Chapter 36

I have a nose: Demon King, this is a maid, you just hired casually? , Are you really afraid to reveal your identity? 【Touch the head】

Cheng Luo’s identity is the Devil of the Abyss.

It is also the greatest enemy of the original god world.

The culprit may be swallowed at any time.

Once Cheng Luo’s identity is revealed, what Cheng Luo faces is definitely the encirclement and suppression of the original gods of the world.

Whether it is the earthly ruling seven gods, the defeated demon gods, or the law of heaven, they will definitely join hands to kill Cheng Luo.

I’m really not a devil: what can be done with exposure? They can’t beat me again. 【yawn】

Identity exposure?

Will he be afraid?

What about exposure?

Do they dare to come to him to settle accounts?

It’s not Cheng Luo who blows it himself.

Just rely on the weak force of the original god world?

He stood still, and they couldn’t move.

The counterattack of the abyss will turn you into the raw material of the abyss in minutes.

I have a nose: Are you afraid that they will expel you?

I’m really not a devil: they dare not, nor do they have that ability. 【Ha ha】

Although the personality of the Demon King Cheng Luo is only half of the high heavenly law.

But don’t forget, personality doesn’t mean strength.

The strength gap between Tianli and Cheng Luo is like the difference between heaven and earth.

Cheng Luo wanted to destroy the world of the original gods without even having to spend too much effort.

I have a nose: hiss.

I have a nose: the boss is mighty, the devil is mighty.

Devil Queen: The Demon King is mighty.

Sick Girl in Secondary Two: The Demon King is mighty.

Watts: The Devil’s mighty +1.

Spirited Away: The Demon King Is Mighty.

Chihiro couldn’t understand it a bit, but it was right to shout mighty.

I have a nose: However, it’s better not to reveal your identity. Why don’t I send a few house elves to the boss? 【expect】

Devil Queen: Hiss, you cub, do nothing to show your courtesy, and steal if you do it.

Devil Queen: I wonder, when will your kid care about others so kindly? Here is the emotional purpose. 【sneer】

Good guy, I’m just a good guy directly.

Morgana had never seen such a shameless person.

This kid Voldemort was actually hitting the devil’s attention.

Thinking of the new born feathers is crazy.(Read more @

I have a nose: I don’t, I don’t, don’t slander, is it wrong to try to solve problems for group friends?

I have a nose: Queen Morgana, this is how you slander a group member’s friendly behavior? [Justice awe-inspiring]

Devil Queen:…


Genting Overlord: Damn it, I’m riding a horse.

Genting Overlord: I have never seen such a shameless person, Voldemort, I used to think that you don’t have a nose, but now it seems that you don’t have a nose, you don’t even have a face when you step on a horse, I’m pooh [Despise]

Wrist-hao was excited and punched Ko directly to the challenger who had just come on stage.

It surprised the audience and the younger brother, and also surprised the challengers who had not yet come to the stage.

Especially seeing that the challenger who was punched ko, with that miserable appearance, his legs were frightened suddenly.

Ma Ye, how could this reckless man play so well? Didn’t that bastard who buys and sells intelligence say that Wong Hao has been in a sluggish state recently?

This is the fucking downturn?

The intelligence chief did it deliberately.

Want to kill someone with a knife?

Laozi stopped fighting.

Wong Hao’s move directly scared the challenger behind him back.

A challenge show that was supposed to be wonderful ended in a hurry for unknown reasons.

I have a nose: The eighth man chanting, I don’t listen, I don’t listen.

Genting Overlord: Damn, I don’t have any pastimes today because of your fraud. 【Depend on】

Watching the challenger who fled in a panic, Wong Hao was irritated.

The only pastime today is gone.

I’m really not a devil:…

I have a nose: gangster, do you want to come to raise a group of house elves? Don’t worry, they are very obedient, and their magic skills are not low, and they can clean the house very clean. 【like】

Seeing Cheng Luo’s reaction, Voldemort worked tirelessly to start selling his own house elves.

However, he was right.

House elves are the perfect servants, they can handle all housework and even act as security guards.

In the magic world, it has even become a status symbol.

Most people, even if they have money, do not necessarily have elves at home, because the channel will not provide services to wizards without blood.

Of course, all this is naturally not a problem for Voldemort.

After all, Voldemort is the villain, the Dark Lord, and he doesn’t need to follow the rules, they just rob him.

If you dare to resist, give each of them an unforgivable curse.

No way, the life of the villain is so boring and boring.


Cheng Luo looked at the screen. Voldemort, who enthusiastically promoted his elves, opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.


If your little elf is the kind of fair-skinned elf in fantasy novels, I want as much as you have.

However, your Harry Potter elf is different from others’ understanding of elf.

The elves of other people’s houses are fair and beautiful.

Your little elf is just a dwarf, dwarf, goblin, how can you make me accept it.

You can’t catch a little snake and give the little snake the name of a dragon. This little snake is a dragon.

What are you kidding?

I admit that the house elves of Harry Potter are very good, they are the best housekeepers, cooks, and servants.

However, in this world, we can’t just look at the connotation.

No matter how capable the house elves are, they can’t conceal their ugly reality.

I admit that I am a superficial dog.

I don’t deserve to have such a good elf.

I want that kind of superficial, fair and beautiful maid with only a pair of skins, thank you.

I’m really not a devil: Voldemort, sorry, I’m a very superficial person, I only look at the face.

Devil Queen:…

Hatsune without green onions:…

[There are still two chapters, in a hurry. 】.

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