and very beautiful, but he was already taller than Atacino.

Chu Feng touched its furry head and said, “Today I will take you to your hometown for fun!”

“Wow!” Terry was even more happy.


In the next second, two people and one wolf disappeared in the autumn mountains, and when they appeared, they were already on a big tree in the eighth area of ​​the food world.

Everyone fell on the ground.

Riding on Terry’s back, Chu Feng pointed in one direction and said: “Terry, go!”

“Wow!” Terry barked in excitement, and then galloped up.

“Wow! So fast!” Atacino exclaimed, only feeling that the scenery on both sides was changing rapidly, and the wind was whistling in his ears, and he had to get down and grab Terry tightly.

There was also a hint of shock in Chu Feng’s eyes.

That’s right, Terry’s running speed is really fast, which has completely surpassed his “empty step” speed.

After a while, Chu Feng saw a river far away.

“Terry, stop!” Chu Feng ordered.

Terry stopped steadily.

“Huh? We’ve been to this place before! 850” Atacino said.

Chu Feng nodded: “Yes. With your current combat power situation, it is most suitable to use Ma Mu as a training hand. So is Terry!”

“There is a river in the distance ahead, and there are many horses there!”

On both sides of the river, a group of horses squatted there like frogs, leisurely, but didn’t know that a crisis was coming

It didn’t take long for Chu Feng, Atasino and Terry to arrive on a green grassy ground not far from the river.

Ma Miu noticed that the prey was approaching, and they jumped around, and their eyes fell on the prey.

There are many at least two hundred.

Chu Feng said: “Atasino, Terry, your goal is to put them all down.


The Ma Muy showed their mouths full of fangs, screamed strangely, and then rushed over frantically.

Atasino took out the dragon teeth and launched an attack.

Terry roared, and rushed forward with a grin.

Chu Feng watched by the side, once they were in danger, they would immediately take action.

After a while, all Ma Mu fell to the ground, some covered in blood, some convulsed, and screamed in pain.

Atasino and Terry also had some minor injuries, both of them were exhausted and panting.

The combat power training this time has been very rewarding.

Atacino’s capture level is already 120.

Terry’s capture level is 105.

However, Terry has grown very fast and I believe it will not take long to surpass Atacino.

“Have a good meal, and then go capture the ingredients!” Chu Feng said, “You can also practice during the process of capturing the ingredients.

Atacino asked: “What kind of food do you want to catch?,

Chu Feng replied: “Jin Ping Xing”

The system did not refresh the sign-in and update tasks, and Chu Feng still captured the ingredients according to the plan to improve his strength.

Although the capture level is already 1,000, it is still not enough in the gourmet world!.

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