I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 117 Singles 3, the weird minister in the hexagon (3rd update)

Actually. Two consecutive defeats?!

The two Saeki lost the game, which immediately made the elementary school students outside who supported Rokkaku hang their heads in dejection.

To know.

in their hearts.

Since the beginning of the regional competition, Rokagon has been sweeping through its opponents without losing a single game. It can be said that it is an invincible existence.

but now.

Even the powerful Saeki lost.

They can no longer imagine that there is any possibility of promotion in the hexagon!

Everyone, don't worry.

At this time, the bald boy, with a hexagonal shape like an 'm' in his hairline, stood up confidently: Leave the next game to me!

It's Kentaro!

Great, and Kentaro!

If it were Kentaro, there would definitely be no problem in this match!

The support team in Hexagon suddenly shouted excitedly.

What a lovely bunch of little guys.

Saeki, who lost the game, felt a little uncomfortable, but he still bumped fists with Aoi, who was getting ready to play.


He winked at the other party and said, Mr. Minister, I'll leave it to you for the last game.

Don't worry, don't worry.

Aoi Kentaro nodded confidently.


He took the racket and strode calmly into the court.

Next, the singles 3 match is about to begin.

Rokkaku Middle School Aoi Kentaro, versus Hyotei Academy Akatsujin.

Please both sides be prepared.


The words fell.

This side of the Ice King.

Akutsu, holding a racket in his hand and looking indifferent, also walked into the court.


Akutsu's appearance shocked the teenagers in Rokkaku: That Hyokui team member looks so fierce!

Yes, yes, compared to him, Kentarou is not too short.

Hehe, he usually calls us short winter melon. Now, I'm afraid he will be severely punished by his opponent.

It's different from what others imagine.

They had obviously lost two games and were in a desperate situation, but the teenagers in the support group were still laughing and joking, even teasing their own minister.


That's the style in Hexagon.

In their view, the fun of the tennis game is far more important than winning or losing.


Laughter, they are full of trust in their minister.

Hello, senior.

In front of the net, Aoi stretched out his hand with a smile and said to Akutsu: Please give me some advice on this game.


Akutsu snorted in displeasure.

But soon.

When his eyes saw the old man with a gray beard sitting in the coach's seat not far away, he reluctantly shook hands with him.


After shaking hands, Aoi said with a smile: It is said that among the Hyokui, you are the one with the most vicious personality. Now it seems that the rumors are indeed false.


Hear the words.

Akutsu raised his eyebrows and glared at his opponent fiercely.

It's a pity that he shook hands with the other party before, and he had already broken through the disguise of a fierce appearance. The current situation does not scare the minister in the hexagon at all.

What an ignorant and fearless guy.

Seeing Aoi communicating with Akutsu with a smile on the court, Xiangri shook his head repeatedly and said: Someone dares to talk to Akutsu like this. Doesn't he know that if that guy breaks out, will he really do it?

Will not.

Ishikawa next to him shook his head and said: Akutsu-senpai is not that kind of person, at least he will not take action against Kentaro.

Akutsu does have an unruly personality.

But the targets he attacked were all equally arrogant or not good people themselves.

A person like Aoi is an innocent person who doesn't add unnecessary things. Akutsu could tell that he would not take action.

I'm curious.

At this time, Feng, who had a bandage on his right hand, frowned and said: If these people in the Hexagon really don't care about the outcome of the game, then how do they get themselves into the state?

Hear the words.

Others nodded.

Yes, if you don’t even have the basic desire to win. When the actual competition begins, as long as you encounter slight setbacks and difficulties, you will probably give up easily, right?

Quite the opposite.

Ishikawa looked at the smiling Aoi and said with a smile: This minister in Rokkaku also has his own secret weapon.


Others looked over.

However, Ishikawa did not continue to explain. He shook his head and said: Watch the game carefully. This first-year minister in the Roxagon is not such a simple person.

In the original work.

Aoi looks silly and naive, without the majesty or temperament that a minister should have.

But in fact, the image of Aoi is very different between the comics and the original TV animation.

Ishikawa was also curious.

In the world he traveled through, the minister on the other side was actually a young man with a simple personality. In the comics, he is a very strong person, but his personality is not that simple.

The game begins, and one set determines the outcome.

Aoi serves in the hexagon, the game is over!




As the referee finished speaking.

The eyes of the audience were all looking at the figure gently hitting the tennis ball on the court.


Holding the tennis ball in her hand, Aoi locked her eyes on Akutsu on the opposite side, threw the ball and swung her racket, and hit the ball with a bang.


The tennis ball lands near the outside corner.

The drop is deep.

The spin when ejected is also quite sharp.


Seeing this, Feng, Riji and others nodded.

Experts will know right away as soon as they take action. This minister in the Rokkaku is indeed just like Ishikawa said, he is not a fake.

This serve, without years of experience in serving, would never have had this effect.



Akutsu's counterattack was also very swift.

