Chapter 75

Genting Overlord: Another super power that has no fun in watching movies. 【Speechless】

I have a nose: You have lost the pleasure of watching Fan.

I’m really not a devil: another gangster. 【Pulling Nose】

Watts: Honorable Demon Lord, you don’t seem to be qualified to say that others are forced. 【Smile】

Hatsune without green onions: dear, you are the biggest one. 【Smile】

Who is going to be forced, don’t you know in your heart?

big boss?

I’m really not a devil: haha, this is not a problem. 【Whee】


What to open?

When did someone Lu open it?

Is there evidence?

Without evidence, how can you slander people casually.

Without evidence, I just didn’t open up.

What? system?

My system is destroyed by itself, how can it be regarded as a plug-in.

I didn’t open it.

Genting Overlord: Dealing with it doesn’t count as opening up. Lord Devil was born at the twelfth level. How can you say opening up. 【funny】

Konoha Dance King: What is the reincarnation technique? This is the reincarnation technique. 【International Backward】

Watts: Damn, you guys are so sassy, ​​why are you all carrying Pinru’s wardrobe. 【funny】

Genting Bawang: Since we want to pursue excitement, we must carry it through to the end. 【Ellie】

I have a nose: what? Ellie? 【Akiyuki Ari】

Devil Queen: Damn, you guys on horses, can this Hadō be able to drive? 【Sharpen Knife】

I have a nose: autumn bean sack, please listen to my sophistry. 【Bridge Bean Sack】

Devil Queen: I sack your sister, dog stuff, drive, let you drive, see if you dare to drive. 【Crazy Kick】

I have a nose: Yamidie.

Secondary Two Sick Girl: By the way, what kind of messy things have you seen? I can upload 404 works. 【Touch the head】

This group ratio.

What did you watch?

All Akizuki Eri knows.

Also Yami Butterfly.

If they hadn’t seen anything, she wouldn’t believe it.

A bunch of lsp.

Watts: It’s not me, I send four. 【Fourth】

I’m really not a devil: cough cough, I didn’t expect that everyone is an lsp. 【funny】

Genting Overlord: What? The devil boss is also lsp? We are so coincidental, so am I. 【happy】

300   Konoha Dance King: You are a fart, you don’t like women at all. 【Middle Finger】

A Ma Baonan who keeps beating his sister all day, saying that he is an lsp, do you believe it?

I believe you a ghost.

How can a scum man who stays in the fight hall all day, either boxing or boxing, be merciless to his sister, be an LSP.

Rubbish wrist ho, dare to use this kind of rubbish excuse.

Genting Bawang: I don’t like women, do you like them? You Konoha gay guy, disgusting. 【Middle Finger】

Wanhao can’t say that he doesn’t like women. It’s just that in his world, the proportion of women is very low. In his eyes, women are just a tool.

However, he is not bad compared to Uchiha Madara.

At least, he is not gay.

He is not interested in fighting knives.

Konoha Dance King: Damn it. [Shocking and cold]

I am not gay, how can I be gay, Uchiha Madara.

I am Uchiha Madara, Ninja Shura, destined to become the strongest man in the world.

How could it be gay.

Of course, if it’s a close friend, it doesn’t matter.

However, I am not gay.

It’s just pure friendship.

It is an inseparable bond.

Devil Queen: Shit lsp, my old lady has seduce you for so long, if you step on a horse and treat your old lady as nonexistent, are you also an LSP? 【fury】


I bother.

You also deserve to be an lsp?

I have never seen a man who can turn a blind eye to this queen’s seduction. Of course, you are the first man to seduce my old lady.

But is the charm of my old lady fake?

The old lady is the devil queen, Morgana, the most evil and most beautiful woman in the universe.

Such a big beauty, seduce you like this, you have no reaction at all, so you dare to say that you are an lsp?

You are humiliating lsp.

Lsp is a simple group, why should be such insults?

Shivering and cold.

It’s properly trembling and cold.

No one can stand this grievance.

Watts: Damn, can you even block the charm of the queen? Is this the resistance of Lord Demon Lord? That’s too strong. 【Strong Invincible】

Genting Overlord: Strong and invincible.

Save my hair: real man.

