I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 106: Defeat Songping in one minute, Ochi vs. Mori (1st update)

It's him?

That Hyokui's first-year candidate is Shin Ishikawa!

The moment they saw Ishikawa, both Hanacun and Kamishiro showed strong shock on their faces.

They never expected that the other party would appear here. Moreover, he would personally take action and save the divine city.

Who are you?

Matsudaira looked at Ishikawa with fear on his face.

His smash ball is very fast, even if a player of the same level comes, they may not be able to crack it in such a short time.

And this person.

It was obvious that from such a far away position, he could predict his smash in advance and then interfere with it.

This insight and skill are not ordinary players.

At least.

It's not comparable to the guy in tattered clothes in front of me.


Ishikawa looked at Matsudaira with a fearful look on his face and said with a smile, I'm just a passing junior high school student.

Junior high school student?

Songping's frown relaxed and he said, That's it.

He also thought that he had offended the person in front of him somewhere. Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a junior high school student.


Thinking of this, Matsudaira smiled and said: Are you planning to interfere with the order of high school students' games like him?

Senior, there is no need to say that.

Ishikawa smiled and said: If you don't dare to fight me, just say so. After all, the strongest person here is not senior, right?


Songping's eyes changed slightly.

Hanamura and Kamishiro next to them looked at Ishikawa in surprise. Especially in Shencheng, he didn't know why the other party appeared here, let alone why this person would help him.

But the guy named Matsudaira in front of him is very strong.

Is it really okay for the other party to take action so rashly?


At this time, Chiao Matsudaira, who was wearing a green beret, sneered after hearing Ishikawa's words: Junior high school students should have the consciousness of junior high school students. You are not the place you should come to, and you are not the one who can provoke my brother. of!


However, before Ishikawa could speak, Matsudaira Chihiko said in a deep voice: Step back, you are no match for him.


Chiao Matsudaira wanted to speak, but his brother stared back fiercely.


Matsudaira looked at Ishikawa and said with a smile: Since you want to compete with me, then give it a try. But the ugly words are ahead. I will not be responsible for any injuries later.

Great, this is what I want to tell senior.

Ishikawa smiled and nodded.

This boy

Songping's expression froze.

He didn't know where the guy in front of him got the confidence to compete with him. You know, he is not an ordinary player. Even at that base, he can definitely be regarded as an upper-middle level player.

Can be biased.

Intuition told Songping that the kid in front of him was very difficult to deal with!

but now.

There was nothing he could do, it was his turn to ride the tiger.




Bottom line.

Ishikawa patted the tennis ball lightly. He looked at Matsudaira opposite him and said with a smile: Senior, do you know Hyotei's Ochi Gekko?


Matsudaira, who was about to receive the serve, trembled unnaturally when he heard the name.

What's going on with this kid? Why did he suddenly mention Yue Zhi's name?

Matsudaira paused in his heart. Immediately, he looked to see what he saw, and his eyes were fixed on Ishikawa's clothes: That's Hyotei's school uniform. This kid is Hyotei's team member?!



Matsudaira's expression changed.

I thought that the stupid green kid appeared out of nowhere, but I didn't expect that the other party also had a backend.

What do you mean?

But Songping, who was cautious, still asked one more question.


Ishikawa grabbed the tennis ball in his hand and said with a smile: I heard that his serve is very good and I want to see it. If you know him, senior, please help me see how my serve is.



He threw the tennis ball up.


Seeing the opponent's movements of bending his knees, tightening his abdomen, and standing on tiptoes, Matsudaira was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, What did I think was going on? This kid actually thought that his serve could compete with Ochi's? Ha!

Thinking of the end, he couldn't help laughing.

no way.

This statement is really ridiculous.

A mere junior high school student may have developed good tennis skills. But when it comes to serving, you must know that Yue Zhi's serving level ranks first in that place.

This kid doesn't know where he got the wiser news, but he actually came up with such stupid news.

As his thoughts turned around, he assumed a posture of receiving the serve: A mere junior high school student, no matter how skilled he is, how fast can he serve?


next moment.

Like a flash of lightning, Ishikawa's racket had just fallen, and the tennis ball had already hit Matsudaira's right front position.

The pale yellow light exploded.

And his expression flashed a bit of trance when he saw this color. Then, his pupils and facial expression dilated at the same time, as if he had seen something terrifying.

Da da da.

Behind Matsudaira, the tennis ball bounced gently and rolled down.


Outside the stadium, the high school students seemed to be frightened and swallowed their saliva.

Is your wife too strong?!

Immediately, these people looked at Ishikawa as if they were looking at a monster.

Because they couldn't see the hitting point clearly, and they couldn't even capture the trajectory of the tennis ball.

Okay, what a terrible serve!

the other side.

Huacun and Shencheng were also shocked.

