I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 110 Is this person a junior high school student? (2nd update)

Today is really unlucky.

In the high school competition field, Chiao Matsudaira, who was wearing a Green Beret, said with an ugly face: I thought that Sasabe and I could advance, but I didn't expect that this would happen.


Matsudaira Chihiko's expression changed as he walked in front.

He also had bad luck today. It was supposed to be a crushing game, but in the end he and his opponent entered a tiebreaker and almost failed to beat the opponent.

It's all that guy!

Thinking of the black-haired junior high school student, Matsudaira Chihiko said with an ugly face: If it weren't for him, my condition would never be so bad!

Old, bro

After hearing what his brother said, Chiao Matsudaira couldn't help but said: Is that junior high school student really that powerful? Why do I feel that his strength is limited!


Matsudaira Chihiko was immediately furious. He glared at his younger brother: You mean, I was acting in that game? That guy's strength is definitely above that of Court No. 3, absolutely!

His Field No. 3?

Hearing this, Chiao Matsudaira took a breath: Even if I maintain the current promotion speed, I may not be able to enter the No. 5 venue before my senior year, right?

Look at your potential.

Seeing his brother's expression, Matsudaira couldn't help but shook his head and said: In that place, if you can't break through to the No. 5 court, it means nothing. Of course, there is someone on the No. 5 court who wants to go to the No. 5 court. It’s also very difficult to break through.”

Thinking of the red-haired young man guarding Court No. 5, but whose actual identity was terrifyingly large, a trace of fear flashed in Matsudaira's eyes.

To know.

As far as two years ago, that person had the ability to check and balance the entire U17. In other people's words, he is like the gatekeeper of hell.

That's right, bro.

As if he thought of something, Chiao Matsudaira continued: That junior high school student is so strong, why didn't he be recruited to U17?

how could I know?

Matsudaira Chihiko glared at his brother fiercely.

Chiao Matsudaira quickly explained: I mean, since this guy is so strong, if he is invited to the base, his strength will definitely be even stronger than it is now, right?

What does this have to do with us?

Matsudaira Chihiko was speechless.

It’s not without reason that my younger brother is still hanging out on Court No. 11.

Yes, but.

Chiao Matsudaira couldn't help but muttered: Since you are not that person's opponent, then only when he reaches U17 can he possibly meet a stronger guy, right?

Humph, you little boy!

Matsudaira Chihiko reacted and sneered: After going around for a long time, you still want to teach that guy a lesson, right? In fact, in this Kanto Tournament, there are also very powerful players from high school students.


Having said this, he sighed, shook his head slightly and said, That person will not care about such things. For him, I am afraid that only the other people in the first army can arouse his interest.

Matsudaira Chihiko knew it very well.

With that person's aloof personality, he would never even bother to look at the conflict between junior high school students and high school students.

if not.

Thinking of this, he sighed softly and said: With that strength, that junior high school student's fate will definitely be miserable.




at this time.

In a remote golf course in the distance, there was suddenly a fierce sound of hitting the ball.

Is there anyone playing?

Chiao Matsudaira's eyes widened in surprise.


Matsudaira Chihiko nodded.

Not only are there people competing, but judging from the action of the game, the competition is also very fierce.

Let's go over and have a look.

Chiao Matsudaira ran directly ahead. Chihiko Matsudaira was helpless because his younger brother's personality was still too out of the ordinary.


But at this moment, Chiao Matsudaira, who ran in front, seemed to have seen something shocking, and his whole face changed instantly.

What's all the fuss about.

Matsudaira Chihiko frowned and said as he walked: If you want to be a top player, in addition to strength, you must also have a heart that will not change even if the mountain collapses. What?!

The next second.

His eyes almost didn't pop out.

Lie, lie, right?!

At this time, looking at the two figures fighting fiercely on the court, Matsudaira opened his mouth as if he had seen a ghost.

One of the.

Surprisingly, it was the junior high school student he met before.

And the other one turned out to be...

N. No. 4 Yueyoshi-senpai?!

Chiao Matsudaira said in shock.


Chihiko Matsudaira swallowed.

He pinched his face subconsciously, but found that this was really not a dream. That junior high school student was actually fighting against Ochi!

That's right!

It was a duel, a duel with moves so fast that he was dazzled!


Return the ball more intelligently.

The tennis ball circled a sharp arc, and then hit the baseline accurately like a needle threading a thread.

Strong, too, too strong!

Matsudaira Chihiko's heart trembled.

He could only hit such a ball occasionally in practice matches. But Yue Zhi can display it easily in such a fierce duel.

Tap! !

And this time.

A figure appeared near the bottom line.

After catching up with the tennis ball, the opponent quickly took action and the racket hit the tennis ball hard.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

In an instant.

