I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 119 The top four in Kanto are born, Ice Emperor fights Qingxue again (2nd update)

There is no doubt that Akutsu's physical talent is very strong.


There are huge flaws in his style of play. At least for more powerful players, there are many ways to defeat Akutsu.

but now.

Akutsu chose to change.

My understanding of tennis has become deeper, and at the same time, I no longer reject this sport deep in my heart. Coupled with the revenge he wanted to complete in his heart, he finally chose to change himself!

After making up your mind.

The mentality that was still wavering became firm. Coupled with the self-suggestion in his heart, Akutsu's hidden abilities are gradually awakening.

Although it's not strong yet.

Unlike the breath of beasts and the true meaning of swordsmanship, it can be freely retracted and displayed concretely.

But Ishikawa can already feel that once this person is fully awakened, the aura that will burst out will definitely be stronger than the aura of the beast!


On the court.

Akutsu serves again.

This time he still chose to stand in the middle. He was over 1.8 meters tall, and it was no exaggeration to say that he was looking down on Aoi, who was about 1.65 meters tall.

This pressure.

Feeling the pressure emanating from her opponent, Aoi's eyes changed.


He didn't panic either.

He is optimistic by nature. At this time, he is thinking about the opponent's state, which can in turn pressure him and make more accurate shots.

This time, let's change here!


Thoughts turn.

Aoi made a decisive move and hit the tennis ball towards the blocking net.

There was a snap, just like before, the tennis ball really hit the upper part of the blocking net. The tennis ball bounced lightly, just about to fall to the ground.


But at this moment.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the net. It was Akutsu whose speed reached the extreme. After catching up with the tennis ball, his eyes flashed and he hit the racket without hesitation.


There was a loud explosion.

The tennis ball suddenly flew out like a cannonball.

So fast!!!

Aoi was about to catch the ball, but was shocked by the speed of the tennis ball. He quickly accelerated and stretched out his racket before the tennis ball bounced out.



The moment the ball and racket collide.

Aoi's face suddenly became extremely ugly.


too heavy!

Although when the tennis ball hits the ground, part of the force is absorbed by the ground. But at this time, Kentaro Aoi felt the impact from the racket, which was heavier than the original direct ball!



Before he could put his left hand up.

The racket held in his right hand was shaken away by the power of Akutsu's ball.


nice shot!

That's great, you are worthy of being Akutsu-senpai!

What a terrible shot. It even knocked the opponent's racket away!

The Ice Emperor's support team and passers-by all looked shocked.

Compared with just now.

At this time, Akutsu was completely different!


The expressions of everyone in the Hexagon suddenly became solemn.

At this time, no matter how dull the person is, they can feel the changes in this Ice King member.


Saeki, Kuroba and others frowned.

If you just change your playing style, it's impossible to significantly improve your strength and speed, right?

His potential is being unleashed.

At this time, the father, who was sitting in the coach's seat, opened his eyes and said: The potential of the human body is unlimited, and this boy himself has power that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. When he truly accepted tennis and began to take the initiative to give After putting pressure on himself, his potential began to be released.

Actively put pressure on yourself?!

Upon hearing this, Saeki and others looked at Akutsu in astonishment.

If you say so.

Is the opponent completely following Aoi's competition method to give him psychological hints?

Is this change too fast?


They also noticed the old man's words. As people who have followed the old man since childhood and played in the tennis games designed by the other party, they have never heard the old man make such comments about anyone.

Is it a power that is beyond the reach of ordinary people?

Aoi took a deep breath and her eyes became serious.

He had never doubted his father's words. Therefore, I was very energetic in my heart.

at the same time.

He also adjusted himself to the best condition.



Aoi still underestimated the power that Akutsu unleashed.

This serve was very fast, and although the landing point was not tricky, the evil energy that hit her face made Aoi's heart beat wildly.


And when he swung the racket and caught the tennis ball, the heavy feeling of power that was instantly transmitted made him take a breath.

With her previous experience, Aoi quickly put her left hand on top and fought back with both hands.

Tap! !

And on the opposite side.

Akutsu quickly started running after seeing through the path of the ball.

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

And because he was too fast, a series of afterimages appeared behind him.


The expressions of the members of the Hexagonal Center changed.

On Hyotei's side, players like Shishido and Mukahi who are good at speed and flexibility also changed their expressions suddenly.

No one expected that Akutsu's speed could increase to this level.


next moment.

Akutsu's counterattack hit Aoi's backhand very strongly. The latter took two steps, then reluctantly slowed down and chose to give up the ball.


too strong!

Everyone in the Six Corners looked dumbfounded.

No one expected that Aoi was so suppressed by her opponent that she gave up the ball on her own initiative.





The next few balls.

However, everyone discovered that Aoi Kentaro had followed Akutsu's movements again.

Has Kentaro's potential been forced out as well?

Kisarazu, Itsuki and others in the hexagon looked happy.