During this period of time, apart from Ishikawa and Shinohara, who could be ranked as the third training madman in Hyokui. Not Akutagawa, Mukahi and Taki after their defeat, but Akutsu.

Losing to Ishikawa has always made him brood.

Having no choice but to join Hyokui was considered by Akutsu as a deep shame and humiliation.


Revenge was always on his mind.

But Ishikawa is terrible, not just in tennis. Whenever Akutsu had the idea of ​​taking action against another person in private, his own intuition would always make extremely dangerous judgments.

Akutsu believes it.

If he dared to attack Ishikawa from somewhere other than tennis, his end would definitely not be any better than that of the Tokyo Grand Tournament.

more importantly.

With Akutsu's character and self-esteem, he would not do something like that in private.


He turned his anger and unwillingness into motivation for training, practicing swinging and hitting the ball to the best of his ability every day.

Even though it’s only been half a month.

But Akutsu's temperament has obviously changed a lot.




Akutsu attacks continuously.

Using high-speed movement and powerful hitting, for a moment, he completely suppressed the opponent's serve.


A blast.

The tennis ball shot out like a bullet and hit the position in front of Aoi. But he reacted half a beat too late and missed the ball helplessly.


ice King!

ice King!

ice King!

Akutsu's score made Hyōtei's already high morale rise again.

Is this the Ice Emperor's support group?

Saeki looked at the swarming support group of more than 200 people, with a look of fear on his face: Ordinary people, facing such a battle, would have been so frightened that their legs would be weak?!


Shu Xixian nodded heavily.

The Ice Emperor's exaggerated momentum is the only one in the country. Even the home court of Lihai University may not bring such great pressure to people.

But, that's Kentaro!

Kisarazu, who was wearing a hat, smiled and said: I'm afraid he is just worried that his opponent is not powerful enough and the pressure he brings is not strong enough, right?

When everyone heard this, they all smiled knowingly.

That's right.

This is their minister, a guy whose brain circuit is completely different from ordinary people.




Bottom line.

Aoi, who was playing tennis briskly, felt the pressure coming towards her face, but a smile appeared on her face: As expected of Hyokui, this sense of pressure came much earlier than other teams we encountered before. ah!


Something moved in my heart.

He immediately hit the tennis ball over.

Tap! !

At this time, Akutsu started up, and after catching up with the tennis ball, he followed the trend with a fierce and violent blow.


The tennis ball hit Aoi's backhand, and he quickly swung the racket to catch the ball. But when the ball and racket touched each other and he felt the strong impact from the tennis ball, his expression changed.

What a heavy strength!

Aoi raised her eyebrows lightly, swung the racket hard, and hit the tennis ball.

Is that the only extent?

Seeing Aoi being completely suppressed by Akutsu, Hiyoshi shook his head and said: His ability is not as good as that of Amane Hikaru with the super long racquet!


Shishido, Mukahi and others nodded.

If Ishikawa hadn't said that the minister in Rokkaku was very powerful, they would probably all think that the other party's strength was nothing more than that.





Akutsu attacks continuously.

Aoi was beaten so hard that she looked completely in disarray.

Isn't it?

Seeing this, Xiangri could no longer hold back: If you can only be a minister at this level, the coach in the Roxagon seems to have a problem with his vision.

Well, you can't say that.

Thinking of the supervisor's previous explanation, Renzu quickly shook his head and said: This Aoi's strength is indeed good. The reason why he was suppressed is not that he is too weak, but that Akutsu has become stronger again during this period!

That's true.

Shido, Taki and others nodded.

Akutsu, who had just joined Hyotei, was able to overpower Akutagawa, Hiyoshi and others. During this period of time, the other party has put in more training than anyone else.

Coupled with that exaggerated talent, it is normal to be able to easily suppress the minister in the hexagon.


Unexpectedly, Ishikawa raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: The real show is about to begin now.


The words fell.

Aoi, who was cornered on the court, suddenly took action.


And his return.

Unexpectedly, by coincidence, it hit the blocking net.


The tennis ball jumped continuously and then rolled to the side. Akutsu, who originally wanted to give the opponent a fatal blow, was stunned on the spot.



After scoring a goal, Aoi couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat: As expected of a master of Hyokui, this pressure is really real!

Here we go, Kentaro's self-pressure style.

Seeing their own minister wiping away sweat and sighing, the other members of the Hexagon showed knowing smiles on their faces.


This is Kentaro Aoi's tennis.

A player who constantly absorbs pressure from his opponents on the court, and even when his opponents are too weak, he will constantly give himself hints in his mind to increase his own pressure.

This is the so-called strength when encountering strength!

From the perspective of the players in Rokkaku, the stronger the Hyokui player is, the greater the pressure he will put on Aoi.

In this game, their chances of winning in the hexagon will be even greater!


Their weird minister was like a spring that was compressed to the extreme. What is about to break out is a strong counterattack that the opponent has never seen before.

The game has ended early!

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