For example, Han Xiao has always had a respectful attitude towards opera, but if he was only allowed to appreciate it, it would be playing the piano to a cow.

Well, maybe the film industry can also become the next trend.

Thinking of the profits brought by the film industry every year in his previous life, Han Xiao couldn't help but start thinking about the layout of the film industry.

But the only thing that worried him was that if shadowing really became popular in the future, opera would inevitably decline.

What will A Jin do if someone copies the guy and beats her up?

Hey, Yingying Tycoon, if it really happens to me, you should first think about how to explain to Yun Jin.

Xingqiu, who also has a good sense for business, immediately noticed the business opportunities in the film industry and the subsequent impact it might have on other entertainment industries, and immediately laughed out loud with gloating.

If the movie industry really succeeds, storytellers and operas will be the unlucky ones. He would like to hear if Han Xiao has figured out how to deal with Yun Jin, who may be unemployed.

What nonsense are you talking about? Why should I explain to Ah Jin?

Han Xiao swallowed involuntarily and retorted calmly.

The rise of one industry must lead to the decline of another industry. This is determined by the market mechanism. There is already a film industry in Fontaine, and sooner or later it will spread to Liyue like a film machine.

And Ah Jin's acting skills are so good, she can definitely change her career to a movie actor.

You can keep these words for Yun Jin. Anyway, I have obtained permission from you, so I will write to my book friend.

Xingqiu came to Han Xiao, put his hand on his shoulder, and said sincerely:

As for you, wish yourself well!

Chapter 147: The future movie queen Yun Jin?

Han Xiao was worried about Xingqiu's teasing about asking herself to seek happiness for less than three seconds before forgetting about it.

Will the movie industry crowd out the opera and storytelling industries?

The answer is yes. Compared with the art of opera, which requires calmness to appreciate, and storytelling, which only relies on the storyteller's own skills, the new mode of shadowing, which has storylines and light, shadow and sound effects, is bound to cause a sensation.

Now Fontaine has built a camera, and Xavier has even taken pictures in the game plot.

Therefore, even if Hanxiao does not promote the film industry, judging from the process in the real world, sooner or later the film industry will have an unprecedented impact on traditional entertainment industries such as opera and storytelling.

If that's the case, then why doesn't he grab the biggest piece of cake in this market before Fontaine does?

Maybe in the future, Guili City will be the Hollywood of Teyvat.

As for Ah Jin...

Regarding this, Han Xiao could only say that she could change her style when the time comes. Mr. Yun, the first-generation movie queen, sounded good too.

Alice, who was far away on the border of Teyvat, gave a thumbs up.

Thinking of doing it, Han Xiao immediately called Xu Wan over.

Xu Wan, is there any editor in Liyue Daily who is particularly good at writing?

In addition to Secretary-General Xingqiu, the newspaper also has one or two short stories written by editors that are quite popular at the moment.

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Xu Wan thought carefully and gave the answer.

The most popular thing in Liyue Daily recently is naturally the novel written by Xingqiu, which is very popular among the people and even has a storyteller version.

In addition, the healing articles written by a female editor named Yu Zhu are also very popular.

Do you still remember the movie that was shot with a camera at the last party? You asked Yu Zhu to read the book first and then try to write a script.

As she spoke, Han Xiao took out a handwritten copy of Introduction to Screenplay Writing and handed it to Xu Wan.

Remember to tell her that if the writing satisfies me, I will use this script to shoot the first film of Teyvat.

Okay, Lord Hanxiao.

Taking the book handed over by Han Xiao, Xu Wan nodded to express her understanding. At the same time, she was also curious about what kind of story Yu Zhu would write.

The shocking glimpse at the last party had already left a deep impression on the residents of Guili City, and they didn't know what kind of energy the reflection would burst out after being specially matched with the story.

After Xu Wan left, Han Xiao picked up the Guili City planning map placed on the table and began to select the location for the theater.


While Han Xiao was preparing to build a film and television theater for Guili City, Mondstadt encountered another dragon disaster.

Because she knew the true identity of the Wind Demon Dragon in advance, Qin was even more helpless than in the game and had to take passive defense.

Fortunately, after experiencing several attacks, the residents of Mondstadt immediately prepared for evacuation as soon as they saw the dragon disaster coming.

emmm, it can be said that in the face of life and death, the Mondlanders are more efficient than ever.

The gloomy sky enveloped the entire city of Mondstadt, and the omnipresent strong wind swept billboards, chairs and other objects placed on the street directly into the sky.

Looking through the window of the Knights at the city being ravaged by the strong wind, Qin's expression was quite ugly:

Tevalin actually started to attack the city directly.

It looks like he was stimulated by something.

Right next to Qin, Lisa clasped her hands on her chest, held up the slime, and leaned her whole body against the wall in deep thought.

Judging from Tevarin's usual action pattern, it was obvious that he was provoked by something or something when he suddenly attacked the city today.

We can't let him continue to wreak havoc like this.

Seeing that the strong wind in the city was getting stronger and stronger, Qin suddenly couldn't sit still. The strong wind brought by Tvarin was too destructive. If this continued, Mondstadt's losses would become greater and greater.

