Chapter 137 Far ahead! (subscription required)

“No. 3, No. 42.

Lebbeyala wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his hands were trembling, and said in a trembling voice.

For the first time in the casino for so many years, I felt tremendous pressure.

The staff turned over two cards.

It’s hit, Dachshund Worm, point 50.

This result was originally very good and shocking.

However, compared with Chu Feng’s, it is nothing.

So, no one was shocked.

On the contrary, some people think it is rubbish!

Without comparison, there is no harm.

You know, 50 points are only a fraction of Chu Feng’s points.

Lebbeyara dumbly cooked the disgusting sausage worm dishes, and then ate them

He has never been so aggrieved in the casino for so many years!!

Originally, sausage worms were a good delicacy, but Lebbeyala was tasteless.

He wiped his mouth with a napkin, sat down, and said with a lack of interest: “Eight Forty Zero” No. 10.

He has no confidence anymore.

The staff turned over the No. 5 card. It was a 70-point pleurotus eryngii.

Another card, Lebbeyala is still under consideration.

In the past, he almost ignored it when he flopped, because he could eat all the ingredients, including poisonous ingredients.

However, now, the opponent’s strength is too strong, you must think about it, try to pull out the hgt, and also have more ingredients, so that you can catch up.

The staff around me are not happy.

In the past, when the boss was betting with others, he had never experienced such anxious situations like now. The flops were very fast without thinking about anything.

You know, Chu Feng flips two cards at the same time, almost without thinking about it.

This contrast distinguishes high and low.

Taking a deep breath, Lebbeyala finally considered it clearly and said, “No. 29.

The staff turned over the card.

It’s not bad, it’s pleurotus eryngii.

Therefore, Lebbeyala hits twice in a row.

However, this is not something to be happy about.

Because, compared to the card points that Chu Feng turned over, 70 points is really too low!

The staff around shook their heads a little helplessly.

After cooking and eating the human face Pleurotus eryngii, he walked over and glanced at Chu Feng on the opposite side, only to see the other person’s expression of calmness and calmness.

Lebbeyala held a fire in his heart, but there was nowhere to vent.

As the owner of a gourmet casino, this is the most embarrassing one, and he is in his own place.

“Number 5!” Lebbeyala had no choice but to continue flipping the cards.

The card is turned over and it is a 20-point Paomi.

When the audience looked around, their hearts were cold.

“The boss miscalculated!!”

“オ20 o’clock, why is it so low?

“If you continue like this, you will lose!

Lebbeyala looked ugly.

Although Paomi is a normal ingredient, the points are too low!

“Number 34!” Lebbeyala reluctantly ordered another card.

Turn it over and take a look, oh, it’s a brain urchin, 30 points!

The ingredients of the two cards are different, so it is not a hit but an out.

And the brain urchin is not a good food, it is poisonous.

If these two ingredients cannot be eaten, then the points of the ingredients will be counted towards the other party.

“Hey!” The audience around shook their heads and sighed.

Lebbeyala twitched the corners of his mouth, and silently cooked and ate Paomei and her brain urchin.

So, this round, he gets 120 points, because the third time is out, even if he finishes eating, he won’t get points.

Chu Feng has 650 points, which is far ahead.

Even more frightening is that now it is Chu Feng’s turn to flip the card.

“Won’t you flip to hit again?”

“Hit 4 times in a row, I don’t believe it to death.

“Yes, he won’t be so lucky. I wish him the electric banana, poisonous potato.

The casino staff discusses.

Atasino’s mouth was smiling. She knew very well that Chu Feng would definitely turn to hit again.

Mackey’s eyes were shining, and he looked forward to it.

Coco is also looking forward to it.

If Chu Feng really found out the hit again, it would be terrible.

Lebbeyala was a little nervous.

Then, he realized this and cursed himself inwardly: “Damn, how can I be afraid? I am the boss here and I have never been defeated. How can I be afraid?”

He feared and humiliated himself.

“I haven’t lost yet, there are still a lot of terrible ingredients behind, that kid may not be able to eat it!

He secretly made excuses for himself.

At this time, Chu Feng spoke without hesitation: “No. 18, No. 45.

It turned two at the same time.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on those two cards.

The staff took a deep breath and opened them.

Suddenly, the staff was dumbfounded.

Then, everyone saw that the two cards were the same, and they were hits again, and they were golden shrimps with 200 points.

“Hello, really?

“No way?!

“Ming oh, it’s hit again, damn!”

Everyone’s expressions are very exciting. 0

Even a staff member was so shocked that the kitchen knife in his hand could not be held firmly and fell to the ground, and he still didn’t respond to the cut to his own feet.

Atasino smiled slightly, she had already thought of such a result.

March’s eyes widened, her mouth was open, with an expression of disbelief.

Flip to hit four times in a row, this is absolutely amazing!

“So strong!” Coco couldn’t help but exclaim, “Does Chu Feng really see the back of the card?!”

Lebbeyara looked ugly as if he had eaten a bunch of shit!

Chu Feng didn’t talk nonsense. He went straight to the underground capture field and killed the golden shrimp with a capture level of 68. He carried it up and handed it to Atasino for cooking.

In a short while, a delicious meal of golden shrimp appeared in front of everyone, fragrant ten miles.

Chu Feng immediately started and ate it up quickly.

Get 200 points!

“Really good!” Chu Feng gave Atasino a thumbs up.

Atasino was a little mischievous, and smiled: “Thanks for tasting! Remember to give the money!”

With a light smile, Chu Feng didn’t even think about continuing to flop: “No. 7, No. 36!”

The staff turned over the two cards, and then sat on the ground with fright.

Nima, it’s hit again!!

Others saw it too, so shocked that they couldn’t even speak.

Hit 5 times in a row, this is fucking hell!


“Hey, isn’t this an electric banana?!

“Haha, although the point is 200, electric bananas are poisonous.

“Last time there was a guy who ate Dianxiang 3.0 bananas. He was crazy within a few minutes.

“Haha, this time the boss’s luck is coming. The boss is about to come back!”

The staff around were excited.

In their opinion, it is impossible for Chu Feng to dare to eat an electric banana.

Concerns appeared on Coco and March’s faces.

They are no strangers to electric bananas, which are toxic ingredients. People who eat lightly will have terrible hallucinations, and those who are heavy will die directly.

Lebbeyala finally showed a smile on her face, her eyes narrowed, and she smiled: “Boy, you say you are lucky, or are you bad luck? This is an electric banana, I advise you not to eat it! Otherwise, with such a large amount, you will die!”

Chu Feng looked at each other like an idiot, smiled and said: “Electric banana is such a delicious ingredient, you actually told me not to eat it? It seems that you don’t understand anything!”

“Atasino, show him the correct way to cook electric bananas!”.

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