In their eyes, Aoi's talent is also outstanding. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Dad to let the other party take over the position of minister.

No, that's not the case.

However, Saeki next to him said solemnly: Yes, Kentaro's talent is indeed very high. But the reason why he can catch the tennis ball now is entirely because his opponent deliberately hit it.


Everyone in the Six Corners felt their hearts skip a beat when they heard this.

They looked subconsciously, and sure enough, they saw that each of Akutsu's balls did not deliberately hit the left and right corners, but simply hit it directly near Aoi's position.

This guy

Kuroba, Tiangen and others frowned: Is he deliberately humiliating Kentaro?


Unexpectedly, the father in the coaching position shook his head and said: It's like when a beast learns to hunt, it will actively look for weak prey to practice. This boy is using Kentaro to hone his tennis skills!


Everyone in the Six Corners was stunned.

That is to say.

In the direction of Hyokui, everyone also looked at each other, and Feng was even more surprised: Senior Akutsu, do you think that the minister in the hexagon is a whetstone?




On the court.

As Akutsu continued to attack, the palpitating aura on his body became more and more obvious.


Atobe and Ishikawa, who had excellent eyesight, saw a hint of gray-white flowing cyclone. But it's so weak that only they can observe it.

As this aura emerged, Akutsu's offensive movements became even faster, suffocating Aoi Kentaro on the opposite side.


Another ball.

Although he hit Aoi Kentaro in front of him, he was too tired, and he was sore from the shock as he continued to catch the ball with both arms.

Face this ball.

He could only smile bitterly and watch the tennis ball bounce out.


Hyotei Akutsu, 1-1!

The score was tied.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this game has been controlled by Akutsu.


It was clear that he had the upper hand, but there was no excitement or joy on Akutsu's face. On the contrary, he frowned and his face looked slightly ugly.

Is the opponent not strong enough?

Hyotei and others did not understand, but Ishikawa understood Akutsu's thoughts at a glance. He smiled and said: Indeed, the pressure brought by this minister in Rokkaku is relatively limited.

These words.

Everyone in Ice Emperor was stunned.

The players in the Hexagon also reacted.

Isn't this a euphemism to say that Aoi Kentaro is not strong enough. Isn't it even qualified to be the opponent's whetstone?

This should have made everyone in the Hexagon very angry.

But looking at Kentaro Aoi, who was beaten up and down in a state of embarrassment under the pressure of Akutsu, they all shook their heads helplessly.



The game entered the 12th minute.

As Akutsu hit the ground with a smash, the referee's voice sounded: The game is over, Ice Emperor Akutsu wins, the score is 6-1!


The words fell.

Aoi Kentaro, who was so tired that his eyes were filled with stars, slumped on the ground without any image.


On the other hand, look at Akutsu.

When the referee announced the end of the game, he reluctantly put away his racket and turned around to leave the court.

at the same time.

Ishikawa and Atobe also clearly observed that the gray-white aura on Akutsu's body gradually disappeared as the game ended.


Akutsu left the stage, and others felt the evil aura on his body that had not yet dissipated, and they all took the initiative to get out of the way.

But Ishikawa smiled and said hello: If you feel it's not enough, I can play with you after the game ends this afternoon.


Hear the words.

Not only the Ice Emperor, but also the members of the Hexagonal Team also looked over.

They had just witnessed Akutsu's fierce and powerful fighting style. It stands to reason that Akutsu, who is still unfinished after the game, should hide as far as possible.


This first-year Ice Emperor actually took the initiative to request a competition from the opponent.

I am not interested.

But what shocked everyone even more was that this third-year Ice Emperor main candidate with great strength and unlimited potential actually refused the other party's invitation to fight.


People like Saeki and Kuroba looked at Ishikawa with deep eyes.

Being able to suppress Akutsu, who had just finished the match and was in surprisingly good condition. The true strength of this first-year deputy minister of the Ice Emperor is absolutely unimaginable.


Saeki secretly thought: The strongest person in Hyokui is probably not the minister Atobe, but this first grader with unfathomable strength!

Three games over.

Hyokui defeated Rokkaku and successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

Today's second round of competition is divided into two rounds, namely the quarter-finals in the morning and the semi-finals in the afternoon.

the other side.

It took a little time for Seigaku to face Yamabuki, but he finally eliminated Yamabuki with a total score of 3-1 and advanced to the semi-finals.

In the other two games, Fudomine and defending champion Tachibana also advanced to the semi-finals.

After the game.

Four teams started trimming.

When the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

It was also the zigzag-shaped open-air stadium where Ice Emperor and Hexagon competed. The two teams, gray and blue, walked into the stadium under the leadership of their respective coaches and ministers.

Now, the semi-finals of this Kanto competition will begin.

Tokyo's Youth Academy versus Tokyo's Hyotei Academy.

Please both sides be prepared.

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