I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 114 The second round in Kanto, the dad in the hexagon (3rd update)


Green Forest Tennis Park.

Because there were two games to be played today, even Tatekai, who was far away in Kanagawa, arrived at the competition venue in Tokyo early.

nine in the morning.

All representatives from each school were present.

Outside a stadium that is open-air but can accommodate seven to eight hundred spectators. At this time, some spectators had gathered, most of them wearing gray and white coats.

Although there were no slogans, there were no cheerleading ribbons or hand flowers.


With so many people standing in one place, the sense of oppression brought about by the number of people is enough to make other passersby feel frightened.

Has the Ice Emperor's backup team arrived?

On the zigzag steps, Inoue, a reporter from Tennis Monthly, looked at the dark crowd and said with emotion: Although this is not the first time I have seen it, it is really hard to imagine that in a competition between junior high school students, Pull out such a support team!”


Shiba Saori also nodded with great emotion.

For Hyotei, her senses are not as good as Seigaku's. But this team has defeated Seigaku, and with the addition of Ishikawa, it seems to be the team with the most potential to win the championship this year.

Several other strong teams.

Except for Yamabuki who met Aigaku, the other teams, including Rikkai University and Fudomine, did not encounter each other.

One of Yamabuki's singles players, Akutsu, who is known as a once-in-a-decade tennis prodigy, joined Hyotei. There was no possibility of change in the game that was originally a bit suspenseful.

In addition to this one, it is the championship showdown between the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition and the Chiba Prefecture Competition.

The Hexagon itself is also a legendary team.


Inoue and Shiba chose this scene as the focus of observation.

In the tennis park.

Because it is the second round, the possibility of encountering strong teams is higher. Therefore, the flow of people during today's game was obviously greater than last week.

There are girls wearing various colors of JK everywhere, as well as teenagers carrying tennis bags, everyone is in high spirits.


There are also some who don’t look so normal, guys who dye their hair in colorful colors, wear nose rings, and earrings. Their eyes swept unscrupulously over the girls walking around, with malicious smiles on their faces.

Hey, Koda, have you noticed that the quality of the girls in this year's Kanto Competition doesn't seem to be as good as last year's!


Among the several delinquent boys, one of them shook his head and said, If the security at the women's tennis court wasn't stricter, why would we go to this place to chat with these crooked men?


Speaking of this, several bad boys couldn't help but sigh.


Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, one of them pointed at a girl walking not far away and said, Did you see the girl with the ponytail over there?

I saw it! It looks so good-looking!

Although he's a bit short, he's the type I like. Hey, you guys, don't compete with me!

One of the young men with yellow hair grinned and jumped out at the lead.

Damn it, this bastard Iwagami got the better of me!

The remaining people looked annoyed.

But they also followed them one after another.

Oops, the match between Qingxue and Yamabuki is coming soon, I can't be late.

The ponytailed girl, Ryuzaki Sakurano, the granddaughter of coach Sumire Ryuzaki and a member of Seigaku's cheerleading team, squeezed her way through the crowd with an anxious look on her face.

Originally she was with the others.

But on the way, she suddenly met an old man with a gray beard and asked her where the toilet was. Ryuzaki, who had a gentle personality and didn't know how to refuse, could only be patient and led the other party to the restroom in the park.

When she came back, she found that she was lost.

And now, there is not much time left before the game. As a cheerleader, she didn't want to be late and miss the game.

Hello, classmate.

At this moment, a boy with dyed yellow hair and a nose ring appeared in front of Sakurano. He smiled and said, Excuse me, do you need my help?


Seeing the other person's appearance and those mean eyes that kept looking at him, Ryuzaki instinctively felt disgust in his heart: No, no need, thank you.


Seeing the other party's reaction, Iwagami smiled heartily, knowing that this was a person who was not good at words and communication, so he immediately said: I guess you must have lost your way. My family lives nearby, and I am familiar with this place. How about it, Do you want me to help lead the way?

Is it possible?

Sakurano's dark eyes looked at each other. The cute expression made Iwakami very excited.


He immediately patted his chest and said, My teacher taught me to be helpful. I won't lie.

Really, really?

Sakurano looked at the other party suspiciously, her guard lowered a lot, she bowed and said: Then please help me to take me to court No. 4, please.


Seeing the other party take the bait, Iwagami immediately smiled and said: Don't worry, come with me.


