I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 108: Starlight, traces of distortion (3rd update)

Hey, hey.

Seeing that Ishikawa was serious, a high school student from Hyotei immediately said in a deep voice: Kid, get out of here quickly. This place for high school students is not for junior high school students like you.

Junior high school student?

Mori was surprised when he heard what the Hyotei high school student said. Ishikawa was 1.7 meters tall, so he thought that the opponent was probably a new high school student who didn't develop very quickly.

But I didn't expect it.

This person turned out to be just a junior high school student.


On the contrary, he was wiser. He took a look at Ishikawa's outfit and seemed to have thought of something. He frowned slightly and said, You are the strongest newcomer in Hyokui Junior High School, right?


Hear the words.

Several other people reacted one after another.

It's you?

It is rumored that the first-year junior high school student was praised by Director Sakaki!

Hey, junior high school students, stop it. The strength of high school students is beyond your imagination. Don't annoy Boss Yuezhi, it won't be a good thing for you.

The high school students in Hyotei spoke up one after another to persuade Ishikawa to leave.

That is to say, the other party is wearing the uniform of the Ice Emperor and is their junior. Otherwise, they would have exploded long ago and blasted each other away.

You want to challenge me?

Ochi ignored the others and locked one eye on Ishikawa.

All of a sudden.

A strong mental pressure fell on Ishikawa. If it were anyone else, if their mental endurance was not strong enough, they would have trembled under the scrutiny of the wiser eyes.


But there was no panic on Ishikawa's face.

He looked at Ochi and said with a smile: Senior, I heard that you are a legendary player in the Ice Emperor, and you seem to be very good at serving. It just so happens that I have some experience in tennis, and I want you to give me some advice.

Pointing and serving? !

Several Hyotei high school students looked at Ishikawa as if they had seen a ghost. This was the first time that they dared to speak to Yuezhi like this.

Or is it that Yuezhi didn't exert that terrible mental pressure on their junior?




Yue Zhi, who has always been indifferent and dislikes trouble the most, actually agreed to the request of this junior high school student from Ice King who appeared out of nowhere.

The other high school students looked at each other, and the same idea came to their minds. They went crazy!

Then, that Yue Zhi actually agreed?

Maori was also very surprised.

But soon.

He looked at Ishikawa and shook his head secretly. This junior high school student from Hyokui may be very insightful, but it is too difficult to get guidance on serving from this Yuezhi.

It's not that he looks down on Ishikawa.

It's really because Yue Zhi's serving level is too high!




Some vacant pitch.

On the side of Ishikawa and Ochi substations.

at this time.

The former is playing tennis.

The surrounding audience, including several high school students from Hyotei and Mouri, who had just lost to Ochi in the main match, all looked at Ishikawa.

They are both curious about what kind of tennis the other party can play.


At this time.

Ishikawa throws the tennis ball up.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly lowered his center of gravity, and his body compressed like a spring.



He jumped up on both feet, and at the same time swung the racket upwards from behind his head, towards the tennis ball in mid-air, and quickly fell down.


There was a crisp sound of hitting the ball.

The tennis ball shot out as sharply as a bullet.

This serve?!

Seeing the sharp arc flashing in mid-air, the eyes of several high school students from Hyokui, as well as Maori, changed.

tsk tsk


The tennis ball landed on the ground and spun rapidly.


Seeing clearly the changes in the tennis ball, a trace of surprise flashed in Yuezhi's eyes. Immediately, he quickly took half a step back and actively made room for the ball to be returned.

And such changes made people outside the court very puzzled.

Are there any other changes to this ball?


next moment.

The tennis ball bounced up quickly and hit Yuezhi's face.


What a sharp external spin!

Several people's expressions changed.

They didn't expect that this first-year Ice King could hit such a sharp serve.

However, he is worthy of being the boss of Yuezhi.

After being surprised, several Ice Emperor players nodded secretly: With just one glance, he saw through the changes in this ball. What did he predict in advance to resolve this ball?!

But suddenly.

However, several people seemed to have seen something, and their expressions changed again.


But he saw that the tennis ball flying towards Yuezhi accelerated again on the way. Sudden changes disrupted Yuezhi's plan, and he had to change his actions temporarily.


The tennis ball flicked past.

To this.

Ishikawa didn't make any exaggerated movements, he just swung the racket a little bit, and the tennis ball flew out with a flick.


Looking at the tennis balls floating down slowly like fallen leaves, several Hyokui team members and Maori were shocked.

What a great slice.

Mao Li clenched his fists subconsciously and looked at Ishikawa with a hint of disbelief: It's as standard as a textbook.

hard to imagine.

This turned out to be a chip shot by a junior high school student.

Of course, as a member of Rikkai University, Mori had also seen his skill of chipping away from Ishikawa just now.


Facing that overly intelligent player, the fact that the opponent was able to make such a beautiful chip was more than just a matter of skill.

The opponent is the smarter one!

Thinking that he tried his best and failed to get a point from the opponent, but this junior high school student did it so easily. Maoli said in his heart that it was impossible not to eat the food.

A very sharp external spin.

Regarding Ishikawa's serve, Ochi also nodded and said: However, if I guess correctly, there will be subsequent changes to your serve, right?

What? !

As soon as this statement came out.

Several people around him couldn't help but change their expressions again.

As expected of a senior.