Ball shadows shot out all over the sky.

Chiao Matsudaira, who looked ahead, instinctively opened his mouth.

There are so many afterimage balls.

Chihiko Matsudaira clenched his fists subconsciously: This guy really didn't show his full strength when he competed with me.

Look at this ball shadow all over the sky.

Matsudaira put himself into the role of Yuezhi, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

He was able to see through some of the more obvious afterimages, but the remaining ones were rotating too fast. Even if he sees through it, he may not be able to hit the tennis ball back.


Yue Zhi took action decisively.

That silver light bloomed, and Ishikawa's explosive balls were seen through again instantly.


But soon.

A whirlwind that broke through the air, mixed with burning fire, suddenly enveloped Yuezhi.

Wind helps the fire.

Fire borrows the speed of wind.

The superposition of wind and fire caused the tennis ball to suddenly accelerate twice as it flew over the blocking net!


Yuezhi shot back.

But the air wave that spread instantly from the racket made his pupils shrink quietly.

This shot is fast and hard!

If the opponent wasn't a junior high school student, the smash hit with his strength would definitely be more powerful than what's in front of him.

As expected of Senior Yuezhi.

Ishikawa nodded secretly.

His fierce wind combines the sharpness of wind and the explosive power of fire. The fusion of the two is very powerful.

The destructive power of a random attack is more than 1.5 times that of Taocheng's smash!

But the wiser he was, he received the ball head-on without changing his expression. It can be seen that he is worthy of being the top player in the Japanese U17 army.

In this case.

Seeing Ochi's return route clearly, Ishikawa quickly chased after him. At the same time, he raised the racket with his right hand, aimed at the flying tennis ball at an angle, and chopped it down.


In an instant.

The edge of the racket slammed into the tennis ball.

Like thunder and lightning exploding, everything around them seemed to dim completely in everyone's field of vision, leaving only the sharp flash of lightning.


Like spring thunder exploding, the overflowing lightning exploded instantly.

tsk tsk

But the next second.

The tennis ball was still blocked by Yue Zhi's racket, but Yue Zhi failed to fight back immediately.

The tennis ball is on the racket, spinning violently.

A trace of electric arc overflowed, and the strength seeping out of it gradually made Yue Zhi's face become solemn.



Under the astonished gazes of others, Yuezhi's racket was forced out of his hand.


Seeing this, several Hyokui team members, Maori and the Matsudaira brothers who had just entered the viewing area instinctively widened their eyes.

Is this the only effect?

Ishikawa raised his eyebrows lightly.

His Jingzhe can penetrate the opponent's racket and even break the bones of the opponent's wrist to a certain extent.

but now.

But it just bounced away Yue Zhi's racket.

Sure enough, the physical difference between junior high school students and high school students is huge!


Thinking of the identity of the person opposite, Ishikawa felt relieved again.

Ochi Moonlight, the No. 9 Japanese U-17 in the original work. Now, the opponent's ranking should be No. 4.

He can score from such a player, even if the opponent does not use his full strength, it is still amazing enough.

Lie, lie, right?!

Compared to Ishikawa, who was a little regretful, it would be no exaggeration to say that the mood of the others was a storm.

Especially several members of Hyokui and the Matsudaira brothers.

They knew Yue Zhi's true identity. The opponent standing in the front row of U17 had his racket knocked away.

This, this guy.

Matsudaira Chihiko looked at Ishikawa as if he were a monster: Is he really a junior high school student?!


On the court.

Yue Zhi, whose racket was knocked out of his hand, looked a little ugly. Picking up the racket, he saw the broken strings and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.



There is also a hint of disbelief!

At first, he just tried to teach this junior something with the mentality of a senior. Let the other party be better and lead the Ice King forward in the junior high school competition.

But I didn't expect it.

The other party's performance shocked him time and time again!

But now, his blood, which had been cooling for many years, felt faintly boiling.

First grade.

Thinking of this, Yuezhi said solemnly: Do you want to continue fighting with me?


Ishikawa smiled and said: The game just now should be just an appetizer for seniors. I also want to know how far you have reached now!


Ochi nodded heavily, then looked at the Hyokui players outside the court: Kawasaki, bring me my game-specific camera!

Okay, okay.

When one of the high school students heard this, he quickly took out a silver-black racket and handed it over regardless of his surprise.

Old, bro

Seeing Ochi in this posture, Matsudaira Chiao was dumbfounded.


But in fact, Matsudaira Chihiko was even more surprised.

Junior high school student?

First grade?

Is this guy just a freshman?

Isn't this too exaggerated? !

Also, what are the more intelligent moves? Is this the replacement of the official racket to show the attitude of playing in the U17?

That would be too scary! ! !

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