He walked in front, leading the confused Sakurano away from the crowd and towards a more secluded place.


Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around her, Sakura felt more and more uneasy.

This road is a shortcut, hum. If it weren't for the fact that you are a girl, I wouldn't lead the way.

Iwagami snorted pretending to be angry.

terribly sorry.

Sakurano, who thought she had misunderstood the other party, quickly apologized.


As she walked, she suddenly noticed that there were several delinquent boys with colorful hair in front of her, and she suddenly felt something was wrong.

She turned to leave, but found that her retreat was also blocked.

Little girl, where are you going?

Koda, who had red hair and wore a nose ring, smiled and said: Don't worry, we are not bad people.


Yan Shang, who was walking in front, turned around and smiled: I really want to take you to Court No. 4, but only if you agree to date me!

At this time, he had already revealed his true purpose.

As for Court No. 4, who knows where it is.

You are the bad guy!!!

Upon hearing the other party's words, Sakurano suddenly blushed to the root of her neck, but she looked at the other party fiercely.


In other people's eyes, she looks like a fierce and fierce girl, which makes Iwa Shang even more cute. Several other people gathered around and did not disturb Yanshang to chat with him.

This is their rule.

Whoever strikes first is the prey. Others will follow this rule and help their partners pick up girls.

No, don't come over.

Looking at Iwagami walking towards her, Sakurano suddenly panicked.

She had never experienced anything like this before and now she had no idea what to do.



She had no choice but to shout for help, hoping to attract others' attention.


Seeing his reaction, Iwagami immediately sneered and said: Stop shouting, no one will come around here at all. And even if there are, there are so many of us here, they won't dare to come here if they find out!

As he spoke, he looked at the other party fiercely, like a ferocious big bad wolf staring at the little white rabbit.


But that's it.

A sound of breaking wind.

A touch of light yellow color flew over from a distance. At an astonishing speed, before Iwagami could react, he hit him on the left side of the face with a bang.


Under the strong impact, the yellow-haired delinquent screamed and was knocked to the ground.


Koda and others immediately looked behind in panic.




Then I saw two tall teenagers wearing red vests walking towards this side.


Seeing that there were only two people on the other side, Koda immediately roared: What kind of brat dare to meddle in our business? Come on, teach them a lesson!


Then he and a person next to him rushed forward.



See this.

Two teenagers in red coats threw tennis balls up. When the opponent is less than ten meters away, he suddenly slams down the racket.



Accompanied by two powerful hitting sounds.

Koda and Koda were hit on the left and right cheeks respectively and fell to the ground.

You, who are you?!

Seeing how ferocious the two men were, the remaining people suddenly panicked.



After the two teenagers had a brief conversation, their eyes showed disgust. At the same time, he threw up the tennis ball and swung it twice in a row, knocking the remaining three people to the ground.

For a while.

The group of seven people with sinister intentions were immediately knocked to the ground and let out bursts of mourning.

No, thank you very much!!

After reacting, Ryuzaki Sakurano quickly bowed deeply to the two of them.

From Qingxue.

Seemingly recognizing her identity, one of them nodded and said: Next time, don't run around, and don't trust such people with unknown origins.

You, you know me?

Sakurano looked at the two of them in surprise, and when she saw clearly the words school on their chests, she immediately reacted: Are you a member of Rokkaku?

Forgetful and crazy, she finally came to her senses at this moment. The two of them were none other than the members of the Hexagon Squadron who stayed with Qingxue a few days ago.

Black feather spring breeze and sky root light.


The two shook their heads, feeling that the granddaughter of coach Seigaku Ryuzaki was a bit silly and cute.

Okay, okay.

Sakurano nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

After she left, Kuroyu and Tiangen looked at the delinquent boys lying on the ground, whining, and then left.

Six, the guy in the hexagon.

Iwagami, Koda and the others, who were grinning in pain, looked at the two people leaving with evil looks in their eyes.

I will never let you go!


Several people got up.

Go to a place with a lot of traffic, and prepare to find people in the hexagon, especially those who are alone, to take revenge.

However, there were too many people coming and going.

After seeing the teenagers carrying tennis bags, their eyes were conditioned with fear.

Damn it!

After a search, no one in the hexagon was found, and several people suddenly felt discouraged.