I’m really not a devil:…

I’m really not a devil: I like paper people. 【Pulling Nose】(Read more @

Devil Queen: What do you mean? I am also a paper person, so how can I say that I also jumped out of the second dimension. In theory, I am also a paper person. 【angry】

I’m really not a devil: no, no, I like Morgana in the second dimension, not the three-dimensional Morgana. 【Pulling Nose】

Devil Queen: Damn, what do you like about Paper Man. 【angry】

I’m really not a devil: I like paper man fairies. 【revel】

Devil Queen: I can also be a fairy. 【angry】

It’s just a fairy, who can’t.

I’m really not a devil: no, you can’t. 【Refuse】

Devil Queen: Why?

I’m really not a devil: because little fairies don’t need to shit. 【Smile】

Devil Queen:…

Secondary Two Sick Girl:…

Genting Overlord: This…

Hatsune without green onions: I stepped on a horse and broke apart.

Morgana also wanted to say that she was split.

Damn, what kind of excuse is this.


Morgana suddenly had an urge to break off Cheng Luo’s head and see what mess was pretending in his mind.

I’m really not a devil: haha, just kidding, don’t take it seriously. 【Whee】

Genting Overlord: Oh, it scares me to death. [Shocked]

Secondary Two Sick Girl: This joke is not funny at all. 【Byakugan】

Hatsune without green onions: Don’t make this kind of joke next time, it’s embarrassing, Lord Demon. 【Speechless】

I’m really not a devil: haha, definitely next time. 【Ojbk】

I was wrong, but I didn’t change it.

Dare next time.

Qi Mu Nanzi: It seems that Lord Demon has a very good personality. 【Smile】

I’m really not a devil: Hey, I almost forgot about you. 【Whee】

Qi Mu Nanzi, this name is not unfamiliar to Cheng Luo, he has also seen Qi Mu Nanxiong’s disaster, a super power hanger, in order to conceal the reality that he is a super power, he will not hesitate to modify the funny daily life of the world.

It’s nonsense and funny.

It’s just that Cheng Luo didn’t know that the one who entered the group was not Qi Mu Nanxiong in the original work, but Qi Mu Nanzi made by the same person.

It can be said that this is the first time.

Qi Mu Nanzi’s entry into the group also explained one thing to them. In addition to the original work, the characters made by the same person may also join the group chat.

Just like Qi Mu Nanzi, just like that.

Secondary Two Sick Girl: By the way, I almost forgot, Qi Mu Nanzi finished watching it, is there any difference between the plot inside and reality? 【curious】

Qi Mu Nanzi: Just call me Nanzi. As for men, you can call me Qi Mu.

Or the experience of going to girls’ school since childhood, or the relationship with one’s own superpowers.

Qi Mu Nanzi can sense the voices of others. Since she was a child, she has discovered that she is very disgusted with creatures like men, especially after sensing their inner sordidness, she wants to erase them with super powers.

However, in the end, she suppressed this idea because of her parents.

Even in the chat group, even the chat group settings, group members can’t hurt each other, she still can’t change the bad habit of hating men.

Create a loving world: Haha, in fact, there is no need to be so hostile to us. 【embarrassment】

I have a nose: that’s it.

Qi Mu Nanzi: Sorry, this is an instinct developed since childhood and cannot be changed.

I have a nose: Okay, Mr. Qi Mu.

Create a world with love: [Helpless]

No way, other people don’t want to.

However, the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Master was a little puzzled as to why Qi Mu Nanzi hated men so much, and was so wary of men, even knowing that the members of the group could not hurt him, and still did not put down his guard.


Secondary Two Sick Girl: Uhhh, why is Nanzi so malicious towards them? 【Touch the head】

Qi Mu Nanzi: I am a superpower. I can understand everything in the world, except for insects, all the voices of life.

Qi Mu Nanzi: The snoring in the man’s heart can’t avoid my induction, their thoughts are really snoring. [Dangerous look]

I’m really not a devil: uhhhhh…

I’m really not a devil: don’t worry, I’m only interested in paper people, so you can calm down. 【Ojbk】

Konoha Dance King: Hmph, my best friends and I would not be so dirty. 【pride】

Genting Overlord: Because you are gay, you are still a sufferer, you can even be called Qi Mu sisters. 【Middle Finger】

Konoha Dance King: mmp, Ma Baonan, when I am resurrected, I have the ability to enter the ring. 【fury】

Genting Bawang: I’m sorry, I’m not capable, thank you. 【Tan Shou】

Waiting for your resurrection?

