I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 112: The tempering of mental power, the terrifying wisdom (1st update)

Silver and white.

Sharp and cold.

Two different auras exploded, and with the thick dust surrounding the stadium, the entire stadium seemed to have turned into a restricted area that no one else could enter!

It's too exaggerated! It's too exaggerated!

The egg-headed yellow-haired Matsuhira Chihiko's eyes were as wide as eggs at this time, looking at the stadium in disbelief.

He never thought that the game would develop to such a situation.

If at this time, there were representatives of other Japanese U17 troops on the court who were ranked close to Ochi, he would think it was normal.

But at this time.

The person who was evenly matched with Yue Zhi was a junior high school student. Moreover, judging from the descriptions of Ochi and other Hyokui team members, this is still a freshman in junior high school!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Songping would definitely think that this was a boring story concocted by some evil guy.

But it is.

As Japan's u17 and the No. 4 representative of the first army, Ochi was dragged into a fierce duel by a junior high school boy.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball with a fierce aura flew out, white frost fell, and the terrifying ball pressure was released instantly. Squeeze the dense dust until it collapses in all directions.

Well done!

Ishikawa cheered up and his momentum exploded. The sharp breath continued to flow out, and the racket in his hand was like an arm, stabbing at the incoming ball like a sword.


Ball and racket collide.

Two forces with different attributes exploded instantly and confronted each other.

tsk tsk

The tennis ball spun violently, trying to tear the racket surface. The racket was like a cage, trapping the tennis ball like a lead bullet.


Along with Ishikawa's wrist force.

The tennis ball bathed in silver light suddenly shot backwards. The sword energy surged, cut through the dust curtain, and locked onto Yue Zhi's body.


Seeing this situation, everyone around them took a deep breath subconsciously.

This is the over-wisdom of the [Full Moon] state.

Although he did not use his most powerful serving skills, with this state, there is no pressure to be among the top five in the first team.

But now.

Yuezhi has yet to win over this junior high school student.

Doesn't that mean that this black-haired boy's own strength has reached the top five levels in the army? !

Thinking of this concept that is both absurd and realistic, everyone looked at Ishikawa with awe and even fear!

This kid is so strong!

At this time, Ochi felt the strong pressure brought by Ishikawa, and his almost perfect calm mentality inevitably fluctuated.

He originally wanted to hide his strength, but suddenly found that there seemed to be no room for him to hold back in this game!

Keep going like this.

With the opponent's unstoppable fighting spirit, he may not be able to sustain the frosty aura of his [Full Moon] state any longer.

To know.

Yuezhi himself is able to secure his No. 4 position in the first team, and the biggest contribution is undoubtedly [Mach Serve]. Under the circumstances of limiting his strongest means, if he still wants to leave some room, it is not impossible to be suppressed or even defeated!


Think of this.

Yue Zhi's eyes narrowed.

The frost-like aura suddenly enveloped Ishikawa's body like a surging angry wave.


Feeling this extremely oppressive momentum, Ishikawa had an instinctive reaction of sweating.

The distraction caused by this caused his own response to be half a beat slower.


The tennis ball flew high.

Although such a mistake is not obvious, it is for a player of Yuezhi's level. This half-slow reaction is undoubtedly extremely famous.


next moment.

With a powerful smash, Ishikawa officially lost a point.


Seeing this, Hyotei's high school students let out a sigh of relief.

Songping, whose palms were sweating, also calmed down and felt relieved.

no way.

If Yuezhi really can't win this junior high school student, for them, it means that the other party has reached a position that they can't even imagine.

Especially Matsudaira.

Although he is not Ishikawa's opponent, he can think of the position he has been pursuing and struggling for for three years but has never touched. The young man in the first grade of junior high school in front of him caught him so easily. It was probably hard for him to accept it in his heart.


They did not dare to underestimate Ishikawa.

You know, even a 17-year-old high school student and others who are also representatives of the First Army may not do better than this boy under the suppression of Yuezhi's absolute mental power.

Give it time.

With the opponent's talent, he can definitely become one of Japan's top U17 players.




As the game continues.

Ochi, whose mental power had completely exploded, finally suppressed Ishikawa. Yuezhi kept scoring and won the second game in just three minutes.


Both sides seemed to be back where they started.

Is this the top Japanese U17 player?