Koda, who was extremely unhappy, grabbed a young man wearing a sun hat and said sternly: You guy, do you know where the people in the Hexagon are?

Six, six corners?!

The man was stunned for a moment, and his heart tightened when he saw that these bad boys in front of him were not easy to deal with.


Then, as if he thought of something, he pointed to a figure on the bench not far away and said, Well, that person is the coach in the Hexagon.

Coach in the Hexagon?!

Koda and others looked back and saw a short, bald old man with a long white beard sitting cross-legged on a bench to rest.


Several angry people immediately surrounded him.

Old guy, are you the coach in Hexagon?

Approaching the old man, Iwagami said directly in a deep voice: Your team member injured us. It's up to you to decide how much medical expenses we should pay!

The others also looked ferocious.

A group of socially delinquent teenagers were all prepared to fight with the guys in the hexagon.

But I didn't expect it.

The opponent's coach seemed surprisingly easy to deal with.

Injured you? Medical expenses?

The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at the young men in front of him with bruises and swollen faces and dressed in slutty clothes. He nodded gently: It's good. Guys like you should be taught a lesson.

What did you say?!

Iwagami, Koda and others suddenly widened their eyes.

They couldn't believe that this old guy, who looked as wizened as a bean sprout, dared to say such things to them.

old man!!!

The angry Koda immediately grabbed the old man's collar and lifted him up: Are you tired of living?!


The people around him were immediately startled and stepped aside.

Such a reaction made the people on Yanshang very satisfied with the deterrence shown by themselves and others.


What a few people can't understand is.

The lone Liujiaozhong coach was clearly being lifted up in the air, but there was no panic expression on his face.

old man!

Koda immediately sneered and said: Do you think your team members can come to rescue you? Don't be delusional. If you don't give us an explanation, we won't be soft on you, even though you are an old guy.


The old man still had an indifferent expression.


Upon seeing this, Iwagami immediately walked over unhappily. He stared at the old man fiercely, rubbed his fingers and made a crackling sound: It seems that it is necessary to give you some warning.


He was about to attack the old man.


at this time.

A familiar sound of breaking wind sounded.


Feeling something bad, Yan Shang looked subconsciously, but only saw a little yellow, which quickly magnified in front of his eyes.

Okay, so fast.

Feeling that the speed of the tennis ball was much faster than before, Iwagami instinctively wanted to dodge, but found that he couldn't do it at all.


There was a muffled sound.

He was hit on the right side of his face and flew backwards, with two bloody tooth fragments spurting out of his mouth.

Iwa, rock on the rock.

Seeing the miserable experience of their companions, Koda and others were immediately angry and anxious.


Several people subconsciously turned their heads to look.

Koda was even prepared to use the old man in his hand to threaten those damn Hexagon players.


They turned around to look, but were stunned.

The person who came was not a member of the Hexagon Middle School wearing a red coat, but a young man wearing a gray and white school uniform.

The leader was handsome, but obviously young.

Koda and the others didn't pay attention to each other. What really made them feel frightened was the young man with gray-white hair and an indifferent expression behind him.


The few people who recognized each other's identity immediately felt like a mouse seeing a cat, and their bodies began to tremble instinctively.


At this time, the handsome young man spoke: Please, put down the old man on your hand.


Koda and others suddenly became angry.

The person they were afraid of was clearly Akutsu, not this guy who pretended to be powerful. Before the other party even spoke, this guy dared to order them.


At this time, the handsome young man suddenly smiled and said: It seems that they are more afraid of you than me.

This guy is dead!

Seeing that the other party dared to speak to Akutsu in such a tone, Koda and others, who had originally felt desperate, suddenly became excited.

They who are familiar with Akutsu's character know that this cruel guy doesn't like others to dictate to him like this.



To their shock.

After the black-haired boy said these words, there was no trace of anger on Akutsu's face.


At this time, the black-haired boy spoke again: Then please help me with the 'communication'.


Hearing this, Akutsu snorted dissatisfiedly.


What makes Koda and others find it incredible is that not only did he not take action against the guy next to him who ordered him and told him what to do.

Instead, he walked towards them as if he was obeying the other party's orders.


Feeling the strong danger approaching, these bad boys instinctively swallowed.

Everyone looked at the black-haired boy like a monster.

That Akutsu actually obeys the other party's instructions?

Who is this guy? ! !

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