Ishikawa nodded slightly. The opponent was indeed the strongest serving player among Japanese high school students in the original book. Coupled with that terrifying mental power, the subsequent changes in his serve can be seen at a glance.

Call and see.

Ochi nodded slightly and looked at Ishikawa with his exposed right eye. A strong sense of oppression overflowed.


Ishikawa smiled and nodded.

This time he came to the high school arena to find the legendary minister of the Ice Emperor. I want to play against the opponent, but I also want to see the opponent's top serve that is unique to U17.



Ishikawa hit the tennis ball again.

It is similar to the previous external spin serve, but this time, the speed is obviously faster than before.

This guy.

Seeing this, Mao Li couldn't help clenching his fists: He actually hid his strength!

tsk tsk

The tennis ball hits the ground.

Spin rapidly again.


“It’s that intense spin again!

The eyes of several Hyokui high school students changed.


But what everyone expected was.

The tennis ball that bounced off the ground did not fly in the direction of Yuezhi. Instead, it quickly circled a huge arc to the right.

How, how is it possible?!

Several people instinctively widened their eyes.

No one expected that Ishikawa's external spin serve would have such amazing changes.

nice shot!

Yue Zhi nodded in appreciation.

The change in this serve was indeed beyond his expectation. The arc changes so much that it can cause a surprise attack in a top-level competition.



Thoughts turned.

The wiser step forward.

With his terrifying height and arm length, he was able to catch up with the tennis ball after it bounced a certain distance.


There was a loud bang.

Ishikawa's outspin serve was still hit.


The tennis ball flew back upside down.

He flew to Ishikawa's side at an astonishing speed, and was about to leave the range of the counterattack, but he still made no move to counterattack.

what happened?

Several members of Hyokui and Maori frowned at the same time.

They couldn't understand that Yuezhi's return speed was not fast. The other party will not be unable to receive it. This is clearly not preparing to fight back.

But if that’s the case, then that’s too disrespectful, right?

Although this is not a formal game, the opponent is Yuezhi after all. You come up to challenge the opponent, but in the end, you don't even touch the opponent's ball. What does it mean?



Ishikawa actually let the tennis ball fly past him.

This boy.

A high school student from Hyokui is a bit ugly.

As their minister, Yuezhi has led several of them from the regional competition to the national competition since five years ago.

Although there is no team competition now, in their hearts, Yuezhi is still the leader of the team.

Ishikawa's behavior is undoubtedly a bit disrespectful.

Did you see it?


Surprisingly, after returning the ball, Ochi looked at Ishikawa in surprise.


Then, he nodded slightly and said: Otherwise, it would be impossible for you not to catch the ball.

What do you mean?

Others looked confused.

Could it be that

But Maori seemed to have thought of something. He looked behind Ishikawa, and a ray of light suddenly flashed in his eyes: It's true, the ball just went out of bounds!

A clear white mark was left behind Ishikawa near the baseline.


The mark is pressed on the outside of the bottom line, not the inside.

In other words, although Oozhi just hit back the off-spin ball with a very ridiculous degree of rotation, he still made a mistake.

Thinking of this, Maori couldn't help but look at Ishikawa deeply: And he actually judged it in an instant?

This insight is terrifying!





At this time, Ishikawa started playing tennis again. He raised his head and looked at Yuezhi, who had an expressionless face and cold eyes on the other side: Have you ever encountered a serve that you couldn't catch?

Can't catch it?

Yue Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

As a top serving player, if he encounters an evenly matched opponent, it will often turn into a protracted battle in the end.


If there is any serve that can make him afraid.


Yue Zhi narrowed his right eye slightly, and there seemed to be some kind of scene of beating light in front of his eyes, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

In terms of pure serving, I probably haven't encountered it before.

Ochi spoke, his eyes locked on Ishikawa: Why, do you have such strong confidence in your serve?

to be honest.

He listened and admired this calm boy who could remain so calm in the face of his mental pressure.


That's all.

Ochi's current identity is not only the head of the Hyotei High School Tennis Club, but also the No. 1 seed in the Kanto Competition.

He has stood at a higher position, and what he has seen and heard is no longer limited to Kanto or Japan.

The serve played by the boy in front of him may be very good, but to him, it is definitely not amazing.

That's fine.

Thinking of this, Yue Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and a serious look flashed in his eyes: Although it is a bit early, it does allow you to experience tennis that surpasses junior high school students.

He had made up his mind.

Be prepared to give a strong counterattack when the opponent serves.


And this time.

Ishikawa threw the tennis ball up again, and his eyes also became serious. Along with the movements of bending his knees and tightening his abdomen, the muscles on his body tensed hard.


At the moment when the best opportunity to hit the ball came, Ishikawa moved.

He jumped up on one foot, leaned forward, raised his racket high towards the tennis ball in mid-air, and dropped it heavily.


There was a loud bang.

The Ice Emperor and Mao Li outside the stadium all instinctively felt their eardrums shaking.


They saw a trace of dark, ink-like color with a slight twist.

above the traces.

Filled with starlight.

And the position extending out from the front is the serving line in front of Yuezhi.

The end point.

A trace of pale white is clearly pressed on the service line.


at the same time.

Accompanied by a rustling sound.

A light yellow tennis ball slowly rolled out from behind Yuezhi.

See this.

Everyone in Hyokui and Mouri's pupils shrank instinctively!

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