Feeling the pressure emanating from Ochi, Ishikawa, who already had strength above the national level, once again experienced the feeling when he first traveled through time.


Ishikawa's expression did not change.

The fighting spirit in his eyes became even more intense under the influence of Yuezhi's pressure.

This kid is indeed no ordinary character.

Feeling Ishikawa's strong fighting spirit and strong fighting spirit, Ochi's eyes flashed with a strange color.

Since entering high school, joining the u17 and becoming the representative of the team. He followed the expedition overseas and competed against all kinds of players.

Except for the captains of each team.

This was the first time Yuezhi saw such a special change in someone else.

Do you become stronger when you are strong?

Yue Zhi raised his brows lightly, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes: If your talent can be further stimulated, you should be able to truly cross that threshold, right?!


But at this moment.

The silver-white edge on Ishikawa's body suddenly changed. It changes into a special blend of black and white.

All of a sudden.

Ishikawa's own temperament suddenly became unpredictable.

What's this?!

Seeing the changes in Ishikawa, the expressions of several people outside the venue changed again.


Yue Zhi was also a little surprised.

With the aura fluctuations on Ishikawa's body, he was unable to detect the changes in the other party's emotions for a while.

at the same time.

The other party also gave him a special sense of oppression, as if when the other party saw him, his secrets were being seen through bit by bit.

A second special ability?

Ochi looked at Ishikawa and became surprised.

Because even he only mastered [Moonlight], a special ability developed based on mental power, during the entire three years of junior high school.

And the other side.

As soon as he entered junior high school, he mastered two abilities. Moreover, both special abilities have been developed to an extremely high level.

As a result, Yue Zhi, who has a cold personality, has an urge to complain in his heart. I don’t know whether to say that Ishikawa is too greedy, or that the other party’s talent is too exaggerated!


After a pause, a glimmer of light flashed in Yuezhi's eyes: The barrier formed by my mental power is not something you can easily see through.



He spread his legs and took a serious stance to catch the ball.


And on the opposite side.

With a flash of black and white light in Ishikawa's eyes, he threw the tennis ball up, swung the racket quickly, and hit the tennis ball hard.


This ball.

Ishikawa did not use the [Star Mark] technique.

Just like Ochi didn't use the [Mach Serve], Ishikawa also hid the secret trick of serving.


But this serve was also incredibly fast. Moreover, the tricky placement was completely beyond Yue Zhi's imagination.

Has the weakness of this position been seen?

Yue Zhi's heart sank slightly, but his mental power was extremely strong. His emotional fluctuations were completely covered up by his cold temperament.

There was a bang.

The tennis ball was whipped out quickly by him.

Didi didi! ! !

at the same time.

Change to Ishikawa's perspective.

The tennis ball played by Yuezhi revealed many things that were not seen in other people's eyes.

A series of numbers and symbols representing probability (%), energy (J/joules), wind speed (m/s), pressure (P), and degrees of rotation (F/centrifugal force).

him at this time.

With the addition of the [Chess Truth] effect, the whole person seems to have turned into a sophisticated machine. With the addition of powerful mental arithmetic ability, the effect of Yuezhi's every action and shot is fully reflected.



The mental pressure exerted by Yuezhi caused an effect similar to signal interference. The data observed and captured by Ishikawa produced an abnormal state like snowflakes.


Ishikawa's eyes changed slightly.

Yue Zhi is too strong, at least relying solely on the true meaning of swordsmanship or the truth of chess can't break through the opponent's mental barrier.

This is not a gap in special abilities, but a suppression of five-dimensional values.

In the original work.

Ochi's mental power reached a terrifying level of 7 points, second only to Byodoin Phoenix, the strongest player in Japan's U17.

Shuffle war time.

Atobe's five-dimensional spirit has also broken through to the level of 4.5. But with just one look, he was overwhelmed by Yue Zhi and became abnormal.

It is extremely rare for Ishikawa to be able to keep his heart unwavering.




The fierce fighting continues.

Because of the unique skill of sealing the serve, even though it was Ishikawa's serve, he continued to lose points.

The victory has been decided.

Seeing Ishikawa's fierce confrontation with Ochi, everyone outside the stadium secretly guessed.

Although the momentum of both sides is still very strong. Especially Ishikawa's unpredictable aura changes make it difficult for outsiders to interpret his behavior.

But the scores don't lie.