That's all, this time I will join forces with you to repel the opponent.

Seeing that her best friend picked up the sword and was about to walk out, Lisa couldn't help but sigh and planned to take action.

After all, she and Qin are the only two people in Mondstadt who have the ability to repel Tvarin.

Okay, let's go!

Just as she walked to the door, Lisa inadvertently raised her head and glanced out the window, but she realized that the situation had changed.

Hey, wait Qin, come and see!

What's wrong?

Qin, who had already walked out of the office with a long sword, turned around quickly after hearing Lisa's exclamation and looked in the direction of Lisa's finger.

That's...a person?

Outside the window, a figure wearing wings of wind suddenly appeared next to Tevalin who was wreaking havoc at will.

Although it was difficult to see the whole picture due to the distance, the bright blond hair was not dimmed at all in the strong wind.

Who is that?

Qin quickly walked to the window and stared at the figure hovering in the air with Tevalin, her delicate eyebrows knitted together.

It seems that none of the named and blond adventurers in Mondstadt can stand up to Tvarin without losing, and they even did it in the air.

Who is this person and where did he come from?

Looks like you don't need to take action anymore. Look, Tevarin is about to retreat.

While Qin was still thinking, Lisa also came to the window and looked up at the scene of the sky outside, with curiosity in her eyes.

He seems to be very interesting to be able to repel Tevalin in the air.

Hearing that Tevalin was about to retreat, Qin also came back from her thoughts and looked at the sky again.

The scene outside was indeed consistent with what Lisa said. Tevalin struggled with the other party for a while and found that he could not gain much advantage, so he flapped his wings and flew away.

As Tevalin moved away, the originally raging wind gradually stopped.

Should we go see each other?

Seeing the blond figure repelling Tevalin, Qin first breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Lisa and asked.

The other party helped Mondstadt defeat the dragon disaster, so it was reasonable for her, as the acting captain, to express her gratitude to the other party.

No, you see Kaia has already taken action.

Lisa shook her head and pouted toward the window, signaling Qin to look out the window.

Hearing this, Qin turned her gaze to the window, and sure enough she saw Kaia standing at the gate of the Knights' headquarters at some point.

As if feeling the sight of Qin and Lisa, Kaia turned around and waved to them, then pointed at the sky and then strode towards the square of the cathedral.

Leave this matter to Kaia, he can handle it well.


Don't worry, Qin, I think you should pay more attention to another thing.

Lisa stepped towards the railing, placed one hand across the railing, and supported her chin with the other hand. Her slender figure was extremely charming.

whats the matter?

Of course it's the bard's business.

Chapter 148 Abedo’s Animation

That bard?

Hearing Lisa talk about the bard who was suspected of being the 'Wind God', the expression on Qin's face seemed a little tangled.

Ever since she knew that the other party's identity was probably not simple, she went to the square in front of the cathedral to guard him, but it was a pity that she never saw the real person for some unknown reason.

This troubled Qin very much.

It's not because you found it at the wrong time, Qin.

Lisa couldn't help but complain, her beautiful face was speechless.

As the current acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind, my best friend can be said to be a workaholic, working late every day before finishing work.

She could already think of what Qin meant by 'siting down on purpose', and most likely she would go there after finishing the work at hand.

But the problem is that it's already ten o'clock in the evening after Qin finishes her daily work. It's surprising how many people can squat at this time, okay?

You have to go at least two hours in advance. Eight o'clock in the evening is the time when there are the most people relaxing in the square.

That won't work~ I still have a lot of work to do at eight o'clock.

My dear Miss Qin, you can't reach anyone if you squat like this. It's better to try your luck in the pub at ten o'clock in the evening.

That's a good idea!

Qin's eyes lit up, and she seemed to think Lisa's suggestion was very good.

In response, Lisa could only cover her forehead with her hands. She was convinced by her workaholic best friend.


Liyue·Alchemy Workshop.

So you're going to build a big movie theater?

In the alchemy workshop, Abedo, who was studying electricity, put down the experimental equipment in his hand and turned to look at Han Xiao with some surprise, who found him with the drawings.

Yes, let me ask what size of screen should be used to present the best effect, and whether the functions of the camera and projector can support it.

Han Xiao nodded. His goal was simple, which was to capture the local market in Liyue before Fengdan did.

As for the future, Han Xiao, who has many literary and artistic works from around the world as her background, is very confident that the film of Guilicheng will be sold throughout Teyvat.

I need to calculate this based on the size of the building you designed.

Now that Hanxiao has decided, Abedo, a part-time worker, said it will take some time to calculate and debug the equipment.

Then leave it to you, Abedo!

Seeing that Albedo agreed to his request, Han Xiao immediately smiled and gave him a thumbs up, with a dazzling light flashing on his white teeth.

By the way, are you so confident in Yingying?

Of course, Abedo, do you want to try it too?


Abedo couldn't help but feel happy, looked at Han Xiao with interest and asked:

How can I try this if I don't know how to take pictures?

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