Especially for the latter, he had already accepted that he was indeed no match for the opponent. But now it seems that in the competition just now, the first-year Ice King in front of him did not show his full strength at all!

How about it, senior.

Ishikawa looked at Matsudaira and said with a smile: How is my serve?


Songping's expression changed again and again.

He wanted to act more natural, but when the indescribably fast serve appeared in his mind, he swallowed all the words that came to his lips.

It seems that you didn't see clearly, senior.

Grabbing the tennis ball, Ishikawa smiled and said, In that case, I'll play a little slower this time.



He tossed the tennis ball up again and then made a smashing gesture.

This guy!!!

Seeing the opponent's actions, Matsudaira clenched his fists subconsciously: Who are you looking down on? This time, I will hit the tennis ball to show you!


The thought just turned around.

A flash of light yellow light exploded in front of him once again.

this time.

The opponent switches the serving position and hits the inside corner.

Logically speaking, this kind of inside corner serve is the easiest to catch. Especially Matsudaira himself, when the opponent serves, he is already ready to catch the ball.


When the tennis ball hits the ground.

But he still could only watch the tennis ball flying past him. He could even see clearly the rapidly spinning fluff on the tennis ball.


But his whole body seemed to be frozen, unable to do anything.

Da da da.

Same location.

The same tennis ball is beating gently.

The confidence and anger on Songping's face had disappeared. And those high school students looked at Ishikawa with even more awe.


In response, Ishikawa sighed and shook his head: I thought, senior, you could give me some pointers. It seems that I have thought too much. In this case, let's end this game quickly.



The serve lands.

Another direct score.

Matsudaira was already numb, while the other high school students were too nervous and afraid to say a word.

As for Huacun and Shencheng, they looked at each other and saw the shock and bitterness in each other's eyes.

The person in front of him was no longer on the same level as him.

This year's Ice King

Huacun came back to his senses and thought about Kanto and the whole country. With the strength shown by Ishikawa, even Tatekai Dai may not be their opponent!


The fourth ball dropped.

Songping, whose mentality had already been shattered, had cold sweat pouring down his forehead. Still unable to take any action, he closed his eyes in pain.

Under the astonished gazes of others, this high school master said with an ugly expression: Let's end this game.


Serving isn't everything.

But Matsudaira is not an ordinary player. He can see clearly that Ishikawa has not used his true strength at all.

Keep fighting.

In addition to wasting his physical energy in vain, it will not have any effect. It's even possible that the last trace of his face could be lost here.

At least for now.

He didn't admit his failure head-on, and he also gave the other party a step down, which wasn't really a shame.


Taking a deep breath, Matsudaira looked at Ishikawa opposite him and said coldly: If you think that just by relying on this serve, you can gain a foothold in the field of high school students, you are totally wrong.

This field is far more terrifying than you imagine!

He stared at Ishikawa, trying to see the change in expression on the other person's face. As a result, Matsudaira was disappointed.

Ishikawa just shook his head slightly and said with a smile: If senior said so, I am more interested in high school tennis!


He put away his racket.

He put his tennis bag back on his back and turned to leave.

But when those high school students who were originally arrogant faced Ishikawa, they automatically parted to both sides like a tide, making way for him.

Shin Ishikawa!

Kamijo clenched his fists, and while his heart was shocked, he was also filled with admiration.

This was the first time he saw someone conquer so many high school students with just four serves.

So, is this what tennis is supposed to be like?

Looking at Ishikawa's leaving back, Kamishiro took a deep breath, turned his head and bowed deeply towards Hua Cun: Teacher, I have decided that from now on, I will follow my own path.


Huacun did not expect that Shencheng, who usually obeyed his words and never complained, would make such a statement.

I see.

However, there was an expression of relief on her face: Go, don't be restrained by the shackles I gave you. Just remember that tennis is not a thing to hurt people. Try to find your own tennis as much as possible. Bar!

Something happened here.

Ishikawa did not leave immediately.

On the contrary, he was still carrying a tennis bag, walking around the high school students' arena, observing each game.

at the same time.

He also seemed to be looking for some target, his eyes constantly scanning the faces of the players on the court.

Now, the first round of Group C is about to begin.

At this time.

An announcement rang out from the stadium not far away.

Kanagawa Prefecture, Tatekai University Affiliated High School Senior High School Student Mori Jusaburo, and Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Hyotei Academy High School Senior High School Student Ochi Hikaru.

Please prepare both players.

Hear the words.

Ishikawa raised his eyebrows lightly, with a smile on his face.

Finally found it.


He walked towards the place where the radio sounded.

And at this time.

Appearing on the side of the court was the boy with curly purple hair that Ishikawa had met during the game.

And the other side.

Then one walked out slowly, wearing a coat of the same color as Ishikawa. But the young man is as tall as an iron tower.

Is this the legendary minister of the Ice Emperor?

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