As time went by, Ishikawa was able to score fewer and fewer points. The balance of the competition has obviously tilted towards Yuezhi.

This kid is pretty good enough.

Several of Hyotei's high school students nodded secretly.

After all, in their view, losing to Yuezhi is not a shameful thing. Of course, Maori didn't find it strange. After all, he couldn't even compete and lost to the opponent.

The Matsudaira brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the performance of the two of them was more like a fig leaf that they managed to scrape together after losing to a junior high school student.

Only the wiser.

After feeling that Ishikawa not only did not waver, but also became stronger and stronger in fighting spirit and fighting spirit, he couldn't help but feel a little more wary in his heart.

How abnormal!

He has never seen such an opponent. Under his strong mental pressure, not only did he not collapse, but he became stronger as he fought.


Yue Zhi felt faintly uneasy.




On the court.

As Ishikawa fought back again and again, his momentum continued to accumulate.

It's different from what others imagine.

Facing Yuezhi's pressure, he not only did not panic, but instead took advantage of the opponent's mental pressure to force himself to improve his strength.

him at this time.

It was like a piece of red-hot iron, and Yuezhi's terrible mental pressure was like a hammer, constantly hitting the surface of his body.

With each hammering, some of the impurities in the iron block will be peeled off.

over time.

Ishikawa's eyes became brighter and sharper.



Mozhi, 2-1!



Mozhi, 3-1!

Yue Zhi began to open up the score, but the uneasy feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

What on earth does this kid want to do?

He subconsciously narrowed his eyes and stared at his opponent. But because of the effect of [Chess Truth], Ishikawa's behavior cannot be interpreted at all.




The game continues.

Several people outside the stadium looked at Ishikawa who was still running on the pitch and fighting fiercely with Ochi, and they suddenly felt a little more admiration for him in their hearts.

If nothing else, this kid has such a strong willpower!

Yeah, if it were me, I would have collapsed as early as the end of the second game.

Unfortunately, facing Yuezhi, such a struggle is in vain.

Several of Hyotei's high school students were discussing secretly.


Maori also sighed softly.

Judging from this situation, it is only a matter of time before Ishikawa loses the game. Of course, he admired the other party very much. Being able to stick to one's heart in adversity was a very difficult thing.

At least, Mori couldn't do it himself.

it's over.

Matsudaira Chihiko sighed.

After all, this is a game of superiority. As the No. 4 representative of the U17 first team, it is impossible for the opponent to let himself lose the game in such a place.

Although, the opponent has already lifted the 60% strength restriction.

That kid is pretty good at fighting.

Chiao Matsudaira shook his head and said: It's a pity that he is still too young. After all, he is just a kid in the first grade of junior high school. He is proud enough to be able to achieve this level. If he wants to defeat this guy, no one in two or three years can do it. Time, it’s simply impossible to do.”



at this time.

Ishikawa on the court suddenly hit a shot that was like a laser beam.

The tennis ball hit near the baseline behind Yuezhi, but the opponent did not even fight back.

what's the situation?!

Several people looked over in confusion.

A high school student from Hyokui seemed to have something in mind: Could it be that the ball went out of bounds?

Everyone reacted immediately.


With Yue Zhi's strength, I am afraid that only if the opponent makes a mistake will he choose not to catch the ball. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why such a strange scene would occur.


But soon.

The smoke surrounding the two people dispersed.

The real situation behind Yue Zhi was revealed, but it was different from what several people had guessed. Behind Yue Zhi, a clearly visible white trace appeared.

Within the boundary?!

Hyotei's high school students looked at each other.

Mori and Matsudaira were also confused and didn't know why this happened.

That goal just now.

Only Yue Zhi stood in the stadium with an expressionless face, but there was an indescribable shock deep in his eyes.

That ball just now seemed like his soul had been frozen. It wasn't until the tennis ball hit the ground that he noticed the trajectory of the opponent's shot. But the whole person couldn't even move a finger!


And this time.

As if they were connected, Yue Zhi and the other party looked at each other at the same time.



Just this one look.

It is obvious that mental power is more advantageous. Apart from Byodoin, Ochi Gekko is the spiritual ceiling of Japan's U17. Under those cold eyes, the gaze changed drastically.

this moment.

He suddenly felt like his secret was completely seen through by the other party. Deep in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a wave of heart palpitations.

What kind of eyes are those?!!

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