Why don’t you say waiting for you to go to heaven.

mmp, I’m not a fool, I’m a first-order, and you are a third-order arena, am I showing off?

How stupid it is to be violently beaten by you in the ring.

Konoha Dance King: Damn it. 【fury】

So angry, so angry.

Secondary Two Sick Girl: Oh, wait a minute, if this is the case, how do you go to school? There are many boys in your private school too. 【Touch the head】

You hate boys, but there are a lot of boys in your school.

How do you go to school in your situation?

Qi Mu Nanzi: This is what I said, my world is different from the original.

Qi Mu Nanzi: The private pk high school I studied is a girls’ school, the full name of which is a private pk girls high school. 【Poker face】

The second sick girl: No, the friends of the original work, burning Tangli, Hai Teng Shun and they disappeared? 【Stunned】

Qi Mu Nanxiong’s group of friends are funny and push the core of the plot.

Without them, how would this fan-made world plot be promoted?

Qi Mu Nanzi: There is no Haiteng Shun in my world, but there is a Haiteng Jizi who also broke out of the second disease, and Mai Lv is in the blood all the time. 【Poker face】

Sick girl in Secondary Two: Hiss, are they all motherhood? No, you forgot to mention the burning power, what is his name in your world? 【curious】

All of the supporting roles that Qi Mu Nanzi talked about were all nymph, except for their personality, all aspects have been changed drastically.

Damn, this third-rate fan writer, something.

Very showy, very showy.

Qi Mu Nanzi: Still called Rantangli.

Sick girl with Secondary Two: Huh? Is he not a mother?

Qi Mu Nanzi: No, she is a woman, but her name remains the same. 【Calm】

Secondary Two Sick Girl: Hehe, I’m not curious about other people, I’m just curious about what it looks like after being a girl. 【Ha ha】

Qi Mu Nanzi: Haven’t you seen it? 【stay】

Sick Girl in Secondary Two: Have I seen it?

Qi Mu Nanzi: Ran Tangli and his family are all the same.

Qi Mu Nanzi: The burning power of my world is about the same as the mother of the original burning power, only a little younger. 【stay】

Qi Mu Nanzi: She is also the only special human in the world whose heart cannot be sensed by me. 【serious】

Whether it is the original work or the same person.

She seems to be unable to escape the sanctions of the burning hall.

The same stupid, the same can shield her telepathy.

Sick Girl in Secondary Two: Haha. [Crying]

Secondary Two Sick Girl: I think, I understand.

The burning power is so miserable.

The original author left him ugly. Unexpectedly, he was still so ugly in the fandom.

It’s miserable.

Second-degree sick girl: By the way, what about your brother, he is also motherly?

Qi Mu Nanzi: I have only one idiot sister, her name is Qi Mu Kongmei.

The second sick girl: the disaster of Qi Mu Nanxiong version of the motherhood. [Laughing miserably]

Qi Mu Nanzi: It looks like this. 【Calm】

For the original work, the world in which Qi Mu Nanzi lives is indeed a girly version.

But, in the final analysis, the world she lives in has nothing to do with the world of the original work, and the sky is a parallel time and space.

Everyone is real.

There is no such thing as who comes first.

This is what the chat group’s settings told her.

Devil Queen: Nanzi, what does your label mean?

Devil Queen: God stealer, the world you are in, the plot should be very different from the original. 【curious】

Qi Mu Nanzi: Very different.

Qi Mu Nanzi: If you regard the original world as a funny fan, the world I live in should be classified as a bloody dark fan.

I’m really not the devil: darkness? There is something to eat, please continue.

As soon as he heard the darkness, Cheng Luo knew that he had some melons to eat.

Hurry up and put down the things in his hands, waiting attentively for Qi Mu Nanzi to tell the story.

Qi Mu Nanzi: I killed the god and replaced him.

Qi Mu Nanzi: This will start from when I was six years old…


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